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I was image searching and I came across this company in the UK that makes life-sized pirate thingees. I've seen the girl on the rope several times before, but the rest of them are new to me. Veddy interesting!


Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



wow those were neat.

gotta have that pirate chick sitting on the bench now that would look grand in my entery.

wow those were neat.

gotta have that pirate chick sitting on the bench now that would look grand in my entery.

Bosun Red


I wouldn't mind having whoever modelled for the bench sitting pirate...lady...looking grand in my entry...or in other unspecified locations.

I would be tempted to ask that model one question..."Pardon me, Miss...is that all *you* in there?"

  bosun red said:
wow those were neat.

gotta have that pirate chick sitting on the bench now that would look grand in my entery.

wow those were neat.

gotta have that pirate chick sitting on the bench now that would look grand in my entery.

Damn, thats sharp!


Hey... if the 6 foot Pyrate lady standing was real, who helps her tie on her top? :(


Eye already have the Skeleton pirate with the hook ..If money fell out of the sky today i would get the pirate wench on the bench.

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:


"My treasure to he who can understand."

  Patrick Hand said:
Hey... if the 6 foot Pyrate lady standing was real, who helps her tie on her top? :blink:
The more magical question would be how does she keep everything in the blouse? ...but I guess you guys don't want her to keep things hidden, aye?
  Silkie McDonough said:
  Patrick Hand said:
Hey... if the 6 foot Pyrate lady standing was real, who helps her tie on her top? :blink:
The more magical question would be how does she keep everything in the blouse? ...but I guess you guys don't want her to keep things hidden, aye?

I think you answered your own question... B)

Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?

  Black Syren said:
Wench on the Bench sounds like some sort of snack or ice cream flavor... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Sorry, they just aren't bendable and usable for me......a little stiff in bed.......... :P


Would it be (cough) indelicate of me to say I'd eat it?

  Black Syren said:
Wench on the Bench sounds like some sort of snack or ice cream flavor... :blink::blink::blink:

Damn, thats sharp!


They are real neat statues. Port Washington had a couple of them.

The cannon and the treasure chest interest me the most. :blink:

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Where's the skeleton in pirate garb sitting on a bench? Such a thing would look right nice on my front porch.

Remember that the pound is currently at about $1.40 from about $2.00 a year ago. It's a good time to buy life-sized pirates. :D

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



They have anoputlet for these in Glendale CA down on San Fernando Road.

You can see everything up close... and they are truely FUN!

M'self, I'd like the lad sitting on the chest drinking his rum.

Hmmmm... reminds me of the Team Disney Building! :blink:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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