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Hanging Tankard without offense?

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So as I am preparing for my personal first attempt at being PC at a Pirate event, I'm wondering if there is an acceptable way to tote around my pewter tankard. I'm reasonably certain that my Renfair belt attachment with resplendent skull and crossed sword concho is going to cut it. :lol: Is there a way to carry this around other than in a haversack or carrying it in hand all day or hiring someone to impersonate a cabin boy/servant for me? :D


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I just use a string of leather tied to the tankards handle, pull the looped string up behind the belt and then feed the tankard through the loop. Let it hang from your belt. This was the cheapest and quickest way IMO to hang from your belt. Although you should not have any reason to put it down unless you have arms in hand or asleep :rolleyes:


Half Moon Marauders

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OH...OH...Oh..... This is one we have discussed before........

One.... Pyrates or Sailors would NOT be carrying a tankard around with them when they went drinkin'.... you went into a Tavern/Inn/Drinking establishment, and they provided a drinking vessel..... You don't carry around a pint glass if you wanna go drinking in a bar now do you ?

BUT..... hey.... I go to a Faire or Pyrate event.... and what do I get served outta....?


Carrying my tankard in a haversack, a Market Wallet or a ditty bag has been suggested.... Outta those three options,(and I tried them all) only the ditty bag kinda-sorta worked....but it was a hassle to open the ditty bag, get the tankard, get my drink, put the ditty bag back thou my belt........all to do something that wasn't PC (Period Correct) to begin with.....(hey... why would I be carrying my tool box/ditty bag when I'm out drinking? )

I tried a monkeys paw with a eye spliced to the other end to carry my tankard for a while.... but .... well that stupid leather belt loop with a thong and button works so much easier.....

Is it "period"?.... heck no..... but it isn't period to be carrying yer tankard to go drinkin'/Pub crawling anyway..... :rolleyes:

So until Bars/Inns/Taverns start serving beer/ale/brandy or rum outta period containers..... I'll tote mine attached ter me belt with a Rennie farby leather carrier......just because it works.....

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You can always keep your tankard at "The Sealkie's Hide". I shall have a few extra at the Blackbeard Festival for those who have to travel all the way from the encampment to join us at the Pirate Hunter's encampment.

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Keep it full and it will be a non-issue :P

Just be careful with what yer keeping it full .... some events will nail you for alcohol during public hours OR outside of camp, last year Blackbeard's was one of them.

My vote is hunting bag, wallet/ or snapsack... (I still question haversacks as to correct for our period) or hell, ye can do what I used to do in England, stumble around from pub to pub with the same glass as I was too polluted to know I had taken it from the first pub...

Edited by Capt. Sterling

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

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Keep it full and it will be a non-issue :P

Just be careful with what yer keeping it full .... some events will nail you for alcohol during public hours OR outside of camp, last year Blackbeard's was one of them.

My vote is hunting bag, wallet/ or snapsack... (I still question haversacks as to correct for our period) or hell, ye can do what I used to do in England, stumble around from pub to pub with the same glass as I was too polluted to know I had taken it from the first pub...

Heck last year at Blackbeards I was asked to dump WATER (and yes it was really water with no additives) out of my mug. The security there was probably too tight, as drinks were expensive and it seemed as if we were not allowed to carry even innocent drinks out of camp.

And then when I bought an overpriced lemonade from a stand, I got busted by the authenticity police for drinking out of a plastic cup... :P

Personally I think the above combo of factors could have (and may still) lead to some serious heat stroke or other related heat related health issues if a practical solution is not come up with for that event... Either that or I will be telling off the festival security or authenticity police or both... (which I am guessing will not be a wise thing to do)

EDIT -> Just to be clear and not be insulting to anyone, when I say "busted by the authenticity police" I was being tongue in cheek. The fact of the matter is a fellow re-enactor politely and nicely reminded me that we were supposed to be keeping up a high level of authenticity, and that I should have stayed "off duty" (reasonably hidden) or had my mug to dump said liquid into (which was problematic as I had no convenient means of carrying it).

