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Posted (edited)

Just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for a wonderful week.

First, Brig, for telling me every year how much fun she has had and making me want to play pirate. William of the Mercury Crew for inviting me to cast my lot in with them. Fayma, I have coordinated a large event or two in the past and herding pirates has got to be way harder than herding cats, it would not have happened without you. Sansanee and Vintage Sailor for letting me feel useful by cutting their vegetables. Israel Cross for showing me how to put the buckles on my shoes. Shay of the Keys for letting me tag along with her during the week. Elizabeth and Mooseworthy for making me laugh ( in a good way ) on Saturday ( Israel and William get some credit there, as well ). Sealkie for letting me help out a little setting up the Hide.

A big thanks also to the many others whose names I have not yet learned, for kindnesses great and small, this newbie had a wonderful time and I hope I get to do it again.

Edited by Anne Coates-Sharpe

It was truly a wonderful adventure!!

Thanks SO much for everyones kindness

to make the newbie feel so welcome :)

I know there is always alot of behind the

scenes work that goes unnoticed-- so here's

(as Morgan says) Rhum & Hugs to you!


Ok... my thanks go out to everyone for being a part of this wonderful pirate family. I am going to keep my list short and specific this year.

Major extra thanks go out to Dutchie and Dogge for my new favorite phrase when I am having a meltdown of 'What do you need?' and double extra thanks for the manifestation of whatever it is I just asked for. You guys rock!!! I'm used to having to be the rock and keeping whatever I need going as it should, but it was REALLY nice to know that if/when the world suddenly shifted and I lost my balance, that there were folks ready to pick me back up and keep me moving without even missing a step!

I also appreciate the Archangel Crewe for their kindness in bringing my weather-dazed crewe over that same evening and inviting us to join in their family meal. It was fantastic conversation and 'family time'!

And for all of you who lined the docks of the Wolf and walked the plank, thank you SOOOOOO much for making my job easy!! You made me look good and I appreciate it :) ok... not as good as Dogge in a dress... but really...who can look as good as Dogge in a dress? Well maybe Klauss.....

Lots of love to everyone!!! I hope to see you all next year... Heck I really hope to see you all before that!!


Diosa De Cancion

aka Mary Read



I forgot possibly one of the most important thanks, and I had made a mental note to add it ... thanks to Callendish for the hot showers, next to coffee, the most critical requirement for keeping some of us human.


Eye owe a big thanx to all in the Archangel Crew and the Mercury crew for be so kind and welcoming to me.. You were indeed a family away from home!

To all those who Organized this event. A Big thanx to you whom made it possible to be in the Walk the Plank event and the Anne Bonnie And Mary Read skit.. Those things were alot of fun.. And also for the small opportunities to be a help.. when it was needed.. Thank you ~

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."


Much thanks to Callenish and Salty for again giving me a place to lay me head. Also to Mickey & Kate for last minute seamstering and for getting me dressed (and undressed...and dressed....and undressed....and dressed....). To Rats and Matty and Israel and Brian and Mickey and Kate for the photofighting. To Mission for the wonderful dinner with Mickey and Kate in the city proper. To Mary Diamond and Captain Sterling for helping me with me shoes. And to each and every pirate in attendance for being utterly brilliant fun to be around!



So many people to thank...

Thanks to Callenish and Salty for being so great, bringing the stuff for the showers and helping coordinate our non-fort meals.

Thanks to Fayma for being the most awesome event coordinator ever, and all those who worked closely with her to help, specially Sterling, Haunting Lily, and the Bone Island Buccaneers.

Thanks to Diosa and the Pirates of The Coast for always being around for hugs and laughs. And for encouraging me to walk the plank even though I had no chance of defeating the "Grand Champion" (stupid M.A.d'Dogge).

A huge thanks to Mark and Jennie, and my wife for putting up with me in the vehicle and my sometimes unpleasant travel temper.

Thanks to all the Archangels for being such great sports, and having such a great camp to hang out in. Specially to Matty, Brian, Cross, and Rats for the great photos and laughs!

Thanks to Poppa, and the other photographers from this year and last year for giving us some images to help remember all the fabulous times!

I'm probably forgetting a lot here, but I gotta get back to work...

Thanks to


Darlin Jess!

