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I would like to thank all who have freely given their opinions.

I have made appropriate changes to my prices and shipping is now included,

although it will take time I hope to become a trusted merchant here

Edited by Asolfr


Captain of the Blacktyde

Purveyor of Asolfr's Workshoppe

"If I don't have it, i'll find it

If I can't find it, i'll make it

If I can't make it, I'll steal it"

So says Asolfr the Pirate


Since you asked, the cost of shipping is the least of my concerns.

First and foremost is that I've never heard of you, and you are asking for pre-payment on goods that have not yet left India.

Second: as illustrated below, you claim to offer items that are made under contract for certain companies but offer no proof nor even claim to be legitimately authorized by these companies.

Third: again as illustrated below, you disparage these same companies, which happen to be run by people who are part of and well known to the reenacting community, and who are held in high esteem there-in.

  On 7/20/2009 at 8:20 AM, Asolfr said:

Ah tis all in good fun says I, but my iron is the same carried by many a da pirate heres bout, but not bought from me, no... from those scurvy dogs at .... well, not fer me to be tellin stories now. it ends with "Arms" and starts with an "L" and dey got some nice pics o me guns an only at three times da price says I.


First of all let me say that I'm not in the market for a new toy so I wouldn't be buying regardless of what you offered. So everything from this point out is simply my perception of things.

People are most likely to do business with someone they've already done business successfully with in the past. That's just the way it is. That tried and true reliability factor. People are generally willing to pay more for goods and services they know will go smoothly. Disparaging them for this decision wins you no customers at all. Reputation trumps 'deal' any day for the majority of us.

Typos. This might seem that I'm being harsh, I'm not; presentation matters. Spell check, capitalize where appropriate and proof read. Adjust pictures etc. Do this on everything your potential customers will see. You want people to trust you with their money for an extended period of time for goods you haven't got yet. That's a hard sell under the best presentation.

The shipping thing is cluttered. It's more information than your buyer needs to know and starts looking like you're tacking on extra fees all over the place. It also reiterates that you haven't got the product, yet you never mention what happens if you don't get the quantity of orders you need.

Who makes these guns? How much experience do you have modifying guns?

You spend a lot of time in your posts justifying the shipping and pricing in terms of what is good for you. What about your buyers? What do they get out of this? Sell the products, yourself and the benefits of doing business with you to your customer.

And whining when they don't buy......well that is just not classy.


Ayes asked about yea Ketland Trade Pistol that yea have pitchered under yea pistols.

If yea had 8 then but where that leve me the customer if yea need 7 more to place an order. So you show what you cannot provid me even one of something as you have nothing in stock ? Left a bad tast in me mouth savvy.


I just so happen to be in the market for such an item as a gift, but I don't appreciate your tone. I understand you may feel insulted, but please understand, it would seem many good pirates do not know who you are. Reputation is HUGE. Building a report with your clientele is very very important, particularly when you are asking money upfront for goods that are not in your possession. I will always buy from a friend over a stranger, even if it is exactly the same product and my friend has to ask more for it. It's like buying local- it's good for the community.

As it was said, shipping is not the main concern, the product is. I don't care if I pay two dollars more than the actual shipping charge, the person shipping it out may have to travel to the post, pay for shipping materials, use their time, blah, blah blah... so they can have the two dollars. Really now, as long as the product is everything it was promised to be and to my satisfaction.

You know, I am insulted by your tone. Now that I am thinking on it. I have been, and will surely be continuing to look for a firearm. It is a big, important purchase. As someone who really ends up working for about 2 dollars an hour (sewing) that $300 + that I am going to spend is a VERY big deal. I'm not going to skimp on the purchase and buy the first one I see that is a good price. Your first post on this forum was not very long ago, and I was looking before your arrival. Just because no one responded right away doesn't mean they were totally ignoring you.

So please, be nice. The people on this forum are wonderful, loyal friends. This does not mean "cliquey" and that you are not going to get any business. What it means is maybe you will have better luck if you "hang out" participate in conversations, don't attack other sellers... you know... Have some fun and make some friends?

Not that I can speak for anyone else, but this is simply my *humble* opinion.

