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I am trying not to get too excited, but my maternal lineage includes the Nolands of Irish descent. I'm waiting for final confirmation from my cousin, our family geneologist, but there is a Richard Noland in the line born about the right time and was a seaman! Richard Noland of the Bellamy crewe survived the wreck and capture due to being in command of one of the prizes, and escaped to continue the sweet trade. I really hope this turns out to be the same man!



I might have one of them, too. There was a Joseph Curtiss in Blackbeard's crew at the Battle of Ocracoke, and while I do not really think there's a direct connection (Pa's side of the family's been here since the 1630's), I hope he might be a distant relation...from the side of the family that stayed in Jolly Old, mayhap?

However, we *do* have a Joseph Curtiss in the family, at the right time, but since Neddy's Joe Curtiss fell in defense of ship and captain, and since the family Joe...didn't...I doubt there's a connection there. (Altho it would be nice).

And I have no details at all regarding the family's Joe Curtiss or what he did. Bumsky.

Damn, thats sharp!

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