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Great Link!

(did you notice the Norwegian flag in the background of the picture at the lower right?)

I wish that I lived closer... I might want to take that course.

I worked for several years at a sail loft on City Island, NY. Mostly modern racing sails, but there was a locker full of old, canvas "New York 32" sails. The aroma was intoxicating (in the way only a sailor would enjoy!). I should have "liberated" those old rags while I still had the chance.

"No Profit Grows Where is No Pleasure Taken."


Great Link!

(did you notice the Norwegian flag in the background of the picture at the lower right?)

I wish that I lived closer... I might want to take that course.

I worked for several years at a sail loft on City Island, NY. Mostly modern racing sails, but there was a locker full of old, canvas "New York 32" sails. The aroma was intoxicating (in the way only a sailor would enjoy!). I should have "liberated" those old rags while I still had the chance.

Which Loft was it? Was Ratsy Lapthorn on City Island? I know some beautiful boats were built there. Nevins was probably the most well known for the Cup Defenders they built that were sucsessful. "J" Boats and 12 Meter.

Attached is my "traditional" sailboat. It's a Joel White "Shearwater". Stitch and Glue Okume Plywood. Each lap has a carbon fiber filet. The mast is hollow with the carbon fiber as well


As it would seem you are both in the area of the Island of the Manhattos Indians and that school is on the Left Coast. There's something closer although, most likely not as intense, depending on the group. For the winter monthe, Nov.-Feb., Mystic Seaport Museum will be offering a program "Skills of the Sailor". It will be in the Schaefer Building and will be hands on training in ropework, sewing canvas and net making. Also offered, Signal Code and Gear Handling.

The programs come with the price of admission and materials are provided. You can take your work home.


Which Loft was it?...

I worked at Ratsey as a kid, and came back years later to work at Ulmer (now UK- Halsey)

The old heart and soul is nearly gone from that Island. It now is looking more and more like the rest of the Bronx. sigh.

I love your Shearwater. I built one many years ago and really enjoyed the heck out of it. It has been passed along to a series of new owners, and I have since lost track out it. Great boat, that.

Thanks for the Mystic link. I am only two hours from there and should really visit more.

"No Profit Grows Where is No Pleasure Taken."

I worked for several years at a sail loft on City Island, NY. Mostly modern racing sails, but there was a locker full of old, canvas "New York 32" sails. The aroma was intoxicating (in the way only a sailor would enjoy!). I should have "liberated" those old rags while I still had the chance.

I've been to City Island..is it still there? As for the scents of sailing ships and salt air..growing up on the water it's in your blood. I love those smells

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


I've been to City Island..is it still there? As for the scents of sailing ships and salt air..growing up on the water it's in your blood. I love those smells

City Island is still there, but hardly recognizable... All of the funky, nauticalness that used to wash right over the Boulevard has retreated back to barely lapping at the few remaining marinas. A bit heartbreaking to go back there now. I actually had my Woodcarving workshop on the Island for a while. It was fun while it lasted.

"No Profit Grows Where is No Pleasure Taken."

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