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It's 11:18PM Texas Republic Time

It pleases me that this dark day is almost over.

It was today (July 31st) in 1970 that the British

navy discontinued it's daily rum ration.

As we say in Ireland let's drink until the alcohol in our system destroys our liver and kills us.



'Tis a sad day truly, as sad as September 1st 1862, the day when the U.S. Navy ended Grog rationing *tear*

Cap'n William Bones, Captain of the Walrus


But think of it lads ....that's why we have all chosen to be pyrates!!! We get to drink our rum as we choose!!! :rolleyes:

That's why I like you Callenish, ye always look at the brighter side of life.


Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!


The way I see's it....

just more rum fer the Mai Tai's!! :blink:

And... I canna see why this topic is in with *Pop Culture* and flicks...

Shall we move you to... Capt'n Twill? THAT Is all about History!

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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