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Aah, a poisonous, piratical frog! That'd make a grand pet - just don't lick its back!

Avast, ye limey lubber! Didn't ye think if Scarlet Jenny (Cutthroat Lass, Scourge o' the Seas, Deadly Duchess o' the Deep) hated ye, ye'd be sliced, skinned an' sunk to Davey Jones' locker? Aaaar! Ye would, and ye'd better start believin' it


Harr, if they'll just breed true, we may have us a market here....

Oh, Im sorry, we was talkin about th frog, wasn't we....


Drop a kitten six feet, and she grins...

Drop an elephant six feet, and ya gots yerself a mess ta clean up....

Sometimes bein' the biggest and most powerful is the LAST thing you wanna be.....

Mad Ozymandias Zorg the Unsnottered


:huh: That's sure amusin'! Now I knows why they tell ye to wash your hands after handlin' strange animals....

....I'll give the next person to lick it across't the back five bucks. Really.

"Oh, never, never, never again,

If I live to be a hundred or a hundred and ten.

I fell to the ground and I couldn't get up

After drinking a pint of the Johnny Jump Up."

~"Johnny Jump Up" -Gaelic Storm

"This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever."

-Sigmund Freud (on the Irish)

  MinRat said:
Aye someone kiss the darn thing, it may be a prince ... although I doubt it.

No, no... don't kiss it. We already have one Michael Eisner.


Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


  Iron Bess said:

No, no... don't kiss it. We already have one Michael Eisner.

I have a good one for you Bess that was in our paper today:

<Disney Secrets to be Unveiled

Success, Disney style, is the topic Thursday at Escondido's California Center for the Arts. Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson two consultants who have studied Disney's business secrets will discuss them in a $249 workshop.

The workshop includes a copy of the presenters' book "The Disney Way--Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in Your company.>

Think this would work for the government? Ooops, wait a minute they've already taken the course!

Rumba Rue

**We're not pirates, we're indeptendently contracted marine slave specilists above the water line.** :huh:

  Scarlet Jenny said:
Aah, a poisonous, piratical frog! That'd make a grand pet - just don't lick its back!

aye.. a toast to that.

now that be a real frog? if not.. nice imaging on it's back! (best wishes te any person that may be as unfortunate to cross that.)

Cabinlass Maggie B)

It'll be the rope's end for that one, me bucko.


wish the national zoo had one like that when i was there!!!


"This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones

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