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In need of a few pyrates . . .

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'Tis nearly time for the third round of the Pyrate Trading Cards.

But don't jump t' yer craft table jus' yet. 'Tis merely an inquiry for participating players.

Wot's a Pyrate Trading Card you ask?

Pirated from R's original post:

Artist Trading Cards or ATCs, are small works of art traded among artists. The challenge is to be as creative as possible on a small scale. For more information on ATCs click HERE.

I'm calling the ones we will do PTCs = Pyrate Trading Cards. The artwork will be the same as the journals—anything goes. The BIG difference between the PTCs and the journals, is that there will be no waiting months and months for a book to come back. PTCs are a one-shot deal.

Here is how it will work, if the max of ten people sign on.

1. Each person makes ten cards, one for each player plus themselves — they can all be the same design, or all different.

2. You mail all the cards to me. Include a SASE for return delivery. As the cards come in, I will divide them among each of the envelopes/players.

3. When all the cards are in to me (I will set a deadline), and divided up, I mail them out to all the players.

4. Each artist then receives a packet containing one PTC from each player, for a total of ten.

Done. From start to finish, it shouldn't take more than a month, or month and a half at most.

You can display the PTCs in small photo albums, frame them as a group, or for those who have already participated in the journal rounds, you can add these to the empty back pages.

So, who wants to play? And remember...it's a QUICK, one-shot deal. No waiting up to a year for a book to come back.

We'll use September/ October for the next round. To be mailed out on October 31st . . . .eeeeeeevil details as to the theme of this round to follow.


  1. Pew
  2. michaelsbagley
  3. Ransom
  4. Patrick Hand
  5. pyrateleather
  6. Brig

Link for those interested: Pyrate Trading Cards

Pieter_Claeszoon__Still_Life_with_a.jpg, Skull and Quill Society thWatchDogParchmentBanner-2.jpg, The Watch Dog

"We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair."

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