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2009 L.O.R.E.

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I was sick and missed th' October sessions but I have a question about this year's scheduling:

1) Is is possible to schedule th' Rum Tasting so it will not overlap with any of th' weapons classes, preferably AFTER th' weapons are all stowed?

I ask this for last spring th' Rum Tasting was going to over lap with th' Advanced Black Powder, however we got lucky as that instructor failed t' show and th' instructor for th' earlier was kind enough t' cover for him and we opted to give up lunch so we could all go t' th' Rum Tasting after lunch. Otherwise we would have had to make th' most difficult choice in a pirate's life: Rum or BOOM?

Also do not forget to inform th' instructors we will be carrying cards that need t' be signed, I found half th' instructors were not aware of this and a couple vanished before we could get them out, others we had t' haggle with to explain Why we wanted them t' sign, one even was very resistant to sign at all... B) so needless t' say I did not get a completed card turned in due to: Lack of Instructor Participation

...perhaps ye had all this worked out in October but alas I was much to sick t' attend any events that month B)

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

Posted (edited)

Though classes can repeat, most often LORE has different classes each session. I am unaware that either rum or black powder small arms will be in the offing this time around. There will be classes on small cannon operations, sword play, and navigation for starters. There is more information to be found on the No Quarter Given website than on the LORE site proper. However, right here Jamaica Rose (pirate coordinator) already has a thread talking about the event. The link is below.

Jamaica's Thread

Edited by Graydog

Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!


Ahhh, I saw th' other thread with th' long list.

So far only three classes? I was hoping they would have th' piratical dance class again for I missed that one (was fight'n a cold last Spring as well - left when th' winds began t' blow, as did me nose).

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


Eye think MadL will be sick this Spring too...Oh well MadL...

I'm sure thar be a class in 2010...eagh eagh..

Jesting aside eye look forward to the knot tying class and expect to see ye thar..

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."


Been practice'n th' knots, now that certainly works Better with Rum it does!!

Actually I have been play'n more with fancy knots and lacing....I think I will start me knife shortly, I just want t' re-do me latest lanyard as I did not like th' way it finished out, gonna try something different.

....now where did I put me rope stretcher????

Oh, gonna begin practicing making grommets shortly as well, soon as I get more materials - got me book "Making a Sailor's Traditional Ditty Bag and Sea Bag" by Louie Bartos today...Nice Book! Nice Details! gotta get me some more o' that canvas hemp I made me market wallet with! and some sailtwine, 'n a few true sailer's needles!

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

1) Is is possible to schedule th' Rum Tasting so it will not overlap with any of th' weapons classes, preferably AFTER th' weapons are all stowed?

I ask this for last spring th' Rum Tasting was going to over lap with th' Advanced Black Powder, however we got lucky as that instructor failed t' show and th' instructor for th' earlier was kind enough t' cover for him and we opted to give up lunch so we could all go t' th' Rum Tasting after lunch. Otherwise we would have had to make th' most difficult choice in a pirate's life: Rum or BOOM?

Also do not forget to inform th' instructors we will be carrying cards that need t' be signed, I found half th' instructors were not aware of this and a couple vanished before we could get them out, others we had t' haggle with to explain Why we wanted them t' sign, one even was very resistant to sign at all... :unsure: so needless t' say I did not get a completed card turned in due to: Lack of Instructor Participation

...perhaps ye had all this worked out in October but alas I was much to sick t' attend any events that month :(

We do not have Rum Tasting scheduled yet for this session. Working on it. I have scheduling conflicts. Problem is, I don't like to schedule it as the last class of the day, and have people drive away right after. So I usually schedule it for right after lunch, then people have time to wear off the alcohol before driving.

And yes, any combat classes should be done before Rum Tasting. The swivel gun class has to be on Sat. afternoon. Whereas my Knot and Navigation instructor can only come on Sunday, and wants the 2nd and 3rd sessions, because he has a commitment later that afternoon and can't stay.

If we have Rum Tasting as the last session on Sat., we'd have to make sure all participants have DDs, or want to hang around awhile. Logistically that seems tricky.

As for instructors signing cards, or rather NOT signing them, in the notes I send to Instructors before L.O.R.E. I explain about signing cards, and include a reminder to bring a pen or pencil for such a purpose. In the morning notes, they are also reminded about signing student cards, but many instructors aren't there yet, or are busy setting up their class. I will try to stress this even more this time in my pre-L.O.R.E. notes. Sorry you had such a problem. Were they all Pirate Instructors you had problems with? Or did you go to classes in other tracks. If so, I don't know if those instructors are warned about signing cards. I only recruit the Pirate Instructors.

--Jamaica Rose

--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


"Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life"

Find No Quarter Given

... on Facebook: facebook.com/noquartergiven

... and on Twitter: @NoQuarterGiven

Though classes can repeat, most often LORE has different classes each session. I am unaware that either rum or black powder small arms will be in the offing this time around. There will be classes on small cannon operations, sword play, and navigation for starters. There is more information to be found on the No Quarter Given website than on the LORE site proper. However, right here Jamaica Rose (pirate coordinator) already has a thread talking about the event. The link is below.

Jamaica's Thread

Greydog is one of the instructors with the small cannon operations class (thank you luv), so he definitely knows that one is on the schedule. LOL

Besides sword play and navigation, there will also be a class on Knots. And maybe costuming and special effects make up. Still working out the logistics on those.

If there are gaps in the schedule, my husband or I can fill in with a class or two as needed. I first wait and see who else I can press gang as instructors.

--Jamaica Rose

--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


"Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life"

Find No Quarter Given

... on Facebook: facebook.com/noquartergiven

... and on Twitter: @NoQuarterGiven

If we have Rum Tasting as the last session on Sat., we'd have to make sure all participants have DDs, or want to hang around awhile. Logistically that seems tricky.

--Jamaica Rose

Aye indeed! Tis nice t' after a good rum taste t' ride home on a pair o' luvly DDs! :rolleyes:

we'd have to make sure all participants have DDs, or want to hang around awhile.

--Jamaica Rose

So if we only bring a CC then, we can hang around after 'n trade her in fer a DD?!!? :lol:

...but what I am naught clear on here; what be th' tricky part? Do them corsets really make it that hard t' tell? :lol:

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

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