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Posted (edited)

Just took these off the lathe. They'll do double duty as a shipboard tool or another weapon in a pinch.

The longer one is 13" long and goes from 7/8" tapering down to 3/4"

The shorter one is about 12" long and tapers form 3/4" to about 5/8"


These can be made to your specs, would need to know the largest diameter rope on your ship.

Edited by sutlerjon

Self Promoter Jim

Pirate Gear oldsutlerjohn.biz

American Civil War oldsutlerjohn.net

  • 2 weeks later...

I got me a parade coming up in May...I'd be quite interested in the vending of some cheesy comestables...oops, wrong thread. I mean, I wanna buy one.

Damn, thats sharp!


How is the balance on them? Want to know for throwin' purposes.

-- Hurricane

  sutlerjon said:
Just took these off the lathe. They'll do double duty as a shipboard tool or another weapon in a pinch.

The longer one is 13" long and goes from 7/8" tapering down to 3/4"

The shorter one is about 12" long and tapers form 3/4" to about 5/8"


These can be made to your specs, would need to know the largest diameter rope on your ship.

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

  Capn Bob said:
I got me a parade coming up in May...I'd be quite interested in the vending of some cheesy comestables...oops, wrong thread. I mean, I wanna buy one.

OK they're not cheesy, way too much cellulose fiber, I wouldn't recommend eatin' one, might chip a tooth. I'd feel kinda squeamish tellin ya wot they're doin' on the girls' thread with 'em.

But.. if you'll tell me what size rope you'd have on yer ship I can make ya one or more that would be correct for your application. I say that because I think these might be a little small (diameter wise) based on some good info I came into possesion of this weekend.

I'll be runnin' the lathe next week after we get back from Ft Desoto this comin' weekend and I'll make what ya want and send it out to ya.

PM me with the particulars and we'll go from there.


Self Promoter Jim

Pirate Gear oldsutlerjohn.biz

American Civil War oldsutlerjohn.net

Posted (edited)

Well Cap'n I haven't tried throwin' 'em, wait ........ just beaned the boss, :blink: ......... an' now she's mad as hell!! :o

They may be a bit small but they'll raise a knot on yer noggin'!!

But serially, beaned 'er agin' :blink::blink: I don't know what you'd be lookin' for in that respect. (Half expected a ? like to come from Diosa :o:o )

Let me know what yer wantin' an' I'll do my best.


By the by, are the measures right?

Edited by sutlerjon

Self Promoter Jim

Pirate Gear oldsutlerjohn.biz

American Civil War oldsutlerjohn.net

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

This is the size I want to go with and the frog for the belt. These are made according to the proportions that are on GoF website (credit where due! Thank you) and acoording to him is pre 1750 correct.


The top one is finished with Linseed oil the bottom one with polyurethane, pick your finish, the frog can be done in black, brown, or natural.


This is how it looks in the frog

The price will be $30.00 + shipping ($5.50) including the frog.

Just came from post office, priority mail to just about anywhere exceptin' Alaska & Hawaii $5.50

Edited by sutlerjon

Self Promoter Jim

Pirate Gear oldsutlerjohn.biz

American Civil War oldsutlerjohn.net

Posted (edited)
  sutlerjon said:
This is the size I want to go with and the frog for the belt. These are made according to the proportions that are on GoF website (credit where due! Thank you) and acoording to him is pre 1750 correct.


The top one is finished with Linseed oil the bottom one with polyurethane, pick your finish, the frog can be done in black, brown, or natural.


This is how it looks in the frog

The price will be $30.00 + shipping ($5.50) including the frog. Just came from post office, priority mail to just about anywhere exceptin' Alaska & Hawaii $5.50

I gots one o' them boys. Tis a foine pin ta be sure, but as I was gonna test er by tossing it, me lady said "Best not be throwin' that thing at moi, else it will end up when the sun n'ver shines!" I thought it best not ta throw it at the puss either [although he makes a spendid movin' target, he do] but the balance is good and the frog is first rate. Great job me friend! I looks a bit too new, so's I will be dirtyin' it up some. Some nice oily dirt aughter do her right nicely.

Thanks again, Mate!

Edited by mcdrago

Mr. McDrago,

Most pleased I yam to see that ye got your pin. Am equally gratified to see that ye di'n't bounce it off'n yer spouse or yer rat catcher.

Just in case it ever hadda go anywhere there be no "sunlight", I try very hard to make it smooth as a yung'uns arse an' the linseed oil finish .....well .... I think I needn't say anymore 'bout tha'.

I would also like to say a hearty Thank Ya for the Totally Unsolicited Testimonial as to the suitability of the product fer belayin', or slingin' or possibly even ins .... er .... that'll be all.

Your welcome,


Self Promoter Jim

Pirate Gear oldsutlerjohn.biz

American Civil War oldsutlerjohn.net


I got me one of them fine, handcrafted pins, as well. I'm looking forward to applying it to patrons' noggins here at the library, just to reinforce the notion that when we say "SHH!", we mean it!

Damn, thats sharp!

  • 2 weeks later...

I got me one of them belayin' pins, and right handy they are, too. Only trouble is, the library director frowns on their use. Why, I disciplined me a couple of trouble-makin' spalpeens at library t'other day (as I work at such a place, bein' a literary pyrate, belike)), and twas *I* what got tossed into the library brig. And what makes it worse, the library doesn't even *have* a brig! And I was threatened with the rightly-feared Death By A Thousand Paper Cuts if'n I didn't stop belayin' patrons *right now*!

How are we going to run a ship-shape library without belaying pins, thats what I want to know...

Mad Capn Bob

Damn, thats sharp!

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Naw, twasn't I.

But even so, you're very welcome.

And thanks for keeping scurvy hands offa my ships equipment!

  sutlerjon said:
Hey QM James did you get the pin in the auction?

If ya did thanks fer the recognition!

even if ya didn't, thanks fer the recognition!

  • 1 month later...

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