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I just got back from a antique/thirft store in Durham and found a wooden jewelry box with a leather top and a metal pirate ship in the middle with ornate wood carvings around the edge of the box. Eve cooler is when i opened it there was a small sliding compartment that had a 9 volt battery in it and I found two dials on the side of the box. It looks like it was an old radio an there was a small speaker in the bottom. Thing needs a lot of TLC and a new coat of stain but the owner was amazed at how taken I was with it so he gave it to me for free! I found out from one of the other workers that his oldest daughter had just passed away this week (breast cancer) so I went back in and tried to give him something for it but we ended up talking about the three women in my life that I lost to breast cancer and he was very gratefull to talk to someone who could understand what he was feeling. So grateful that as we were pulling out of the driveway he came out with a 18th century folding chair and told me to pop the trunk. I will post pictures of both the items when I get my camera back tomorrow


Gratz on your find. I was in Goodwill the other day and found a fencing mask without a bib for ten dollars. That same day, my fencing coach gave me a broken mask that someone was throwing away. All I need is one rivet to make one perfectly sound mask that I give to people for sparring.


Craig Browne


Half Moon Marauders


That's a great story. I love serendipitous occurances.

“We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” –Carlos Casteneda

"Man is free at the moment he wishes to be." — Voltaire



Thanks. If anyone is ever in the NC area let me know and I'll take you over to his store. He has steamer trunks from the early 1800's from $50 to $150 along with ol glassware from the 1700's and is always willing to work on price. He even does layaway. The store is an old split level house with two sheds out back and three basement type areas filled with anything and everything you could imagine.


Aww this was a great story...and a great find! It would be almost worth a trip to check that shop out. I think by letting him do a kindness to you, you certainly gave a lttle extra healing on top of the empathy. We always feel better if we can help someone.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Congrats . . .

But . . .

Where are the pictures?

I don't have a camera anymore so I have to take snapshots with my JVC mini cam and convert the format so it takes a while. I'm hoping to have them up by morning

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