You have no clue as to the flood gates you have now opened!

You see it's kinda like enviting a vamp into your house... Once you agree to a photo shoot with riff-raff like us, all brakes are off and there's no avoiding it. Not to mention the fact that you get hooked and as Mr. Cross puts it... We become "Camera Whores"!!

You and Sweet Kate were perfect! I've worked with professional models who may have looked good, but had not a grain of common sense or were able to follow even the most basic of directions. Yet you guys knew exactly what I wanted from you and made it happen... Without killing yourselves or falling down stairs to do it....

Speaking abuot falling down stairs.... I heard someone fell down a spiral stair case.

Anyone got those pics??

Much thanks to Callenish and Salty for again giving me a place to lay me head. Also to Mickey & Kate for last minute seamstering and for getting me dressed (and undressed...and dressed....and undressed....and dressed....). To Rats and Matty and Israel and Brian and Mickey and Kate for the photofighting. To Mission for the wonderful dinner with Mickey and Kate in the city proper. To Mary Diamond and Captain Sterling for helping me with me shoes. And to each and every pirate in attendance for being utterly brilliant fun to be around!


No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!


Darlin Jess!

You have no clue as to the flood gates you have now opened!

You see it's kinda like enviting a vamp into your house... Once you agree to a photo shoot with riff-raff like us, all brakes are off and there's no avoiding it. Not to mention the fact that you get hooked and as Mr. Cross puts it... We become "Camera Whores"!!

You and Sweet Kate were perfect! I've worked with professional models who may have looked good, but had not a grain of common sense or were able to follow even the most basic of directions. Yet you guys knew exactly what I wanted from you and made it happen... Without killing yourselves or falling down stairs to do it....

Speaking abuot falling down stairs.... I heard someone fell down a spiral stair case.

Anyone got those pics??

I look forward to it then! On the last day, as I was making the rounds and saying good byes, Papa told me that last year I Was pretty reserved and sort of stayed in the background, so that he was glad to see me let lose more this year. For my 3rd ever event, I figure I am on a steady enough curve! lol

The ones I took were with Kate's camera. The others were on MADdogge's, I think?

Also, I was not quite awake enough to write the thank yous when I did, because I left out TONS of people. Like Fayma and Papa and Lily and Spike and everyone else that put in all the time and effort to make this all go as smoothly as it did. To Rats for teaching me some basic swordplay (and MADdogge and Mickey for the use of their swords). Callenish for the hot showers and Salty for the delicious breakfasts. And to the other BOOM BOOM GIRLS and all the cannon fellows, for being awesome and keep safety our priority!


Yes and for all the men present... I also want to thank all the "BOOM BOOM GIRLS!" That will definately not be easily forgotten... What a lucky cannon!

Darlin Jess!

You have no clue as to the flood gates you have now opened!

You see it's kinda like enviting a vamp into your house... Once you agree to a photo shoot with riff-raff like us, all brakes are off and there's no avoiding it. Not to mention the fact that you get hooked and as Mr. Cross puts it... We become "Camera Whores"!!

You and Sweet Kate were perfect! I've worked with professional models who may have looked good, but had not a grain of common sense or were able to follow even the most basic of directions. Yet you guys knew exactly what I wanted from you and made it happen... Without killing yourselves or falling down stairs to do it....

Speaking abuot falling down stairs.... I heard someone fell down a spiral stair case.

Anyone got those pics??

I look forward to it then! On the last day, as I was making the rounds and saying good byes, Papa told me that last year I Was pretty reserved and sort of stayed in the background, so that he was glad to see me let lose more this year. For my 3rd ever event, I figure I am on a steady enough curve! lol

The ones I took were with Kate's camera. The others were on MADdogge's, I think?

Also, I was not quite awake enough to write the thank yous when I did, because I left out TONS of people. Like Fayma and Papa and Lily and Spike and everyone else that put in all the time and effort to make this all go as smoothly as it did. To Rats for teaching me some basic swordplay (and MADdogge and Mickey for the use of their swords). Callenish for the hot showers and Salty for the delicious breakfasts. And to the other BOOM BOOM GIRLS and all the cannon fellows, for being awesome and keep safety our priority!


No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!


So many people to thank for the great festival.

