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We reside in the historic Bethel, Missouri. A quiet little town where the nearest supermarket is 15 miles away. The nearest 'shopping center' is an hour away. We spend a large amount of time traveling. Selling and producing quality items for historic re-enactors has been our livelihood since 1974. We have participated in events across the nation. We have a vast inventory but have started to put a portion of it on http://www.crantespost.com/main.sc Visit My Website


Hey and welcome to the Pub! Glad to see you have made it to us and glad we are to have you..*Grins* This thread is to introduce yourself. However feel more than free to post your website with all your goodies in the Thieves Market.

Again Welcome to the Pub!


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png


Welcome aboard folks ....amble up the barman and hand him your purses you'll have no further use of them for now.... since you'll be buying rounds for all those about these parts ...it's the pyrates' way I do hope you'll be showing much more of your wares on your site and in the thieves market :D


A hearty welcome to ye, sir.

Missouri says ye? Ye be in good company and some in neighborin' states. I be to th' north of ye in th' not so tropical waters of Iowa. :)

Shall take a look at that store of yo'rs, sir. Thank ye.

An' bein' tradition that th' newcomer buys, I'll have a grog. Be good fo' me bein' as I'm still tryin' t' get over a nasty illness.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Good day to ye sir. Aye I will be looking into 'em wares as well. By chance do ye vend at any Oklahoma Faires. It seems that the name "pirates keep" be familiar to me.

As tradition decrees I'll be haveing a brandy! If ye please bar keep, on my "friends" coin of course.

Bosun Red

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