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Making the plunge

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After much harrasment from my Son (vintagesailor aka Commodore Swab) who knows I love to dress up and act I have finally made the plungs and joined. Hopefully I will be able to make it to PiP this winter although I haven't been invited to any crews yet. I may also be allowed to sleep on his boat or stay in a motel. Im working on getting my outfit together and am looking foreward to being there. So I thought I would introduce myself and buy some of you all a drink, not all as it seems many of you have had too much to drink already.

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Well then haul up a barrel and sit ya down....

Welcome to the Pub. You'll fnid it a friendly harbor with lots to do (mind you keep weather eye on yer purse when in here!)

And I'll be after having a Mai Tai if'n you please...

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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Aye, and I welcome ye as well to this fine establishment known as the Pub. Tis a good man t' invite his mum to carouse with his comrades. Awwww, warms one's black heart it does.

I'll have a nice tall tankard of th' Captain and Coke thank ye kindly.

And I'm sure ye'll enjoy PiP to the fullest extent. Many of us be able t' help with yo'r attire if ye be needin' assistance no matter what it may be.

And no matter where ye rest at PiP... just think... YE BE IN THE KEY WEST!!!!

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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Sorry for the belated welcome and hope that you are finding us on our best behaviours. ok well not really on our best but close...as for a drink...A Plunder Me Cherry m'lady with extra cherries o' course!


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png

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Welcome to the pub! Though I take offense to your suggestion that any a man or maiden who might frequent this fine establishment may have consumed too much drink. 'Tis quite impossible I assure you Madam...

However, it would be pore manners indeed for me not to take advantage of your buying the first roung, I would like a nice spiced rum with a twist of lime if you please... In a teacup!

Again, welcome and I believe you will find the ladies and gents a most agreeable sort (hehe). Be Merry!

Cook and Seamstress to the Half Moon Marauders

Lady Brower's Treasures, Clothing and other treasures

Hell Hath No Fury like the Wrath of a Woman... No that's it. She doesn't need a reason.



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Welcome Mom, nice to see you here finally now you are just going to have to do alot of reading

Awww... now isn't that sweet? :D

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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Welcome aboard lass! You'll find this to be of a passable sort here.

Friendly banter and wisdom spoken here ;););) There is always room for another pyrate at PIP And as long as you're willing to put some effort into your impression there will be a crew's berth for you at the festivities. There be plenty about who will offer you advise on putting your kit to rights(whether you ask or not!!!) ;):D;)

if'n you would lass I'll be having a large jar of black Barbados rum

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After much harrasment from my Son (vintagesailor aka Commodore Swab) who knows I love to dress up and act I have finally made the plungs and joined. Hopefully I will be able to make it to PiP this winter although I haven't been invited to any crews yet. I may also be allowed to sleep on his boat or stay in a motel. Im working on getting my outfit together and am looking foreward to being there. So I thought I would introduce myself and buy some of you all a drink, not all as it seems many of you have had too much to drink already.

"Welcome to the Dark Side, Lassie", says I whilst raisin' me achin' head from me table. I be guessin' ye be from the Eastern Shores of Amerikay, elstwise I'd be invitin' ye ta join the Lost Souls of the Iron Brigade.....We're on the Gold Coast of California....But if ever ye come around the Horn, yer more than welcome ta come play with us.....Enjoy this new journey.... Fair winds and a followin' sea to ye......Iron Hand

galleon_25235_th1.gif Iron Hand's Plunder Purveyor of Quality Goodes of questionable origins
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A rapscallion which shall hitherto be unnamed introduced "Poseidon's Lady" as meself. 'Twas innocently done due to his exuberance at my finally joining your exalted ranks, yet abashed I am to untangle this muddle and my sincere apologies to ye all for any confusion caused. Deception was never my intention in making the acquaintance of you respected personages. Pirate Code and all, ye know...

To clarify, "Poseidon's Lady" is no more; Vintage Sailor's dubiously-proud, actual mum is Shay of the Keys.

Looks like the young pup be helping me buy double yer welcome drink rations as a proper chastisement! And I be thanking ye warmly for the kind reception ye have given me, whate'er ye wants ta call me! :angry:

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