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Before turning to a life of piracy, I used to think that tricorns were rather odd-looking and wondered who the heck came up with that bizarre design?

Now, not only do they look a lot cooler to me than they did back then, but by having worn one in many different situations, I've realized that they have a surprisingly good and practical design.

First and foremost, tricorns are aerodynamic.

I've been at sea and in high winds with them. I can safely say that it takes a heck of a lot to blow a tricorn off one's head! They wouldn't come of when you rode a horse or when you were on a ship.

They keep the sun out of your eyes

You can lean your head back when sitting

Like cowboys did with their hats, in an extreme situation, I believe you could probably give your horse water in one, although I can't claim to have tried!

Anyone have anything else to add?

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



Don't yet own a tricorn, Seven Seas, but your review makes me want to get one! :huh:

Anyone know when tricorns first made their appearance?


Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"


You are so correct, 7S, tricorns do have an advantage of being much more aerodynamic, and less likely to be blown off yer 'ead.

I shall relate a story:

At the "one-eyed Pirate Tea Dance" in Key West, we were talking to a lovely lass on the pier - I believe her name was Joanie (please correct me if I am wrong, mates). She had a splendid black "buccanneer" style pirate hat (one side up/one side down). She had just finished telling me it was her favorite pirate hat of all her fine collection of hats, and explaining where all the various pins and buttons had come from.

Just then, a gust of wind came up, and blew the hat off her head.

We watched in horror as the hat floated away and landed in the water. It was hopeless, the hat was too far out to have any hope of recovering.

There was a moment of heavy silence. Then, all of the pirates (spontaneously, and in unison) took off our hats, held them over our hearts, and bowed our heads in a moment of silence for the lovely, but now irretrievable, hat. We stood, motionless and silent, as it drifted out to sea and into the darkness.

After a moment of silence, I said to Hurricane, "Gee, I wonder where that hat will end up? What tales will it have to tell?" Hurricane looked over at me, and said pensively, "That hat will make some little Cuban boy very happy."

Just then, the hat sank.

I put my tricorn firmly on my head. I don't think I let gor for 15 or twenty minutes.

For the rest of the trip, I was extremely wary of my hat around open water. Fortunately, I noticed that - like you said - they are in fact quite aerodynamic and resistant to being blown off yer noggin.

That's me story.

Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"

  JoshuaRed said:
I believe it was late 17th century? Anyone with more knowledge on this?

According to "Historical Costumes of England ..." by Nancy Bradfield it was during the reign of William III (1689-1702) . "The hat was had a rounded crown and a wide brim; this was turned up, or cocked, on one or both sides, or sometimes on both sides and back as well, this being the first sign of the triangular cocked hat. The edge was usually decorated with braid or gold or silver lace." By Queen Anne's time (1702-1712?) it was the only fashionable headgear.

I've been thinking or retiring my old cavalier hat and getting a tricorn meself.


Too bad about that gal loosing her hat. Just ask Jamacia Rose about that one...as it happened to her, but she got her hat back thanks to some quick thinking sailors. I don't know how long it took to dry or even if it ever looked the same again...

I had let a good friend borrow my cavalier hat for a party we went to. He put it on the floor under a table so it wouldn't get destroyed, and what happens, some twit spilled his drink and it went all over the hat! I can tell you my fluffy feathers were totally ruined, the hat took some real serious cleaning, but was never really the same again.

I don't tend to wear tricorns as a one-side up looks better on me. Alas, at a recent event the wind tried to take it from my head, but I held on fast. I'm going to attach ties to the thing so I can tie it under my chin so to prevent that from happening again. I also might add, that my friend who was with me who had a tricorn also had her hat blown off. That happens when your hat tends to be bigger than your head. I wear a very small hat size as did she, so our hats tend to be loose on our heads. Unfortnatly, I have yet to find a hat small enough without going to a child's size that will stay on my head!

Rumba Rue

**Blowin' in the wind** :unsure:


Got no problem with that, I got abig fat head. :huh:

Sorry t' hear about yer hat, luv.

I 'ave been thinkin' (which is always a dengerous prop'sition...) of making ties on me hat, like the cowbay hat I had when I was a wee lad. I larf just thinkin' about how it would look on me.

Oh, and by the by, I was lookin' at yer fotograf, and you are right. The cavalier hat looks downright stunning on ye.


Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"


OK ya'll....I'll disagree with most everything you have said concerning

those blasted chapaues!! :unsure: Sounds to me like you haven't worn one

long enough!....first as Rumba said they fly off in a strong wind,

they'll let yet neck sunburn as well as yer face, when it rains,

it pours.....right down both side a yer back! yer ears 'r cold in the wind,

course ye can unhook the hooks 'n eys but then the blamed thing

flops around like giant elephant ears :huh: . Sooooo They, like the

ACW Kepi, serve no practical use other than FASHION!

BTW- I still wear me old black one all the time

sweat stains, dirt, black powder grime and all! :huh:




Certainly a mixed bag of most interesting comments about a basic piece of piratical garb!

