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Ahoy to all ye wenches scallywags, and nare-do-wells.

I be Captain Justin Kase of the Dread Pyrate Ship SeaMonkey at your service.

I have sailed the desert sands for many years, as my ship was deposited in a desert valley. Do not ever end up on the wrong side of a cat-clawed Sea Goddess. They be a fickle and spiteful bunch.

She was nice enough however to deposit me and my ship in the City of Sin, Nv.

Here in this desert kingdom I have gained a new crew, my wife Anya Kase, and my two devious children Aud Kase and Damm Hansom (he used to be called Brief).

I attend festivals in SoCal, Arizona, and participate in the meek faire offering of my city in Oct.

Most of my time is spent in local events, demonstrations, and classes for desert dwellers (young and old) teaching them about the life of a sea-farer.

I am also a leatherworking craftsman (specializing in handmade Cat O' Nine Tails, and carved Bracers). I have dabbled in enough poetry and other writing that has earned me the Non De Plum of Silverback, the Naughty Bard.

So after all these years I have just found this pub, and wished I knew of its existence long before. I feel that I will be a frequent visitor to it.

So please partake in the rum that I offer, and I also brought some limes... you know just in case! :rolleyes:

Captain Justin Kase

Captain of the Dread Pyrate Ship SeaMonkey

Beloved of Anya Kase

Also Known As Silverback, The Naughty Bard

Quixotic Pyrate of the Desert Seas


I could use a cat o' nine tails.

I suspect that the cabin girl has become overly fond of Lord Nelson's Blood

As we say in Ireland let's drink until the alcohol in our system destroys our liver and kills us.




Why am I getting visions of the move Sahara and a War 'Tween the States Confed gunboat . . . ?

Or the "Locker" in Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (which has nothing to do with older traditions)?

Anyways, Welcome to the pub for pyrates and pirates (and privateers . . . )!

-John "Tartan Jack" Wages, of South Carolina




Why am I getting visions of the move Sahara and a War 'Tween the States Confed gunboat . . . ?

Or the "Locker" in Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (which has nothing to do with older traditions)?

Anyways, Welcome to the pub for pyrates and pirates (and privateers . . . )!

That is nothing I was recently re-watched Wind Wagon Smith (Old Disney Cartoon) with my kids and they asked me why I just couldn't put wheels on my ship.... Hmmm something to think about.

Captain Justin Kase

Captain of the Dread Pyrate Ship SeaMonkey

Beloved of Anya Kase

Also Known As Silverback, The Naughty Bard

Quixotic Pyrate of the Desert Seas

I could use a cat o' nine tails.

I suspect that the cabin girl has become overly fond of Lord Nelson's Blood

I will post some of the pictures of my work in the crafting section. If you like what you see please contact me and i am sure we could work something out.

Though I must warn you, my "toys" are designed more for pleasurable punishment and have been known to increase the naughty, mischevious, and impish behaviors of many crews (and some royalty) for they knew of the punishment that awaited them. :rolleyes:

Captain Justin Kase

Captain of the Dread Pyrate Ship SeaMonkey

Beloved of Anya Kase

Also Known As Silverback, The Naughty Bard

Quixotic Pyrate of the Desert Seas


Wheels on my ship? I would be happy with a something larger than a Honda Civic. lol well that and a trailer. lol

Welcome Kase.

So are you the guy on the Safeauto commercials? LOL


Why am I getting visions of the move Sahara and a War 'Tween the States Confed gunboat . . . ?

Or the "Locker" in Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (which has nothing to do with older traditions)?

Anyways, Welcome to the pub for pyrates and pirates (and privateers . . . )!

That is nothing I was recently re-watched Wind Wagon Smith (Old Disney Cartoon) with my kids and they asked me why I just couldn't put wheels on my ship.... Hmmm something to think about.

Wind-sailing the desert . . . not a bad idea. People used to do that in times past.

-John "Tartan Jack" Wages, of South Carolina




Where you live...It's why the Gods invented Bath Tubs....

Welcome aboard mate.

LOVE the ships name! used to keep them back when I was just a Wee one! :rolleyes:

First round is indeed on you and I'll be after having a Mai Tai!

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



A hearty welcome to ye, Captain Kase. Pleasure t' have ye on th' Pub with th' wily lot of us. Enjoy thy carousin' here on this fine establishment.

Make m' drink a glass of fine sweet wine thank ye kindly.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Welcome to the Pub and all it's incarnations. :rolleyes:

Well the next time I'm in Las Vegas I'll give you a heads up (no not off). I've been to the Las Vegas faire once about four/five years back. Nice, but the weather is pretty iffy at that time of the year.

I know I've seen you, have you been to the Escondido faire or Ojai?

Posted (edited)

I will post some of the pictures of my work in the crafting section. If you like what you see please contact me and i am sure we could work something out.

Though I must warn you, my "toys" are designed more for pleasurable punishment and have been known to increase the naughty, mischevious, and impish behaviors of many crews (and some royalty) for they knew of the punishment that awaited them. :rolleyes:

She's a pommie wench. They need to be whipped from time to time to be happy.

Edited by CaptainSatan

As we say in Ireland let's drink until the alcohol in our system destroys our liver and kills us.



Welcome Matey..

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."


Avast and belike to ye, and greetings, d'ye see...

And I had me own mighty vessel of war and plunder, the Henry Crun, out on the waters recently...

All right, its still just an 8 ft inflatable pontoon boat, and the waters were just Springfield Lake, but its still a mighty vessel of war, and I'll be scuppering what lubber sez otherwise!

Damn, thats sharp!

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