Fayma & Lilly A. So much organization and communication and fires and all the other stuff that I was not privy to ...You two ROCK!

The Bone Inland Buccaneers for hosting and for transporting my battery back and forth from the camp to the fort and back.

The Fort Taylor park staff for all of their assistance and patients.

Thanks for such a great battle on Sunday. I have never been in such a well thought out battle (mind you I have very limited experience). Rat's & Sterling, great scenario and planning! Thanks also to the captains and leaders on the field. Thanks to M.A.de'Dogge for the great choreography on the hand to hand combat, it was a pleasure dying for the first time under your command!

Thanks to Anne for keeping an eye on the Hide since I was so far from it.

Thanks to the Crewe of the Archangel as always it is a pleasure to be a member of such a great team. It was particularly nice to meet Rat's, Matty and Brian for the first time.

Thanks to those who were pressed into service with the Crew of the Archangel, you are all such a delight to be with.

Thanks to all of you in attendance, the breif time we spend together is always a pleasure.

To those of you who were not in attendance you were missed. It was strange not having Captain Jim around this was the first time I have been at the fort without him. There are too many of you that did not attend to list again but know that you were missed.

Posted (edited)

I'd like to thank Fayma and the BIBs for coordinating this event with the new staff at Fort Taylor, you did a fabulous job of it! And a huge thanks for the brigade of hands that helped to set up the Tent Mahal!!! Thanks go out to all our house guests during the big blow on Saturday( a comfortable gathering for up to 22 of our nearest and dearest) We'd also like to thank the folks from St. Augustine who joined us as house guests the first night in camp you're welcome to join us anytime! We love to entertain folks at camp and you're always welcome to come by and say hello or to come in out of the weather. And a big thanks to Mark and Jenny for helping around camp and playing with Hamish, he loved it!!!

Edited by callenish gunner
Posted (edited)

I would like to take the time to thank folks as well. First to our hosts the Bone Island Buccaneers for inviting us all down once more to play in their backyard. To the Park Service staff for giving us the opportunity to do our thing and prove that pirates are just as good as any other time frame out in the reenactor world. A special thanks to Kip for stepping into Harry's shoes and going beyond the call of duty to make us feel welcomed and at home.

A great big thanks to Fayma and Haunting Lily for all their hard work, not only running the camps in the fort and on the beach but also for months of paperwork well ahead of the event. Haunting Lily, ye worked yer arse off taking care of everyone on the beach and helping us all to be as comfortable as we possibly could.

To every crew member that stepped up to the plate and went above and beyond the call of duty with all the camp responsibilities, including the newbies such as Gentleman Scotty, Smilin Kate, Galen, Island Cutter, Peter Blackheart, Anne Coates-Sharpe, Shay of the Keys, to name but a few of you all...

To Tony, Morgan, Fayma and all the shutterbugs, who make us all look so pretty...

To all the other captains, commodores, viceroys and quartermasters who stepped up to keep the camp duty roster working, put on a safe and fun battle and keep all the rowdys in line :unsure: ... we had to prove ourselves this year and with all your help and the excellence of your crews we did just that...

To Rats and Dogge who helped make the last battle an event to remember all in itself...

To Dogge, Constable and Dutch who helped keep us safe...

To my Mayan Mistress, Diosa, and Cascabel for narrating the battle. Tis about time we made the spectators part of it all as well. It was grand to see them having fun and being well informed.

and to the Archangels, including our pressed men.... the captain is only as good as his crewe and you all are the best team out there...without all your hard work there would be no Archangel.

And special thanks to Silkie, Cross, Grace, Dutch and Constable, without your help the snotties and I would never be able to even get down to Key West.

To Lily and Rats for watching my most precious cargo, Phlegm and Luggie, during the squall, while O'Keeffe and I watched the camp...

And last but not least...to Grace for licking my toes and Kate for the new shoes ..without yer help I don't think I would even have been able to walk across the battlefield let alone run after Maddogge.

My hat is off to one and all and with heartfelt and the most sincere thanks...

Yer most humble servant,


Edited by Capt. Sterling

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel






And for all them what fell asleep on guard duty, there will be a flogging next year!!

