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To all (northeast/mid-atlantic) people lookin to join a crew/group

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Posted (edited)

::Updated/Revised Post::

Hello all!

I am on the hunt for some new members for our pirate crew/group.

Our founding members are based in PA, WV, and OH. However, we have also gone to (or plan to go to) events in NJ, MD, and VA.

I have come here on a search for a few different things:

1. People who would like to join one of our crews (we currently have 2 ships, both with female captains).

2. Already existing crews that would like to ally with us and possibly hang out with us at events

3. Any other type of ne'er-do-wells that would like to join our group, which basically welcomes all types of thieves, bandits, gypsies, mercenaries, and the like.

We aren't super strict on the whole "period authenticity" thing, but we do ask that you at least make an attempt at things. We simply want to go to events and have a good time, without having to worry about petty details......and perhaps cause some mischief along the way...

So, if you're looking for a crew to join or group to befriend, post a reply or send me a message and I'll answer any questions, and maybe provide ye with a link to our site ;)

Edited by Severyn
Posted (edited)

I'm from PA and willing to travel around, I'm in :) I'm always looking to broaden my people spectrum :o Pirate don't sail well alone!

(P.S. I come with webdesign and IT skills, so if you want to make a group discussion area let me know :))

Edited by Navis



I'm in DC, but my participation in groups depends on my work schedule and ... *ahem* my wife.


Time flies when you're having rum


Navis and iPirate, that's awesome :o I'll send you guys further info on the group

Captain Robert Darksoul, can't say I've heard of that site, but I'll be sure to check it out :)


have yall peeked at www.midsouthbuccaneers.ning.com by any chance

Not trying to be smart, but midsouth buccaneers seems like ... the midsouth.. like texas and that, northeast/midatlantic most people assume to be, PA, DE, NJ, MD, NY, etc..

I don't know if theres a miscommunication here, but I would assume so.



That's true, it is. Though we aren't going to discriminate on location. Hell, if people want to come clear from California or Europe or wherever to an event, we aren't about to stop them :D

It just helps if they live in the same general area as the rest of us.

  • 3 weeks later...

Well, we got a few takers so far, but we could sure use some more! :blink:

As it stands, we have 2 ships lookin fer crew members.

More importantly, we'd like to have a good core group of people join that we know we will be able to keep in contact with and count on to join us at events (at least once a year if not more often).

So, don't be shy! Send me a message if ye are curious about my group. We have rum, homemade mead, mischief, debauchery and of course.. pirate cookies!

  • 1 month later...

Hello all!

I am on the hunt for some new members for our pirate crew/group.

We are currently (mostly) based in the north/eastern part of the states.

My friends and I have been going to events for a few years now, and decided it was high time to expand and start forming our own crew. We are looking for people to come join us when we go to renfaires, festivals, cons and SCA events. We are not sticklers on period accuracy or behavior, we just want you to be able to come hang out with us sometimes at these events and enjoy being your piratical selves, in whatever way that may be.

Being that we are still in the forming stages of our new group, much has yet to be discussed or decided upon (including a name!), those who join will have an equal say and vote in all group matters and concerns. We do not want to rule anyone out when it comes to group decisions, as they will affect everyone and should include everyone equally.

We do specialize in mischief at certain events, so a sense of humor or interest in such activities does help (but is not required).

If you are interested or want more information, send me a message on here or you can e-mail me at: severynx@yahoo.com




I'm down in SE Virginia and could be persuaded to travel a few miles to attend an event. The DelMarVA peninsula is relatively easy to negotiate as are some parts north or south. My son lives near the Jersey Shore, so a road trip is not really out of the question. I'd sure like a little more information if you please.

F. Spriggs

Not a nice guy


Severyn...give me a shout when you get a chance...I am with the Half Moon Marauders based out of NY...we could meet up at a few events

always looking to meet new people


Half Moon Marauders

Irish Diplomacy... is the ability to tell a man to go to hell so that he looks forward to making the trip.


So where in th' North East ye be based???

Commodore Ashton "WeirdBeard" Synn

NyghtCraft Leatherwerks


Highest Quality Handcrafted Leather on or off the 7 seas!

  • 3 weeks later...

We cover several states, mainly Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

Ohio... Well while I'm not looking to join another crew, the wife and I and a few others live in Ohio, and some of us do regularly travel over those areas to work with other crews, or just attend events. So please do stay in touch if you feel you may want or need a few extra hands.


We cover several states, mainly Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

Ah... I see...

By my standards that's partially the south... seein' as I be up here in New England...

Always lookin' fer more Pirates t' plunder with... but that be a bit far fer me...

Commodore Ashton "WeirdBeard" Synn


Highest Quality Handcrafted Leather on or off the 7 seas!


I cant be o' too much help to ye, sein' as how I sail outta Port o' Los Angeles, but yer crew sounds like fun ta hang wi....( blink.gif )...I mean chum around with! Just wanted ta say, good luck wi' th' search, an' I hopes ye sign a right rum crew on th' account! wink.gifbiggrin.gif

  • 4 months later...

Just a bit of an update on things:

We've moved to a new website and are starting to plot mischievous things for the year. Any old members or new people interested can rejoin or sign up to the madness here!


yes it started as a riegonal site but it has people and crewes from all over on it

have yall peeked at www.midsouthbuccaneers.ning.com by any chance

Not trying to be smart, but midsouth buccaneers seems like ... the midsouth.. like texas and that, northeast/midatlantic most people assume to be, PA, DE, NJ, MD, NY, etc..

I don't know if theres a miscommunication here, but I would assume so.

  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone is welcome with our group, whether they're pirate, gypsy, mercenary, or a simple band o' thieves (or whatever other persona ye can think of that would fit in with such characters).

We don't require you to be solely part of our group either. If you want to form an alliance, that's fine! If you want to connect with us so we can all meet up or camp together at events, that's welcome, too!

We are certainly looking for core crew members that would be, first and foremost, part of our group/ships, etc., but other than that we simply want to establish some new friends, allies, renfaire companions and so forth.

Most of the events we attend are (or will be) throughout PA, VA, MD, NJ, WV, OH, DE, and NY, so if you're in any of those states (or bordering any of those states), that would be a great help (though not necessary). We understand times are still rough for people and not everyone can afford to make the trek to events--hell, we even have trouble getting to some--so we're ok with online contact in the meantime, too.

  • 4 months later...

Just a note::: the first post has been revised as to what we arrr looking for. Check that out and send a message if ye have any questions!

  • 6 months later...

I'm from Northern Virginia and have been a reenactor for a couple of years now and am definatly willing to travel, I'd love to sail with you all.

(P.S. I have some familiarity with nautical terms and can think on ma' feet, I'm good with a blade, and I am literate!!!!!!!!! By that I mean I am fairly good at caligraphy)

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