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I have attended theFt Meyers fest and PiP in 2007 (you can see me in some of the videos) and joined based on my current internet name of vintage sailor. I would like everyone to know that that was a mistake as I have been upgraded to the rank of Commodore, my friends can call me swab

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Welcome aboard, Swab. I've seen your posts herabouts. I'm sure that we have met but I can't seem to put a face to the name.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

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Yer not th' icky sorta Pyrate wot srcatches their armpits (war th' lice may be livin') an' that sortta scurvy dog like be ye......?

Th' salt O' th' Ar'ht... good common sailor, an good 'onnist Pyrate like;l be ye.... ?

Or arrrgh, yer not onna them Nancy boys wot do alla the sweapin' up?

If ye be the first.... scummy Pyrate..... aaagrh... that be good....

If ye be a Nancy Boy..... welll Silky could use a good pot scrubber.......

More scumm o' th' Arth says Eye.... th' more th' merrier...........

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Patrick, methinks 'e may be the Viceroy's chief cook an' bottle warsher .... Ya know the Viceroy's a bit of a fop ...so 'e'd need 'is bottles warshed.

I think 'e may even carry the P*** Bucket for Sir Hair Bone & The Viceroy. :blink:

Probably an indentured servant what needs liberatin' and perhaps 'is 'ands sanitized.

Scurvy Dog Indeed!

Self Promoter Jim

Pirate Gear oldsutlerjohn.biz

American Civil War oldsutlerjohn.net

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Ahhh... Fort Mac!! (That's what we have out here in CA...)

Welcome to Port mate.... mind yer purse now.. there be scoundrels about. <_<

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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Mine was Wages, but I got it changed to Tartan Jack.

After I joined here and then joined Pirate Brethren as well, I was nicknamed "Tartan Jack" by foxe. That has become my on-line ID. So, I got it changed to that on here now.

It changed it at the top of my name. All the other references to me as Wages within posts are still here too. I am fine with that, though.

-John "Tartan Jack" Wages, of South Carolina



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  • 2 weeks later...

welcome aboard, what ever your moniker is.. tis a good place for rascals and ruffians, who ever they may be.. :lol:

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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