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Greetings to one and all, my name is CJ

In theory of few of you know who I am, at least I've met or at least talked with a few of your number.

As far as a crewe, I am not formally a member of any pirate crewes and owe my allegiance above all to the vessel I work on. She is the ADVENTURE and is a reproduction of a 1670's trading ketch in Charles Towne SC.

But I am not a terribly interesting topic, good to be here finally.

yr hnrs hmbl & obdnt srvnt


"The health of men is concerned in their clothes"

-Sir William Coventry 1663


Welcome, Welcome, CJ. Glad t' have ye with us on th' Pub. And a hearty welcome it be, too. Thrilled t' see one from th' vicinity of ol' Charlestowne joinin' our wily lot.

By all means, buy us a drink an' regale us with yo'r piratical tales.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Welcome to Port mate...

Pictures.... post pictures of yer ship. (Sine so many here canna read they really LOVE the pictures!) ;)

Tie up and stay awhile....

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!




I saw your boat's skeleton on the shore of Charles Town Landing a few years ago.

I'm glad to hear it is finished and on the sea.

I should be down that way toward the end of this month.

What are the Adventure's plans?

(Oh, I live 3-ish hours up I-26 from ChuckTown . . . )

-John "Tartan Jack" Wages, of South Carolina



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