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Living in a desert valley I have a lot of sleeveless garb that I wear in the summer time, and recently I felt that my arms were too bare.

I had about 3 days before I was about to participate in an Annual AIDS walk and I wanted something to accessorize with my red garb, so I decided to whip up a couple of bracers.

Now the end product is not period, but the end result is what I was looking for as people did notice them. They were eight inches in length and went a good way up my forearm.

I kinda felt like a pyrate superhero wearing them.

Here they are after the carving and being water formed to the proper shape.


Here is a closeup of the Skull and mermaid.



I knew that a natural finish would keep the carving very apparent, but my colors are red and black, and I wanted these to really stand out.

So here are the finished products.


With closeups of the skull and mermaid once again.





My favorite of the two is the mermaid I am really happy with the way she turned out. Even with the red stain you can still see the detail in her.

Here is a picture of me, with a wine-o (anouther group walking), and I am wearing the bracers. You can get a better feel of the superhero idea in this pic that I mentioned before.


Captain Justin Kase

Captain of the Dread Pyrate Ship SeaMonkey

Beloved of Anya Kase

Also Known As Silverback, The Naughty Bard

Quixotic Pyrate of the Desert Seas

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