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Boozin' the Old Fashioned Way

Capn Bob

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Fun article.

"Later, Calagione and McGovern re-created the dinner at the tomb site in Gordion, with locals dressed in period costumes taking part."

Drinking recreated alcoholic beverages while dressed in period attire. That's what I call an evening of fun.

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Drinking recreated alcoholic beverages while dressed in period attire. That's what I call an evening of fun.

Period attire certainly allows for interesting drinking events.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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Speaking of news from alcohol history, I heard on my classical radio station this morning that today (10/16) is the anniversary of the London Beer Flood. From wiki:

"The London Beer Flood occurred on October 16, 1814 in the London parish of St. Giles in the United Kingdom. At the Meux and Company Brewery on Tottenham Court Road, a huge vat containing over 135,000 imperial gallons (610,000 l) of beer ruptured, causing other vats in the same building to succumb in a domino effect. As a result, more than 323,000 imperial gallons (1,470,000 l) of beer burst out and gushed into the streets."

This is why I listen to classical music on the radio. :huh:

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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The London Beer Flood

Not to be confused with the Boston Molasses Disaster!

Which would you prefer?

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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The London Beer Flood

Not to be confused with the Boston Molasses Disaster!

Which would you prefer?

For drinking, or dodging?!?!

:D Good point!

Although what about swimming in beer? (Not being a huge beer fan myself it doesn't have quite the same appeal as the phrase "swimming in single malt scotch" but you know...

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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