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And then when I bought an overpriced lemonade from a stand, I got busted by the authenticity police for drinking out of a plastic cup... :P

Personally I think the above combo of factors could have (and may still) lead to some serious heat stroke or other related heat related health issues if a practical solution is not come up with for that event... Either that or I will be telling off the festival security or authenticity police or both... (which I am guessing will not be a wise thing to do)

EDIT -> Just to be clear and not be insulting to anyone, when I say "busted by the authenticity police" I was being tongue in cheek. The fact of the matter is a fellow re-enactor politely and nicely reminded me that we were supposed to be keeping up a high level of authenticity, and that I should have stayed "off duty" (reasonably hidden) or had my mug to dump said liquid into (which was problematic as I had no convenient means of carrying it).

Yeah, it was you and me who got busted. That actually left a bad taste in my mouth, although I completely understood the reasoning behind it and wasn't really angry about it. Most of the public knows we're just a bunch of people who want to play dress up and could give a whit if we carry tankards or plastic cups or cans strapped on our hats with a plastic straw leading from them to our mouths. (In fact, many of the public would probably find that to be pretty humorous.) So - in a sort of convoluted way - we're doing the strict authenticity thing for each other, which is funny because once the public leaves, the plastic cups and hidden coolers come out from under the hastily draped canvas. But again, I totally understand the effort to present as authentic a display as we can. It is what we're supposed to be there for.

As for the hanging tankard and shared drinking vessels...remember that they didn't have any clue about germs at that time. Shared items appear to have been just a part of the culture. (Although I haven't read anything about that, so I'm just taking Patrick at his word. I have read that surgeons often didn't clean their aprons after operations because one way to recognize a good surgeon was by the amount of gore he wore. Surgical instruments had fancy wood, bone and shell handles that could not be easily cleaned and some references suggest that in battle no thought whatever was given to cleaning them between patients.) So it would probably be a bad idea to try to go for total authenticity knowing what we do today. Better to be slightly off and carry your mug with you. Garb tends to be hot and as Silkie and Michael noted, if you're smart, you'll stay hydrated. For myself, I try to just leave my mug somewhere that I'll remember and hope that Stynky doesn't steal it.

On a related note (speaking of hot garb), I thought this was interesting:

“Unfortunately the planning committee made no recommendations regarding tropical clothing, the customary seaman’s slops being supplied by the clothiers. Only when, on December 11, 1655, the Navy Commissioners had their attention drawn to the matter was a rig suited to a hot climate advocated….

They could not, however, undo all the harm which had long since resulted from the oversights of the planning committee, among which was a complete failure to deal with the clothing of the soldiers. The known association between the ragged and dirty clothing of newly pressed soldiers and typhus, together with Cromwell’s recognition of their endangering the health of ships’ companies, makes this omission so inexplicable that it appears more probable the recommendation was made but could not be acted upon.” (John Keevil, Medicine and the Navy 1200-1900: Volume II – 1640-1714, p. 57-8)

Be glad our period is a bit after that one. :P

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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OH...OH...Oh..... This is one we have discussed before........

One.... Pyrates or Sailors would NOT be carrying a tankard around with them when they went drinkin'.... you went into a Tavern/Inn/Drinking establishment, and they provided a drinking vessel..... You don't carry around a pint glass if you wanna go drinking in a bar now do you ?

BUT..... hey.... I go to a Faire or Pyrate event.... and what do I get served outta....?


Carrying my tankard in a haversack, a Market Wallet or a ditty bag has been suggested.... Outta those three options,(and I tried them all) only the ditty bag kinda-sorta worked....but it was a hassle to open the ditty bag, get the tankard, get my drink, put the ditty bag back thou my belt........all to do something that wasn't PC (Period Correct) to begin with.....(hey... why would I be carrying my tool box/ditty bag when I'm out drinking? )

I tried a monkeys paw with a eye spliced to the other end to carry my tankard for a while.... but .... well that stupid leather belt loop with a thong and button works so much easier.....