Cook and Seamstress to the Half Moon Marauders

Lady Brower's Treasures, Clothing and other treasures

Hell Hath No Fury like the Wrath of a Woman... No that's it. She doesn't need a reason.




Going by what you say everything sounds like a great deal, but my biggest objection is the same as everybody else and please dont take offense. Entering a forum with something for sale requesting money up front is very suspicions in the world we live in today. I am sure there are people out there very interested in ordering from you based on your prices but are waiting for others to make the initial plunge and report back how things went. One question I did have though is that if this is a bulk order wouldn't it be shipped in bulk to you? I can understand $75 shipping a musket from Aisa to here, however I cant see $750 shipping if you ordered 10. I realize you need to make your money and if thats how your doing it thats fine, of course if each gun is being shipped individually then why the need for a bulk order?


I would prefer that the shipping either be included in the price or really obvious about how much it will be. More important to me is the time lag. How long until you put the order in? Are you waiting until you have enough pre-orders? How long will it take from when you place your order in India before you expect to get it fulfilled? And I assume that you will forward the pieces without delay. This delay make a big difference in how we should regard any orders. Can we expect to order something for the current season? Is this something to suggest to the significant other for Christmas? Or is would this be an order for next year's campaign season?


Posted (edited)
  On 7/29/2009 at 9:18 PM, Bright said:

Ayes asked about yea Ketland Trade Pistol that yea have pitchered under yea pistols.

If yea had 8 then but where that leve me the customer if yea need 7 more to place an order. So you show what you cannot provid me even one of something as you have nothing in stock ? Left a bad tast in me mouth savvy.

that i under stand, if you read the posting it is meant for ships or groups wanting a group order, they are very literally from MSTCo, i have a wholesale account with them i hope you recieved my email back, but if you did not let me apologise, what it said was i can give discounts at 5 but better discounts out to 10 where its 15% off.

For anyone wanting to order those Singly i usually try to send them directly to MSTCo, where they will deal directly

If i overlooked you email i am truely sorry , been a little crazy here

Edited by Asolfr


Captain of the Blacktyde

Purveyor of Asolfr's Workshoppe

"If I don't have it, i'll find it

If I can't find it, i'll make it

If I can't make it, I'll steal it"

So says Asolfr the Pirate

  On 7/30/2009 at 1:58 AM, MarkG said:

I would prefer that the shipping either be included in the price or really obvious about how much it will be. More important to me is the time lag. How long until you put the order in? Are you waiting until you have enough pre-orders? How long will it take from when you place your order in India before you expect to get it fulfilled? And I assume that you will forward the pieces without delay. This delay make a big difference in how we should regard any orders. Can we expect to order something for the current season? Is this something to suggest to the significant other for Christmas? Or is would this be an order for next year's campaign season?


Yes, I am going to re-do my pics and include shipping for both international an us. it'll be $100 more than posted but no more. only other fee will be if they want to have my gunsmith drill it.

I have to wait until i have enough orders thats the point of this, i cannot order my products without the minimum, once i order it should be 3-4 weeks to recieve from india and they will be shipped out within 2-3 days, unless they are being drilled

as for time a little of each, great xmas gift, wonderful if you're ordering for next season, this season just depends on whos makin orders


Captain of the Blacktyde

Purveyor of Asolfr's Workshoppe

"If I don't have it, i'll find it

If I can't find it, i'll make it

If I can't make it, I'll steal it"

So says Asolfr the Pirate

  On 7/30/2009 at 1:38 AM, vintagesailor said:

Going by what you say everything sounds like a great deal, but my biggest objection is the same as everybody else and please dont take offense. Entering a forum with something for sale requesting money up front is very suspicions in the world we live in today. I am sure there are people out there very interested in ordering from you based on your prices but are waiting for others to make the initial plunge and report back how things went. One question I did have though is that if this is a bulk order wouldn't it be shipped in bulk to you? I can understand $75 shipping a musket from Aisa to here, however I cant see $750 shipping if you ordered 10. I realize you need to make your money and if thats how your doing it thats fine, of course if each gun is being shipped individually then why the need for a bulk order?

