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So I got a call while I was recovering from my back surgery from a lady in NC who had a collection of sewing notions she wanted to give me to help me with my down time. I found three huge containers of buttons from 1910 - 1935. I'll start posting pics once i finish cleaning them all up


hmm the Steampunk forum might have some interest as well..

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


The cleaning has been difficult. took three days just to get the smoke smell out of them (everyone in her house smoked) had to wash them in a solution I got from a friend of mine at the NC Museum of History restoration Dept. and then let them air out on the porch. The smell si gone and no damage to the buttons finish at all. Should have my camera back soon to post pics


my anti smoking recipe was a scsry as hell talk from my doctor about how smoking will slow down the bone growth during my recovery and trying to keep up with a autistic five year old son. That and the patch mixed with welbutrin


Hardy harrgh harrgh Cap'n_Scurvy sir,

That be a right whimsical reply thar...I like it.

Sounded like my own ship's surgeon who keeps going on about me wenchin, eatin, 'n' drinkin... the poor bloke is daft...he says it's bad fer me heart. I disagree's with him, they be what cheers me heart sumthin fierce!

Got no real advise on chasing down young deckhands. Except get them ta pass ya the rum when the tankard be dry, the costly little swabbies. I'm still learning with the 4 in my crew.

The anti-smokin' solution I'm referrin' too be the one ya soaked them thar haul o'button booty in...

Fair Winds or an enjoyable port to ya Cap'n.



I really don't know. The bottle wasn't labeled when my friend at the museum gave it to me. I know I smelled something close to amonia but very faint and he said I did not need to wear gloves so I don't know.

What I've always done in the past is put them in a collender, let them run under the water for about five minutes then take a paper towel, fold it in half with a dryer sheet inside the fold and place the items on a cookie or baking sheet with the paper towel over top of th wet items. Put a heavy cloth over the whole thing and let it bake in the sun for three days.

  • 2 weeks later...

For clothing I have no idea what it is they use but I have a local drycleaner I use in Raleigh that if I tell him the person was a heavy smoker and I need to get rid of th smell when the clothes come back the smoke smell is completly gone. If it's a leather item, use saddle soap.

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