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



Posted (edited)

Oh and...ahem... a special thank ye to my sister Rose,...choke...choke.. fer making me, of ALL people, a slave owner...

...can I set him free now???? :unsure:

Edited by Capt. Sterling

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




And a hearty thanks to you dear captain!

Were it not for your "one-eyed" vision, nigh on five or six years ago, to embark on this privateering venture many of us would have never crossed paths nor swords and the world would have been a much colder place. Yet through the years and the events that have followed, we have a family of friends unlike anywhere else!

Thanks again for the kudos and just for the record, it was the notties who took care of Ol' rats when I started sniveling and crying and went fetal sucking me thumb during the storm..... Ok maybe I wasn't fetal!

But seriously though, be it man's fury or nature's, this crew can weather any storm!

I think we proved that!

We salute you dear Captain!


No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!


........FREEDOM??!!!!..............nnaawwww you know id come back...who else would want such a mess as my self........lolol

Dear lord how do i even start all of this.......Well a HHUUUGGEEEEE thanks to Fayma and Lilly for half killing thekmselves to plan all this, and that goes for Sterling and the Bonies also......... To the crew that helped me get there, thanks to all for driving safely and getting is there an back...without all of you i would have never made it to pip...... To Grace, Sterling, Silkie and Lilly, thank you for becomeing sort of my camp mothers(and very scary father) and keeping be sane, under control, and in contact with my mother(especially silkie work taking such good care of her little black boy)......... <3...diosa is kick ass.......lol...patrick hand too........i thank the snotties and youngblood for being good friends (and one of them a good minion)..........Mission I <3 you you badger poking fiend......Thanks to mad dogge,rats, matty, and 12 pound for being a great bunch to hang out and take pictures with, you guys are gentlemen and scholars ........Callenish ,salty and Haymish...i <3 you the so much(not just for the weapons)........... Mark G, Mike Bagley and kate, you guys are always great, i look forward to Searls raid with MMUUUCCHHHH anticipation........Thanks hurricane and blackjohn for slipping me drinks and getting me drink lol..damn absenthe........ To tony and William, the photos you guys took we just great and you both were damn cool....very glad i finally met hawkyns...cool man, i look forward to more purchases my friend......same to greg of the weeping heart............thanks to the wwhhoollee crew of the archangle for being so kind and accepting of me, and pressing me into service! I hope to be of at least some help to the crew lol.....Thanks to the boy whos kiss i brought fair and square(thanks to red jessie amd mike for making it last longer lol).....................dear lord i know im forgetting alot, theres too much..........Seriously , to all of you, thank you for making me feel welcomed, and loved...this past week was truly one of the best of my life, and it is rare for me to find a place where i really felt like i belonged...thank you all for that...it means more than you can ever know...........oh and a BIG thanks to Cannibal crispy, mary diamond, and william brand ..for...SETTING CIVIL RIGHTS BACK 300 YEARS...the naacp would FLIP...but i <3 ya....................................now enough with this mushy CRAP....

-Israel Cross-

- Boatswain of the Archangel - .

Colonial Seaport Foundation

Crew of the Archangel


Oh and...ahem... a special thank ye to my sister Rose,...choke...choke.. fer making me, of ALL people, a slave owner...

...can I set him free now???? ;)

No!!! He still has 59 minutes to go :lol:


I would also like to thank Donna and Mark for helping some of us by carting our gear across the states, just so we wouldn't have to ship everything via mail! And to think they fit everything in a minicooper!! Well next year, ol' Rats and the boys might just bring the trailblazer and a trailer. That way you can send yer stuff with us and have room in the Cooper??

Again, thanks for everything!!


No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!


Always happy to help where we can, dear Rats! :) though I think you understand why I had to say No to the carrying the canvas? :D:D I would have had to ride on the hood!

Not sure if we are going to keep the Mini that long ~ a Great car for tooting around in the city, 1-2 hour trips and such, but the seats are too hard for such long distances. Mark couldn't feel his left leg from the hip down by the time we got home.


Oooh, shiny!

Posted (edited)

Cross - Dawson would happily be your minion any day!! :D

our thanks to the following:

1) Hurricane, we couldn't have gotten there without you...and for being strong enough to say "goodbye" when it got to that point...

