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I had an old account on here but for some reason never got my password retrieval in my email so I just made a new account. I didn't post much but plan on changing that now. I'm no expert on pirates but I'm very interested to learn more and like to meet some fellow enthusiasts. It's been forever since I've been on a boat!


Welcome. Or welcome back. Whatever, enjoy and you've come (returned?) to the right place.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


Hey... it took me about a year and a half until I could get registered..... (stupid pewter)

And now look at me... honored and respecteee....... eergh....

OK... never mind that....

Welcome aboard.


LMAO! I was gonna say, Patrick. ^_^ Yo'r more infamous to th' Pub like th' rest of us.

A hearty welcome to ye, Marley. Glad ye returned to th' Pub. This place be filled with holds full o' information for ye 'bout th' Golden Age and more so. Happy huntin'. Hopefully we'll be of use to ye, fine navigators t' help ye locate what ye seek.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


nay..never go cheap capt rob..pardon im lass

poor fella taint been same since bone islerolleyes.gif

since i be thee 'gentlemen' on deck..the

nay..never go cheap capt rob..pardon im lass

poor fella taint been same since bone islerolleyes.gif

since i be thee 'gentlemen' on deck..the

nay..never go cheap capt rob..pardon im lass

poor fella taint been same since bone islerolleyes.gif

since i be thee 'gentlemen' on deck..the


Aye, Gentleman Scotty, It be me feaverin' brain. all fer th' love o' tha' saucy little trim rigged doxy, sez I. Fer I think she'n be given me moren' a gift o' I be ta' given her'n! Me Bobstay be a'burnin'


Welcome home! I noticed ye be a pirate poet. Glad to have ye aboard as we poetic types need to stick together for protection!


"In the end, it's not the gold that sets our sails,

'Tis freedom and the promise of a better life

That raises our black flags."


Pay no attention to the people behind the curtain....they are imaginary and wait! You've entered the 'Pirate Zone' where things are not what they seem. Use the Force!

Wait a minute, what story am I on? I dunno....stormtrooper.gif

Ok, the cold and drugs have gotten to me...

Welcome to the Pub!



arrrgh!..rough wave thar lass!

..where was i..oh yes..thee gentlemen

will be buyin the fine dark rhum!

welcome(tips hat & bows)

Ah you stay true to your name :) Thank ye kindly!


Welcome home! I noticed ye be a pirate poet. Glad to have ye aboard as we poetic types need to stick together for protection!


Agreed! Thank you for the welcome, I'll have to look up any of your poetry on here! :)

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