i'm actually not trying to make money from this deal, i will make money from selling the ones i buy, the bulk is true, but shipped from india it must go through customs etc.. i am only going off what my supplier told me, an order to fill the minimum (10-15 depending) will cost $800 to $1000 in shipping.

and as for those waiting that is fine but it will take time, this will not be a constant deal, but i will try it every few months.

as i said to others this is the first direct order im placing with this supplier, so I just dont have the exacts for it


Captain of the Blacktyde

Purveyor of Asolfr's Workshoppe

"If I don't have it, i'll find it

If I can't find it, i'll make it

If I can't make it, I'll steal it"

So says Asolfr the Pirate

Posted (edited)
  On 7/29/2009 at 9:34 PM, LadyBrower said:

I just so happen to be in the market for such an item as a gift, but I don't appreciate your tone. I understand you may feel insulted, but please understand, it would seem many good pirates do not know who you are. Reputation is HUGE. Building a report with your clientele is very very important, particularly when you are asking money upfront for goods that are not in your possession. I will always buy from a friend over a stranger, even if it is exactly the same product and my friend has to ask more for it. It's like buying local- it's good for the community.

As it was said, shipping is not the main concern, the product is. I don't care if I pay two dollars more than the actual shipping charge, the person shipping it out may have to travel to the post, pay for shipping materials, use their time, blah, blah blah... so they can have the two dollars. Really now, as long as the product is everything it was promised to be and to my satisfaction.

You know, I am insulted by your tone. Now that I am thinking on it. I have been, and will surely be continuing to look for a firearm. It is a big, important purchase. As someone who really ends up working for about 2 dollars an hour (sewing) that $300 + that I am going to spend is a VERY big deal. I'm not going to skimp on the purchase and buy the first one I see that is a good price. Your first post on this forum was not very long ago, and I was looking before your arrival. Just because no one responded right away doesn't mean they were totally ignoring you.

So please, be nice. The people on this forum are wonderful, loyal friends. This does not mean "cliquey" and that you are not going to get any business. What it means is maybe you will have better luck if you "hang out" participate in conversations, don't attack other sellers... you know... Have some fun and make some friends?

Not that I can speak for anyone else, but this is simply my *humble* opinion.

Thankyou Milady for you opinion, i am truly sorry if my tone offended anyone, it just i have been selling for years, and over that time i have built a reputation for being a fair and polite merchant

I try my best to treat my customer as i wish to be treated, I will repair the swords and items i sell, when many will not even take the time to do simple fixes. an example i had a young gent bring me a broadsword he had purchased a season before, he asked me to fix it and i did, he asked how much he owed me and i said... nothing , it was my product, and it was not his fault that the leather came loose.

I sold a heavy viking axe to a man 3 years ago, the leather sheath, had been damaged in the constant moving between shelf and storage, not the leather but the sinew, when i sold it to him i showed him and it was ok. finally after 3 years it gave up and the stitchin failed, so he asked me to repair i pulled it apart re-glued and re-threaded it. he offered $20 but i refused. many would not

My reward is a customer who will continue coming to me for his blades and custom work.

I don't say this to put myself on a pedistle or say "hey look at me", It goes against my nature to give these types of examples. but here it is i have built a rep for myself, but not among the pirate re-enactors, and my main faires are SCA events, that is where my customers have been. i came to this forum and the others because the sca is pre- 1600 and most have no interest in flintlocks, but they do have some interest in matchlocks and the wheelock.

It is hard to be known reputable by so many , and then be in a place that you are by none. that was why i felt insult where there was none. for that i am very sorry.

more than that i am exclusively on the West coast, all the majority of regular groups i see are on the east.

So Milady please be assured of my sincerity, i do know only time will grant the respect of my new peers, and that i'm sure will come, eventually

Edited by Asolfr


Captain of the Blacktyde

Purveyor of Asolfr's Workshoppe

"If I don't have it, i'll find it

If I can't find it, i'll make it

If I can't make it, I'll steal it"

So says Asolfr the Pirate

  On 7/29/2009 at 6:52 PM, Quartermaster James said:

Since you asked, the cost of shipping is the least of my concerns.

First and foremost is that I've never heard of you, and you are asking for pre-payment on goods that have not yet left India.