I've been outfittin' meself fer the 1815 period, so headgear's been a bandana, voyageur's cap, and (low) top hat; but I also want to move back in time 100 years from then, so it will be a tricorn, not a cavalier, fer me.

Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"


For those of you who have the leather tricorns- How do they hold up in the rain? Not a misty day, but a solid constant rain. Our musters are not cancelled for rain, so kit has to be able to work as well wet as dry.

I've looked at the leather ones, but unless they are practically sealed in some form of plastic leather dressing, they would seem to soak up water very quickly.



Cannon add dignity to what otherwise would be merely an ugly brawl

I do what I do for my own reasons.

I do not require anyone to follow me.

I do not require society's approval for my actions or beliefs.

if I am to be judged, let me be judged in the pure light of history, not the harsh glare of modern trends.



I've been jonesing for a tricorn but haven't invested the silver in one yet. I've got a lovely cavalier-style, but what happened to the one woman is my worry...that it'd go sailing off my head one day on the Royaliste and be et up by a passing sea lion!

It'd be a sad end for a brown velvet hat with fancy plumes, eh?


  Nigel said:
Oh, and by the by, I was lookin' at yer fotograf, and you are right. The cavalier hat looks downright stunning on ye.


Actually the hat I'm wearin' in the picture isn't the cavalier hat I had orginally. I had one o' those big fancy ones in a beautiful burgandy color. Unfortunatly, my dumb friend left his window open on his car, and someone came along and stole it. Trust me, if I see it, I'll know it's mine, I know every mark and wear spot on it.

The one I'm wearin' in the picture is a hat I found at a thrift store for $1.99, that I simply decorated and pined a side up.

Rumba Rue

**Ladies Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society** :blink:

  Cracked Carrie said:
I've been jonesing for a tricorn but haven't invested the silver in one yet.

My costumer, JoAnne at Costumes, Period, just got a great deal on a hide of leather. While it lasts, she is offering the black leather tricorn (like mine) for only $150!

It is a superbly handcrafted hat, with a dome crown (not the bucket style you see on those ebay knockoffs) and a wire in the brim for shaping.

Here are a couple pics:



JoAnne is a brilliant costumer, with many years of experience. Her shop (in Auburn, WA) is a delight to walk into....jam packed full of beautiful costumes of every conceivable type.

Her website is here:


You can contact JoAnne at:

DressMup@aol.com <DressMup@aol.com>

If you inquire from her, please tell her that you were referred by Nigel.

Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"


I have three different hats but keep coming back to my trusty tricorn, which has been with me 15 years now. It has been aboard sailing vessels many time, in strong winds ashore, and it just won't blow off. Me others have much broader brims - one being nicknamed the "Flying Nun" rig from Cutthroat Island. Damned thing wants to take off at every turn, and could have experienced the same sad fate as Joanie's had it not been for close calls prior ashore.

Sir Nigel's idea is a valid one - the cord is tucked up in the hat for regular wearings and can come down under the chin for stronger winds. Beats losing yer hats mates.

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

  Cracked Carrie said:
I've been jonesing for a tricorn but haven't invested the silver in one yet.


"Jonesin' for a hat" are we, Cracked Carrie? Ye know, when I was a wee slip o' a lad, we couldn't afford a fancy hat. We had to wrap our heads in kelp and call that "good!" ;)

Sadly, these days my head is too big for a "human" hat. But it does come in handy in that it seems to have an effect on the tides! ;)

Drink up, me hearties and somebody get the girl a hat!


Cap'n Slappy


A leather hat works well for me...., a suede leather no., but a smooth grain leather yea!!! I live in Washington State and it rains here 9 months out of 12 ., rain runs off it., not saturates ., unless I suppose a person wore suede., but if you really wanted to get it water proof., a little mink oil goes a long way! *another useful aid is thee ability to hide a folded map in it* There are two styles of tricorn really for the cap., one is round., the other is oval., I have both however the oval is more practical for fit style and comfort...savvy? Choose your Corn Carefully.

As a side note for TalesOfTheSevenSeas

"It will also do for a Macaw feeder as well ., but if I find a Horse slobbering over my corn., he could very well wind up stew fer the crew aye"

;) NarborMaster ;)

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"


LOL now that brings up another funny story about tricorns and parrots- A friend has a molluccan cockatoo named Franklin, who loves hats and will grab any hat your wearing and toss it on the ground when he is on your shoulder. It's really a cute trick, but if you look closely at the edge of my tricorn, you can see where he bit it!

My triton cockatoo Cloudy isn't much interested in my tricorn, but I did discover that if you turn your head suddenly, wearing a tricorn with a parrot on your shoulder that you can unseat your parrot in short order!!

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


  the Royaliste said:
Glad that's figured out!!.. Carrie, thar be a loaner in the forward cabin, traditional with a white edge, like POTC marines..You are welcome to it if you like.


*Tamping the tricorn on her head and executing a spin on deck*

Why, thankee, Cap'n! I might just take ye up on that! At least as a loaner. I'd not want to deprive ye of a back-up hat.


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