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Recruiting Instructors for L.O.R.E.

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I'm in charge of organizing the pirate classes for the L.O.R.E. weekend at the Crossroads Faire site in Corona, CALIFORNIA. It is scheduled for Feb. 28 and March 1.

I am recruiting instructors for L.O.R.E.

Here is some background on it:

L.O.R.E. is a weekend of workshop classes mostly for the purpose of training and instructing the participants of the Koroneberg Renaissance Festival, and the Cutthroats of Corona Pirate Festival to help them develop their personas, and increase their knowledge of period topics. But it is open to anyone who is interested in history, pirates, renfaires, living history, and reenacting. You do not need to be a participant of Koroneberg RenFest or Cutthroats of Corona. It is held in the shady, tree-lined country village on the river banks of the Santa Ana River at the Crossroads Riverview Park in Corona (site of Koroneberg Renaissance Festival and Cutthroats of Corona).

Here's the website on it: http://www.renaissanceinfo.com/lore.html

There are four sessions on Sat. and four more on Sun. (between 60-90 minutes), running from 9:30 am to 4 pm, with a 90 minute lunch break. Usually there are two tracks of Renaissance oriented classes, one track of combat classes, and one or two tracks of pirate classes. I am in charge of organizing and planning pirate classes, and recruiting instructors for such. We have had subjects on:

costuming (male, female, many aspects)

Piracy 101 (basic pirate history)

persona development

special effects make-up





songs pirates would have sung

Rum 101 (history of rum, and rum tasting)

leatherworking (make a baldric)

medical practices for shipboard surgeons

games pirates played

knot tying and rope basics

bottles (and other itmes) covered with decorative knotwork

cockade making

dances of the pirate era


navigation basics

taverns of the Golden Age of Piracy

setting up the pirate encampment

pirate cuisine

how to make a cockcade

... and more.

We are happy to have subjects repeated (especially the basics of costuming, persona, and weapons), for there are always students who haven't attended that subject before, and even for repeat students, different teachers will have a fresh take on things.

Some topics we haven't covered, but I would love to have classes on are:

period uses of tobacco

sailmaking, and making a canvas sail into an on-shore shelter


And just because I haven't listed it here, doesn't mean we can't cover it.

Class size is usually around one or two dozen (sometimes more). It will be in an outdoors setting (shady, but on dirt mostly), with tables and chairs about. There is an arena available for active combat classes and blackpowder shooting.

Hands-on, make-it and take-it home type classes are highly welcomed. We can arrange for tables, and run long extension cords out for electricity if needed. We can also ask for materials fees, to recompense you for any materials used, if appropriate.

Please let me know if you are interested in instructing. It is all pretty informal, so don't be afraid if you have never instructed before. You are also welcomed to have a co-teacher or assistant teachers. Also, if you don't think you need a full hour or 90 minutes for your skill or expertise, we might group you with someone else of a related subject who doesn't need as much time.

If you would like to volunteer to instruct, please send me a private email. -- jamaica@noquartergiven.net

Let me know if you have time restrictions and can only do it during a certain time or day. Or just if you have preferences of time or day, you can let me know that too, in which case I will try to accommodate you if possible. Also, if you plan to carpool with another instructor, let me know so I can schedule you both for the same day.

I would LOVE to pay our teachers for your wonderful contributions. But alas, there is no budget to pay instructors. You will be comped for the entire weekend, and can attend the other classes, as well as the lunch or dinner provided and sometimes an evening show. There is free camping at the site starting on Friday (RVs too, but no hook ups). Plus, it will look great on your resume. You are also welcomed to bring flyers about your own business, or plug any related projects or endeavors.

Piratically yrs,

Jamaica Rose

(aka Christine Lampe)


--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


"Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life"

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