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You know the lanterns that they used in the Master and Commander movie? The ones they repro'ed from the lanterns from the Victory that were loaned to them? I've looked everywhere and can't find a single one. Does anyone have any idea where I can get my hands on one or two of these? Mucho appreciado.



You know the lanterns that they used in the Master and Commander movie? The ones they repro'ed from the lanterns from the Victory that were loaned to them? I've looked everywhere and can't find a single one. Does anyone have any idea where I can get my hands on one or two of these? Mucho appreciado.

Which lanterns were those, I saw the movie, but don't remember. Are you speaking of a battle lantern used between decks, or one of the lanterns that hung from the masthead, or the Stern Lanterns, (I believe the one that was used on the raft to confuse the following ship) ? A mast lantern is to be found in many places, here's one for example http://www.AuroraHistoryBoutique.com/ahb.cfm?a=D000099 but I would imagine that the LARGE stern lanterns would be hard to find, plus they were I believed fueled by whale oil, another difficult commodity to acquire.

No Fear Have Ye of Evil Curses says you...

Aye,... Properly Warned Ye Be says I


I've been coveting the lanterns in M&C since the movie came out, and I've never seen anything even close to it for sale. But I think one could alter an existing lantern with a little research and effort.

The window panes, I'm pretty sure, are sheets of mica. I bought some many years ago, and may still have a few sheets somewhere. They came in sheets about 3"x4" and about 1/16" thick. They were easily split into 3-4 thin sheets, thin enough to allow a fair amount of light thru.

The finish on the metal is the confusing part. They seem to be blackened. Whether this was from exposure to powder smoke, or whether they were intentionally blackened - a japanned finish maybe - I don't know. They photos seem to show a fair amount of corrosion, so I would guess that

1- the underlying metal is ferrous, and

2- the finish is some kind of enamel paint or other durable waterproof finish.

Just a guess.

  • 3 weeks later...

don't know if you found your lanterns, i did some looking and i think they are medevial in style. there is one place that sells a iron lantern but it's not close to your photo.


i found a pile of beat to snot gas and early electric conversion victorian era lanterns a while back at a house parts recycler (if that makes sense) and like a fool didn't grab one or two to make into something. They would not have worked for the rough iron below deck lanterns, but would have made a spiffy stern lantern. Maybe you have a similar store near you?


He makes them for the buildings at both Williamsburg and Jamestown and other historic sites. We have several of his works in our home and for our camp kitchen.

  • 2 months later...

Very nice. congratulations!

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Rye whiskey! Rye whiskey! Rye whiskey I cry. If you don't give me rye whiskey, I surely will die.

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