Jamaica Rose Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 http://www.buccaneersball.com/ June 27th, 2009: The Buccaneers' Ball Prescott, ARIZONA Time: 7 p.m. Where: The old "Armory" building (aka Grace Sparkes Prescott Activity Center) at 824 E. Gurley St. So it's swashbuckling ye be wantin' is it? Yohoho... Avast there matey... Pieces of eight, pieces of eight... Dance a proper jig or walk the plank. Plunder a'plenty. Shiver me timbers and boarders away... Fashion: Historical or Piratical attire is required for this Ball, either historic reproduction attire or at least a modern attempt at looking piratical. Wear piratical or nautical attire or any historic attire from the 1650s to the 1820s. Alternately dress modern but with piratical touches such as a bandana over the head or an eye patch. Some male pirates wore loose skirts. This could be an option for those who don't have slops or breeches. Other than fashion exceptions particular to this Ball, the rest of our We Make History "House Standards" still apply. See the House Standards with Exceptions below and please Email us if you have any questions. Music & Dance: Featuring "Bahama Becky" along with "The Plankwalkers", the music will be live and lively and the dancing an enjoyable mix of simple historic styles which we will teach. (After all, most pirates probably didn't know much beyond a jig or two!) Booty: There will be light refreshments and a number of excellent (and thematic) door prizes will be given away. Everyone attending will receive a ticket with a year on it from the age of piracy. To win you must be drawn and be able to recite an historical fact relevant to that specific year ... or be left to the mercy of the crew. Passes: 17th Century prices in Advance by Post "Huzzah!" By Mail we ask a contribution of $17 each. Advance requests must be received by Monday, June 22nd and must be accompanied by a check along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope and your email address. Mail to We Make History, P.O. Box 12874, Scottsdale, Arizona 85267. 18th Century prices in Advance by PayPal "Hear, Hear!" By PayPal we ask a contribution of $18 each. The PayPal links will be available through 10PM on Monday, June 22nd. 21st Century Prices at the Ball "Yaaaar!" At the Ball we shall request a contribution of $30 per person. What ship is that? Required! Compulsory! Mandatory! All attending as pirates must have a pirate name and be ready to say "A r r r r r r....." If ye don't have a pirate name we'll assign on to ye on the spot! Arrrrrrrr! The Buccaneers' Feast: In the Ships' Galley immediately after the Ball. (JB's restaurant is the only place open late enough in all of Prescott and is only a few blocks from the Ball.) The Buccaneers' Bowl: Football and a Picnic in Pirate Attire the day after the Ball. Yaaarrrrrr! The picnic will be at 1PM at the west end of Granite Creek Park. It will be very informal. Bring food and drink. Dress in pirate attire! --Jamaica Rose Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993 http://www.noquartergiven.net/ "Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life" Find No Quarter Given ... on Facebook: facebook.com/noquartergiven ... and on Twitter: @NoQuarterGiven
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