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I am lost and looking for Kass's creations. If my memory is correct (which is not very often) Kass had some really good oufits for sailors of our period. I am also looking for the threads of pictures of saliors of the period. Looking for a place to start my new outfit. I want to go sailor instead of pirate, more versitale.

Git up of your asses, set up those glasses I'm drinking this place dry.

I am lost and looking for Kass's creations. If my memory is correct (which is not very often) Kass had some really good oufits for sailors of our period. I am also looking for the threads of pictures of saliors of the period. Looking for a place to start my new outfit. I want to go sailor instead of pirate, more versitale.

Hey Johnny,

Are you looking for instructions on a particular items or set of items? There are lots of great tutorials in the archives written by Kass and others (the best in my opinion are the ones where many different people voiced their ideas and opinions).

Like this one started by Patrick Hand on Slops is awesome....

Or this one on hand stitching in general which can be helpful to some.

This Link will take you to Kass's blog site on making a shirt for the period.

And there is more info on that topic In this thread and in this thread

I know I missed some of the bigger stuff (waistcoat, outer coat etc.) but I thought this would be good to get you started.

I am lost and looking for Kass's creations. If my memory is correct (which is not very often) Kass had some really good oufits for sailors of our period. I am also looking for the threads of pictures of saliors of the period. Looking for a place to start my new outfit. I want to go sailor instead of pirate, more versitale.

Hey there, here are a few of my favorites - I hope this helps.

Jan and Casper Luyken Illustrators - Good references for some clothes at the beginning of the GAOP

A great clothing reference site

Lots of good stuff here as well - not neccessarily sailor/privateer, but good

One of my favorite reference sites. Once you mater the searches, you can find a lot. This search was for "Boots 1600-1699

Hope these helped ;)



I was wearing a jacket made from Reconstructing History's "Short Jacket" pattern in Port Washington this year. I know we didn't talk for too long, so if you don't remember, this is what it looked like:


I used a synthetic blanket instead of wool, since this was my first try and I didn't want to learn while using expensive fabric. Overall, I'm quite satisfied with how it turned out, although I seem to have goofed up the neck area somewhat. The opening is too large it seems to me. But I'm going to make another using better fabric yet this summer. And I know next to nothing about sewing. Kass' instructions are quite detailed. I had one question that I emailed to her, and she was happy to answer it. If you're going to sew your own, I'd highly recommend her patterns.

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