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Proper young lass needs some help from Pirates!

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Posted (edited)

Ye don't know her, 'n I don't know her, but I know her friend 'n ye know me; so it's kinda like we all be family!! :D

Hey, there be this wench, 'n she be a Paranormal - I think that means they both, right 'n left, be o' th' same size, shape, 'n mass (probably surgically done, but what th' hey) so she be try'n t' break into show biz 'n apparently th' local brothel turn'd her down so she be try'n t' get t' Port Hollywood, but she be need'n some votes. So weather ye voted in th' last election, 'n regardless how ye voted, ye be need'n t' spend two minutes (three if ye be on dial up) to go click a little red button that say "Vote For ME"; ye not register or even give yer name, just click link below then click that little red button before someone else does! I understand she now be in th' Top 5 so she be need'n just a wee bit o' a push from some kind folk now (but ye can vote anyway I suppose)! Oh, 'n ye can vote once a day til th' Admiralty make up their mind! :P

Now remember, she be a Paranormal so if ye be read'n this then she probably already knows yer intention so I advise it be that ye are already in route t' go Vote! (plus she gotta much shorter skirt then th' other lassies, so at th' least go check out her photo; 'n Click That Button...I think it makes her skirt get shorter - GO ANIMAL!!! :D )


VOTE FER Mary Ellen!

::else a entire biker gang 'n th' Indiana Fire Dept be knock'n at yer door!!:: :P

Edited by MadL

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

Posted (edited)

Well she's pretty mate but that's about all we can vote about. Reality shows will judge heavily on personality and ones ability to handle stressful situations.

I vote to just go for it. No regrets!


the worst that can happen is she gets rejected by snot nosed producers whom only have interests in their own personal finances. She has nothing to loose in my opinion if she's just looking for encouragement.

Edited by Thequartermaster
Posted (edited)

Avast, I dropped by last night t' see if pitching her on MySpace and then her got her any further ahead....it looks like the now 'top three or four' have been doing some cheating with the numbers; they where all within 100~200 points but now those first 3 or 4 suddenly JUMPED TO OVER 1000+ points?!?!?

guess it just don't pay t' play fair ball....Gotta Break Out The Black Powder And Kill Yer Opponents!!! :P

:lol: I take that back!! Just checked again they are Now OVER 2000+ Points?? Overnight?!! I think some o' them players are not play'n fair!!


...oh well, I tried fer her....(good thing I gave them bikers all o' yer's addresses...!!!)

Edited by MadL

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


I ain't goinna click th' link... I ain't goinna look at it..... maybe it's fun.... kinda sounds weird ter me....... :lol:

But it does sound like the long ago California election where they were tryin' ter figure out where the State capital should be.....

Sacramento got more votes than 5 times the population of the entire State........ :lol: (I think San Fransisco only could stuff the ballot box for twice the population...)

Once upon a time we could at least laugh about our polly-tick........... :P


:D I always was told that a bunch o' fat, rich polly-ticks got t' geather 'n said:

"There be no port here, it be too hot in th' summer 'n too cold in th' winter; surely no pirates can get us here, they can naught even sail up th' Sacramento river for it be too polluted 'n neigh dry - We will make THIS dump th' capitol 'n live elsewhere so we can fly our jets back 'n forth everyday at th' expense o' th' tax payers!"


~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


What kind of paranormal investigator is she??....Chrispy and I have a friend who talks to dead people... I should tell him about this... then again its probably a bit late in the game for him.


“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

What kind of paranormal investigator is she??....Chrispy and I have a friend who talks to dead people... I should tell him about this... then again its probably a bit late in the game for him.

Nell, (or Chrispy, one is never quite sure.) ya know doggone well that we livin' in Fla. all talk to the dead everyday. Well in my area n' yers (by your own admission), it's more like the "nearly" dead ...... well ..... it's really not that unusual.

Self Promoter Jim

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