Is it "period"?.... heck no..... but it isn't period to be carrying yer tankard to go drinkin'/Pub crawling anyway..... :blink:

So until Bars/Inns/Taverns start serving beer/ale/brandy or rum outta period containers..... I'll tote mine attached ter me belt with a Rennie farby leather carrier......just because it works.....

Patrick, you rock. Those were my thoughts as well. It's not correct to begin with, so who the heck cares!



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Keep it full and it will be a non-issue ;)

Just be careful with what yer keeping it full .... some events will nail you for alcohol during public hours OR outside of camp, last year Blackbeard's was one of them.

My vote is hunting bag, wallet/ or snapsack... (I still question haversacks as to correct for our period) or hell, ye can do what I used to do in England, stumble around from pub to pub with the same glass as I was too polluted to know I had taken it from the first pub...

Heck last year at Blackbeards I was asked to dump WATER (and yes it was really water with no additives) out of my mug. The security there was probably too tight, as drinks were expensive and it seemed as if we were not allowed to carry even innocent drinks out of camp.

And then when I bought an overpriced lemonade from a stand, I got busted by the authenticity police for drinking out of a plastic cup... :blink:

Personally I think the above combo of factors could have (and may still) lead to some serious heat stroke or other related heat related health issues if a practical solution is not come up with for that event... Either that or I will be telling off the festival security or authenticity police or both... (which I am guessing will not be a wise thing to do)

EDIT -> Just to be clear and not be insulting to anyone, when I say "busted by the authenticity police" I was being tongue in cheek. The fact of the matter is a fellow re-enactor politely and nicely reminded me that we were supposed to be keeping up a high level of authenticity, and that I should have stayed "off duty" (reasonably hidden) or had my mug to dump said liquid into (which was problematic as I had no convenient means of carrying it).

Thanks Michael and everybody!


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, so who the heck cares!


Snigger... you would be surprised, especially if you forget to take it off yer belt at certain events...

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

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It's not correct to begin with, so who the heck cares!

So if you don't care, why did you bother to ask?


Why even bother to have, or pretend to have, standards?


I think there is where the "What is actually authentic?" crosses into the provenance of what historic comprimises are re-enactors able/willing to make for the sake of safety, health, and to a greater degree convenience. While this conversation could (and very well may) lead to it's own thread, for now I will say, I do go through incredible lengths to dress the part well, and carry the correct accessories, but when it comes to drinking and staying hydrated... I will try to do my best, but if I have forgotten my period(ish) drinking vessel, authenticity be damned, I will be drinking that lemonade in a plastic cup!

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It's not correct to begin with, so who the heck cares!

So if you don't care, why did you bother to ask?


Why even bother to have, or pretend to have, standards?


I think there is where the "What is actually authentic?" crosses into the provenance of what historic comprimises are re-enactors able/willing to make for the sake of safety, health, and to a greater degree convenience.

It's certainly a huge sliding scale. Hell, it even varies within groups. HELL, for that matter it might vary in the same person, depending upon event expectations.

While this conversation could (and very well may) lead to it's own thread, for now I will say, I do go through incredible lengths to dress the part well, and carry the correct accessories, but when it comes to drinking and staying hydrated... I will try to do my best, but if I have forgotten my period(ish) drinking vessel, authenticity be damned, I will be drinking that lemonade in a plastic cup!

Would you feel even the least bit... inappropriate... for displaying said plastic cup?

(Btw, I'm not saying I haven't done the same, I just trying to examine a mindset.)

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While this conversation could (and very well may) lead to it's own thread, for now I will say, I do go through incredible lengths to dress the part well, and carry the correct accessories, but when it comes to drinking and staying hydrated... I will try to do my best, but if I have forgotten my period(ish) drinking vessel, authenticity be damned, I will be drinking that lemonade in a plastic cup!

Would you feel even the least bit... inappropriate... for displaying said plastic cup?

(Btw, I'm not saying I haven't done the same, I just trying to examine a mindset.)

