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Piratizing Yer Land Yachts

Jamaica Rose

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'ello luvies,

We have a Pirate License Plate rogues gallery on the No Quarter Given website: http://www.noquartergiven.net/LicensePlates.htm

We are always looking for more, and I bet that many of you have gotten a custom license plate on yer land yacht.

If you'd like your license plate displayed on the NQG webpage, please send me a private email to: jamaica@noquartergiven.net along with your image attached (.jpg preferred). Also tell me which name you would prefer we use to post with your plate image.

Safe harbours and full tankards,

--Jamaica Rose

editor, No Quarter Given

--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


"Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life"

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