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You're right there mate! What folks might not understand is that though we sometimes have an idea or two for future pics and prople in mind for storylines or vignettes, sometimes shoots happen totally without warning and dependant upon where we are and who we have... For instance, the shoot with our dear Mr. Cross and the hanging of the rest of us was conducted on the way back to the car after we ate dinner.... Litterally at the drop of a hat!!

In truth some of the most fun we have ( speaking for myself atleast)is the improv photo ops. Now my goal is to pick up a higher end video camera and finally film some of the scrips and short vignettes I've been planning. Which is another reason I really want to hit Black beard next year!! If nothing else for the purpose of scouting locations and making the necessary contacts!!

But there's always room for everyone, it's just that sometimes there is not prewarning. Not to mention that we usually don't have any spare time to begin with!!

this year we had a rain day...which helped with the photos


No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!


You don't know Mary very well, do you? B)

:D I think you may know Mark better than almost anyone else, Mission! You are right, it was difficult to restrain myself (but you need the Cravat!!) for the formal dinner, but I am so proud of him (and grateful) that he tolerated the coat. And you got a photo with him, without a hand towards the camera!

A little at a time, boys and girls ~ we don't want to scare him away. Though, I can tell you right now, the wig and fop will never happen ~ there is only so much the poor guy can take.


Oooh, shiny!


Mark and I are actually cut from the same cloth. (I'm not an Extravert, I just play one at PiP.) I used to hate even carrying a camera, let alone being in pics until I started playing pirate. (You'll note I had no camera at PiP in '07.)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



The issue with Mark being so shy is the fact that that he is so darn good looking. To each his own. I would much rather have his company and no photos than not having his company. I dare say he would make a very attractive Fop also but again, Mark in street clothes is better than no Mark at all. The only thing better may be Mark in no clothes at all but I will leave that for Mary to keep to her self. B)


The issue with Mark being so shy is the fact that that he is so darn good looking. To each his own. I would much rather have his company and no photos than not having his company. I dare say he would make a very attractive Fop also but again, Mark in street clothes is better than no Mark at all. The only thing better may be Mark in no clothes at all but I will leave that for Mary to keep to her self. :D

:D:o:o Love my hubby!! Clothes stictly optional. And him in Fop would be one seriously pissed off Fop. You'd probably see the wig winging out the tent, hanging from the top of the salt pines like airborne roadkill.

Though, as luck would have it, he may tolerate me making a coat for him, due to the cool temps this year.


Oooh, shiny!


You are sure selling yourselves short. With all the talent and resources available within the pub crewes, and their associates, what is there, really, to keep you all from producing a short film? I think you all could do a fine piece of work, and I'd put down some coin to have a copy too.

Think about it. Please.




You are sure selling yourselves short. With all the talent and resources available within the pub crewes, and their associates, what is there, really, to keep you all from producing a short film? I think you all could do a fine piece of work, and I'd put down some coin to have a copy too.

Think about it. Please.


ssooooo....ahhhh.... :o .....how much coin....exactly....are we talkin?? :o ......just in case we allready got somethin brewin???


You are sure selling yourselves short. With all the talent and resources available within the pub crewes, and their associates, what is there, really, to keep you all from producing a short film? I think you all could do a fine piece of work, and I'd put down some coin to have a copy too.

Think about it. Please.


The one thing that really plagues this project is what plagues every reenactment I've ever attended: finding the time to get EVERYBODY you want and need together.

"The time was when ships passing one another at sea backed their topsails and had a 'gam,' and on parting fired guns; but those good old days have gone. People have hardly time nowadays to speak even on the broad ocean, where news is news, and as for a salute of guns, they cannot afford the powder. There are no poetry-enshrined freighters on the sea now; it is a prosy life when we have no time to bid one another good morning."

- Capt. Joshua Slocum

Posted (edited)

Well, I'll bet you folks can turn out as good or better than Hallmark, and I've paid as much as 25 bucks for one of theirs. (but I really wanted that one). With inflation and the current economy, I'd go as high as $30 because it's you all. :o

Honestly, what do you think a copy would cost after production?