2) Fayma and Tony for the pics from last year - our blank wall that needed pics for 2 years finally got the right ones

3) Silkie for playing introducer early on - Dawson felt better knowing Anna's name - he never got why she and Josh were called "snotties" - so thank you for doing that :D

4) Fayma, Lily, Spike and the BIBs, and especially the Park Service for coordinating and letting us have such a wonderful place to play each year...

5) Shay - mmm, for those raisin-donut things...mmmm...so gald we met ya in Key Largo!!

6) Sassanee and Vintage for the Thai food...thank you for the yum yums and the laughs - you guys rock!!

7) Cross, for making my jaw drop every time you spoke - you are SOOOO DAMN funny!!

8) Jeff for the venison and more...delish!!

9) Mission - for letting me share a piece of my "paid world" life - I love being the fun bank manager :D

10) Lily - for sooo much, but especially just being you - what a pure heart you have!!

11) Mickey and Kate - for the wine, for fixing my gun and letting me shoot yours, Mickey, and for fitting into the boy clothes, Kate, so I didn't feel huge 'cause you are tiny!! ;)

12) Stynky - for your yummy "shite" - it was so great seeing you again!!

13) Diosa - for bringing us home and going WAY above and beyond when I know you was not feelin good - thank you for running WTP - Dawson was soooo happy he could partake...and thanks for Plan B every time we turned around ;)

14) Island Cutter - for taking care of my lost coat so I didn't have a mental break down

15) Drop Dead - for asking Diosa and I to be bridesmaids...we love you and are so happy to be part of it!!

16) Scotty for pounding in our stakes thru that damn coral!! Even the mini hurricane couldn't fight those!!

17) Sully for coming down to play and for bringing Ulick - he was great fun and sooo despirately needed in several events...

18) Doug, Cutter and Io for teaching me about the care and cleaning of Cast Iron - ugh, what a pain!!

19) Callenish for the warm showers....wow, didn't know how good that would feel - loved seeing you guys again as well - Hammish is growing soo much!! he is so perfectly gorgeous!!

20) Viceroy who transformed Dawson into a quiet, respectable footboy (albeit for a day)

21) the entire Archangel Crewe who made us laugh so much and made our bellies full...always a plus!!

22) Youngblood, whom I thank every day for making me so proud and lucky to be your mom

And lastly, my husband, Bootleg, who, though he couldn't come 'cause of work, still allowed Dawson and I to enjoy and reconnect with each other and with old and new friends...

thank you all!!

Edited by JillHandedRed

Now that I’ve had some time to rest and collect my thoughts, there are many that I would like to thank.

To Spike, Nigel, the Bone Island Buccaneers and all the folks at Fort Taylor, thank you for providing us with a great venue. Tis always a pleasure playing in your backyard.

Fayma, thank you for giving me the opportunity to help you in a small way. Without all the hard work, pain, sweat and tears you put in, this event wouldn’t have been the success that it was. Thank you for fighting for us reenactors and just for being the person you are.

Tony, for the thousands of pictures you and your crew takes and for making us all look so darned good. Thank you for your tireless efforts. Can I get some of your energy for next year?

To all the reenactors who rose to the challenges, and to all those that fulfilled their obligations in the duty roster, especially those that stepped up to the plate at the last second to fill missing holes, your contributions were greatly appreciated and I sincerely thank you.

To all the wonderful new pipsters and veterans alike, the time we spend together at PIP is one of the greatest gifts a pirate could ask for. Thank you for all the smiles and laughter through the sunshine and rain. Thank you for making the work so worthwhile.

Last but certainly not least, Captain Sterling and the Crewe of the Archangel, I couldn’t be more proud of you all. Thank you for keeping me from pulling my hair out and for having the broadest shoulders I could lean on. Not only do I consider you my crew mates and friends but you are truly the best family I could ask for.

YHS, Lily

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!



My many thanks to those who truly did their best to help one and all feel welcome. It's often hard to run around and meet and talk with everyone at PIP on a good year, but with so many new people in attendance, I was hard pressed to meet you all. I heard many great things about so many of you that I hardly had time to speak with, so my compliments to you all. Also, a big thanks to those who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. Especially to everyone who helped clean up in the aftermath of PIP.

A hearty yo-ho and good fortune.





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