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Pyracy Pub News - UPDATED 9/10

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Guest Angus MacVox

1) Many of our pubgoers have expressed a desire to meet other pirates in their area, to make new connections, discuss and learn, and rabble rouse locally.

Meetup.com has organized a site just for this purpose! Please sign up there. All it takes is your email address and a password, then click "Sign up for updates" and you're done:


Meetup's great service will speed up the process of getting a piratical interest group going in your area. The Pirate Meetup gatherings will be informal, and aren't meant to replace organized pirate crews - rather, people who meet at Pirate Meetups may decide to start a crew, join a crew, or simply shoot the breeze and sling back some rum.

After you're through there's an easy way to spread the word:


ADVERTISEMENT: I'd like to take this opportunity to bring to your attention another Meetup that I'm personally very interested in and would love to see more people sign up for. If you're agnostic, atheist, pantheist, deist, transcendentalist... or know someone who is, please sign up here or pass this link along:


There are many atheists who are anti-religion in all its forms, this wouldn't be for them.

This group is for the subset of atheists (and the other groups mentioned) who want to continue posing metaphysical questions and are religious in the sense of wonder for the universe.


2) Upload yer pyratical pics & share 'em with the community!


3) Announcin' the BEYOND PYRACY section - hell we're all interested in pirates so I imagine we share other interests as well. We've got our own unique community of people spread across the world here - the Pyracy Pub is officially open to "off-topic" chat in the interests of a true Pub atmosphere. Pass the guiness.

4) Get our newsletter!

Whether or not you are a subscriber to the No Quarter Given magazine, you are invited to sign up for the Online Newsletter. And 'tis FREE! We keep a weather eye out for late breaking news of pyratical or nautical interest, such as events, shipwreck discoveries, movies in the works, TV shows airing, & museum exhibits. Then we send word out to you, as needed, perhaps a few times per month. Iffin ya wants ta join the Email crew, jus' send word to us at: jamaica@noquartergiven.net

. If you have any news of a piratical nature that you wish to share, email us, or post it in the Pub.

5) Who needs hotmail? Use something more distinctive!

Show your pyratical persuasion with the logical vanity email address: yourname@pyracy.com

Here's our free email website:


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