I went and checked some of the battle re-enactment productions from various historic sites, and the going rate seems to be $29.95 plus postage. This seems realistic, and again, I'd pay for it. Think it could be done for that?

If you need any help with props and such from my end, just ask. I'm pretty much useless for travelling and local support, but I'll do what I can from here.


Edited by Capt. Bo of the WTF co.

Nah, you don't need a big budget at all. I recently watched a foriegn film about two Vikings stranded in North America after a battle with local natives, and it had two guys, their gear, a couple of jesuits who got killed, and a few indians. This was a full-length film with sub-titles and their buget was probably less than what we would spend on a custom gunne, seriously, and it was one of the best films I've seen in a long time. It equals or excells Blackrobe for simplicity and authenticity IMO. I'll try to get Blondie to remember the title of it. :o

The way you all work together to improvise at events, this won't even break a sweat for yer crewes. I have full faith and confidence in your abilities, and offer all the support I can muster.



Well to do it right we should probably have weekend set aside just to film. It's hard to find that much time during a reenactment. PiP is the only one I can think of because we can get there early enough before the actual event starts.


Writing a good script and coaching the actors to stay in character and the logistics of a cast and crew on location and done by amateurs and volunteers, can be done fairly inexpensively with pretty good results. The post production with Foley (sound) effects and all can be done relatively easily with modern video editing on a Mac or PC. Graphics and computer generated effects can be done as well. I have seen a couple of productions that used Ft. Ticonderoga and local taverns/inns or other period buildings for backdrops. I'd say a good script with a story that is well developed and thought out with solid characters and details is foremost in the successful project. Rewrite and editing is part of the process that most forget to include in their planning. One or two cannons with different crews and placement can create the illusion of more armaments and Quakers also add to the illusion. Many classic films used one or two guns and different crews or angles and costume changes to create a larger crew or force than the reality of the cast/prop limitations.

Yeah a huge budget and cast of thousands would be the ideal but reality and illusion can be two different things.;)


Nah, it's newcomers like you that keep me from givin up on all this nonsense... er hobby... er... obsession...er. monkey on my back...e.. something like that. :blink:

I am openly instigating this, without shame or regret. I will have my movie by damn sir! :blink:



Aye! And Mark ye well this. We the crew of the "Meka"II, Horatio Sinbad, Master, are in production of a film based on a novel writen by said Capt. Sinbad, himself, sez I! The "Sword of Tortuga" was writen several years ago with screenplay in mind. An earlier start was halted but it came down to, "if not now, when?" It's a no to low-budget, do-it-yourself, get by with your friends kind of project. You all may recognize some of the characters, myself included. The "Dutch" moniker came in with the part. You can see the trailer and other interesting stuff about the "Meka"II and the Beaufort Pyrate Invasion by checking out www.pirate-privateer.com .


That Viking film was Severed Ways, a very lowbudget film that was damn good. The only thing I would have changed would be to leave out the (*warning-spoiler*) taking-a-dump scene.

Now, back to Mr. Cross, the Archangels et. al. and the film project... *ahem* :blink:



Currently I have three short scripts which will hopefully become the basis for a continuing series... Anyone familiar with Deadman's Gun or the Hitchhiker series they had on HBO a few years back??? Well regardless, these short (half hour at the most per episode)stories will again hopefully evolve into something fun. Since I also have some to do with my WWII Red Army unit, I have plans to pick up a higher end camera and start testing and scouting locations. The problem is when folks think they can start milking water from a stone... But there are always other places and people to pour into the mix. But it all starts with the vision and twist of luck!


No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!


I actually agree with Capt. Bo...

Be careful "sayin" that aloud Mr. Cross, it may go bad fer ye here. :unsure:


Live dangerously, Mr. Cross.It's good for character buildin'. Agreein' with Capt'n Bo isn't that bad, no worse than hangin' around with M.A.Doge.


Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!

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