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So after the massive amount of rain we had at the Hampton Festival this June I had to reshape my tricorn and decided it was time to dress it up a bit. I added some trim and a few peacock feathers but I don't know if I like the feathers or not. I wanted to add some more gold trim underneath possibly with beadwork too. Any ideas?

th_hat1.jpg th_hat2.jpg th_Photo_080809_016.jpg


A fun note:..... Cocked hats and rain do get kinda interesting... the brim can hold a lot of water, and you have to tilt your head forward and occasionally dump it out..... ;)

(Also... feathers don't do well in the rain....)

Lotsa help; ain't I...... ;)


A fun note:..... Cocked hats and rain do get kinda interesting... the brim can hold a lot of water, and you have to tilt your head forward and occasionally dump it out..... rolleyes.gif

(Also... feathers don't do well in the rain....)

Lotsa help; ain't I...... rolleyes.gif


The rain didn't hurt it as much as I thought it would. It's a little tighter now but I can steam it and reshape it. I used a mixture of sno seal, beeswax and leather lotion to help waterproof it. I'm just afraid more trim or extra feathers might make it to "over the top"


I found a a hat broche (is that how you spell it?) that belonged to my grandmother that matches the trim. I pinned it on today and it looks great and adds some sentimental value to the piece for me.

  • 2 weeks later...

Firstly: Peacock feathers?!? Are ye mad man?!? Them be th' devil's eyes they be!!!

Peacock feathers are not taken well by people o' period, unless o' course ye be a witch or sea hag!!

Also avoid peasant feathers as certain periods and in certain regions ye will be accused o' poaching on royal land!

I me self wear two parrot feathers (all that was left o' him after supper I fear), one crow feather but th' crow was NOT harmed as it be well known that th' crow 'n other birds carry th' dead's soul int' the after life...nay, this crow's feather was offered up t' me freely by a mated pair that once shared me lunch with on a daily basis while in port. Also me seagull feather was offered t' me freely by it's former owner, he sail'd over me vehicle one day 'n simply drop'd it down t' me, I thank'd him kindly and have worn it ever since.

I do however wear one black 'n one white ostrich feather on t'other side o' me tricorn, why? because they looked good on th' ilk's hat I kill'd so now they look good on mine <_<

I also keep a gold coin under each 'X' cross'n as well as a shark tooth I knock'd outta one o' them blaggard's what tried t' bite me!

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

  • 2 weeks later...

The peacock feathers was all I had left in my supplies until this week so I've replaced them but I kept the brouch on it due to the sentimental attachment it has. When I lived at the beach in Hatteras NC Hurrican Emily took our house and out of the wreckage I was able to find my grandmothers jewelry box and that was the only piece left inside. She died from breast cancer when I was five. I also keep my grandfathers medal of valour award sewn into the lining of one of my pirate coats. I never got to meet him, he died at 42 way before I was born.

  • 1 year later...

Here I be with me new ol' hat. Can't abide them tricorns. remind me to much of farmers. So I went with a modified bicorn. I welcome ye feedback.



Bunged a load of cockerel tail feathers on my old straw trice......the best bit of last bird I bet on, lost me lots of cash but made a good stew and a purdy hat*


* I dint really, but makes for a plausible back story <_<

Lambourne! Lambourne! Stop that man pissin' on the hedge, it's imported.

  • 1 month later...

Hmmm... That's a toughy. :) I like th' trim. Right nice. The feather... keeps it or use it for another hat. Don't be gettin' rid of that. :D Reshape it, says I if ye don't fancy the shape it is now. :) Check out the images that the Met Musuem in NYC have of old hats. They've plenty of them.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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