I know I don't. I'd prefer to use my mug, but I'm not going to get all upset because I happen to be holding a plastic cup. But then I'd be surprised if (outside of Michael's excellent kit) my behavior, language, hair style, teeth, explanations, activities, insulin pump and even my medical tools are more than 20 or 30% correct. (We don't exactly have a film to compare ourselves to.) I figure I'll do my best within the bounds I set for myself. At the core of it, I have only myself to please. If someone else isn't pleased, I'd be sort of foolish to make their problem mine unless I agreed to submit to their opinion for some reason. (We're sort of straying here, though...back we go into the murky realms of PCness...)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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It's not correct to begin with, so who the heck cares!

So if you don't care, why did you bother to ask?


Why even bother to have, or pretend to have, standards?


I think there is where the "What is actually authentic?" crosses into the provenance of what historic comprimises are re-enactors able/willing to make for the sake of safety, health, and to a greater degree convenience.

It's certainly a huge sliding scale. Hell, it even varies within groups. HELL, for that matter it might vary in the same person, depending upon event expectations.

While this conversation could (and very well may) lead to it's own thread, for now I will say, I do go through incredible lengths to dress the part well, and carry the correct accessories, but when it comes to drinking and staying hydrated... I will try to do my best, but if I have forgotten my period(ish) drinking vessel, authenticity be damned, I will be drinking that lemonade in a plastic cup!

Would you feel even the least bit... inappropriate... for displaying said plastic cup?

(Btw, I'm not saying I haven't done the same, I just trying to examine a mindset.)

I think you nailed it right on the head with the comment of the same person having different standards (depending on the event, or some times even just mood ;) )

And yeah, I would feel moderately guilty about displaying said cup. I'm playing the devil's adviocate here more because I have noted this thread was started by a newcomer to the authentic side of things, and am trying to play the reasonable sanity side of things more than the "in an ideal re-enacting world" side of things.

In fact the events at last year's Blackbeard festival and my frustrations over them are what led me to start making the leather costrels. But I have been to no less than four or more events since I have made the bloody thing, and I have remembered to bring it with me....Hmmmm.... Once! ;)

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Hell I just drink out of everyone else's pc mug...that way I don't have to carry a thing... :blink:

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

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Having a slightly different experience than Sterling; While at home on the Isle of Lewis our local does have some pint "jars" available virtually everyone old enough to frequent the Pub (Three Black Gulls) has their own pewter or glass/ceramic tankard hanging on a peg inside the bar and the barman is clever enough to grab yours and have the pump in hand by the time you cross from the door to the bar. Mine is still there with a bit of dust since I don't get home too often, but last time I went I had to wait to have it rinsed out and had to tell the 23 year old barmaid who I was so she knew where to reach for it. My Stout was served in m' own mug passed on to me by my Great grandfather.While at most events I try to keep my mug full of water at all times during the day, once the touristas leave, the contents will change to a more "enlightened beverage"

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My boys each have a snap sack, and leather to tie their cups depending on the situation... If there is a place to park our stuff it can stay there until needed, so I think it depends on the event. Because, if I understand correctly, a pirate would not be be carrying a snap sack to the pub either right? So it would all depend on what the event looks like and we all have to use our best judgment and do the best we can.

I'm sure there are some very hard core ladies and gents who might disagree, but that is my two cents.

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Damn... just because I was in Algiers for three years, doesn't mean I LIKE it when all you bilge rats come and plant one on me all the time!

Honestly get a pack mule to carry things... I mean indentured servant... I casn't say enough about em...wish everyone could have one to call their own..

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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It's not correct to begin with, so who the heck cares!

So if you don't care, why did you bother to ask?


Why even bother to have, or pretend to have, standards?


Sheesh - I don't belong to a crew and haven't even attended any event in PC gear. My question was not "If I'm in a living history camp, how do i carry my mug around when not in use?" My question was how if there is any way acceptable to tote it around the festival and not have my renfair tankard holder attached to my belt. I asked because I cared. But I did figure that it wasn't PC to carry a tankard around anyway.

Edited by Mooseworth


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