Second: as illustrated below, you claim to offer items that are made under contract for certain companies but offer no proof nor even claim to be legitimately authorized by these companies.

Third: again as illustrated below, you disparage these same companies, which happen to be run by people who are part of and well known to the reenacting community, and who are held in high esteem there-in.

  On 7/20/2009 at 8:20 AM, Asolfr said:

Ah tis all in good fun says I, but my iron is the same carried by many a da pirate heres bout, but not bought from me, no... from those scurvy dogs at .... well, not fer me to be tellin stories now. it ends with "Arms" and starts with an "L" and dey got some nice pics o me guns an only at three times da price says I.

1st the quote was in jest. i have a wholesale acc with MSTCo. and am working on one with Loyalist Arms, bothcompanies are very reputable and produce exellent guns, I have purchased from them before and i will again

I disparage the fact that you cannot read the lilt to that frase, but i will by all means appologise for it, what it sound like in me head is very much not how it sound when read without the Lilting brouge. it just does not tranferr to "paper", of course if you knew me then you'd understand

and sir i have never heard of you , what does that say for you, It says you must live on the other side of the country, and you are not in the SCA here, why have i not heard of you... because i have not yet had the opportunity. well met

Please remember many of the companies selling to pirate and civilwar players, buy their weapons from india then spend time and effort finishing them. i have attempted to cut out my middleman by finding the common supplier for many of them (not all , i claim nothing) i will get guns cheaper, but only if i can build a minimum order. That is why i need the funds before hand, i cannot make the order otherwise. if i could make the orderon my own, get the guns, then offer them for sell, the prices would be $200-$350 dollars higher than they are now, and you would have to pay domestic shipping (maybe not).

And before anyone thinks no i wouldn't pay that. think thats how much most shops charge. how mush did you pay for you sidearm, if it was a deal, how much did a dozen of you friends.

i payed a ton for what i have now, and for what i've sold. but now i have a chance to get a great deal, and more than that to give a great deal.


Captain of the Blacktyde

Purveyor of Asolfr's Workshoppe

"If I don't have it, i'll find it

If I can't find it, i'll make it

If I can't make it, I'll steal it"

So says Asolfr the Pirate


First and foremost I would like to thank you.

For what?

For not going off into a tantrum because some here have come down hard on you. I appreciate a person that has the common sense not to fight back, but instead to be thankful for the suggestions and such that have been offered. That in itself will be your winning way to sales.

I give you big kudos for that and your kind words in response have made this Moderator's day!

Thank you again!

Rumba Rue


  On 7/30/2009 at 5:16 PM, Rumba Rue said:

First and foremost I would like to thank you.

For what?

For not going off into a tantrum because some here have come down hard on you. I appreciate a person that has the common sense not to fight back, but instead to be thankful for the suggestions and such that have been offered. That in itself will be your winning way to sales.

I give you big kudos for that and your kind words in response have made this Moderator's day!

Thank you again!

Rumba Rue


Thankyou Mi'Lady

From you, that means a hold fulla Treasure


Captain of the Blacktyde

Purveyor of Asolfr's Workshoppe

"If I don't have it, i'll find it

If I can't find it, i'll make it

If I can't make it, I'll steal it"

So says Asolfr the Pirate

  On 7/30/2009 at 6:41 AM, Asolfr said:

1st the quote was in jest. i have a wholesale acc with MSTCo. and am working on one with Loyalist Arms, bothcompanies are very reputable and produce exellent guns, I have purchased from them before and i will again

Thank you for the clarification. I hold both Pete and Blair in high regard.

  On 7/30/2009 at 6:41 AM, Asolfr said:

I disparage the fact that you cannot read the lilt to that frase, but i will by all means appologise for it, what it sound like in me head is very much not how it sound when read without the Lilting brouge. it just does not tranferr to "paper", of course if you knew me then you'd understand

Yes, sometimes our intent does not so well translate from our mind to our writing. You may not know that the good folks at Loyalist have been sorely vexed before by false claims made by false representatives. Ask Blair about his ordeals sometime. Apology accepted, and I likewise offer mine.

  On 7/30/2009 at 6:41 AM, Asolfr said:

and sir i have never heard of you

Aye, but it was not I that proposed commerce.

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