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Hey gang!

Sorry for being incommunicado for a few weeks.

After graduation there was the holidays, recuperation from the holidays and the travel therein and then I started the new job, which I am still trying to settle into with a full patient roster.

And then the family imploded. The economy in Palm Beach is in such a ridiculous tail spin that 98% of my clients are suffering from anxiety/depression due to losing their jobs/homes/loved ones to suicide/etc. Fuck you, Ponzi, is all I have to say. Add to that that my own father was laid off after 38 years with his company and my sister still hasn't found work after graduating a week after me and yeaaaah. Things are ugly in the House of Red Jessi. Anyway, I'm going to try and get back into the swing of posting and reading and keeping up, though. We'll see how that goes! The road to hell is paved with what again?

How's all of you?


Hey Red, I've missed you!

I know a few others have mentioned similar sentiments as well... But I'll let them speak for themselves. People often fall off the radar for weeks or even months at a time at the pub, and then resurface once thier lives stabelize... Glad you made it back as soon as you have.

Sorry to hear things have been so rocky for you, hope things improve for you soon. Hope that the new job is at least treating you well.



Jessi - Glad to see you back at the Pub, but sorry to hear about the unfortunate happenings to your family. I hope things turn out alright.

Btw... is the FX con on your radar (mid April)? I missed it last year (first went in '07 - the venue sucked). Thinking this year I may go for a day.

Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@

Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

Welcome, Foolish Mortals...


I'm sorry to hear things are going rough Jessi. Hopefully things will start to turn around. I know how you feel though.

My boyfriend lost his job of 12 years back in October when his company was sold. He's been struggling to find something else ever since. No one wants to hire and everyone is trying to get hired. He was the major breadwinner between the two of us so we're trying to put together a back up plan so that we don't lose our house when his severance runs out in three months. Scary stuff.


Welcome back Jessi. It is unfortunately people need you the most when things aren't going well. Remeber that you are helping them more than they probably let on.

I lost my job 3 years ago and had major anxiety issues and seeing a counselor was the BEST thing I ever did. Those sessions have helped me be a better person and father.

Keep your chin up!

Mickey Flint

First Mate o' the Harbinger

Me Website...



It's pretty crazy everywhere these days. Hang in there, and I'm sure thing will turn around eventually.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


I got laid off in November...of last year. Aside from a couple of short-term gigs I havn't found anything.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


:::hugs RedJessi::: Aye, m'dear. Can completely understand the troubles. Seems like it will never get better, doesn't it?

I was released from my job in June during the Flood just because I couldn't get there (apparently they thought I could still get across the river despite every route was closed!). Been trying to get something since then. worked with the city but didn't stay there long cause of health reasons (decided not to even get involved in fighting for my money, wasn't even to fight for), helped my sister out watching her kids from August to December with the understanding I'd be paid. Never happened. Which led to an eviction cause I wasn't paid and other financial issues. The two months following the flood was THE worst I've ever had to endure and NEVER want to do that again.

Currently got a part timer but the morals and business ethics of the place is very questionable. I can't work in an environment that is so questionable. So, searching for something nearby and belting out applications and resumes. Lots of possiblities, just not sure if I will get it. Definite russian roulette.

M' dad has lost 3 jobs in one year. It's insane! 2 closed their doors for good, the other has very questionable business ethics and morals. He's in a 4th job now and tired of the jumping around. Hoping that this one will work out and he can stay at this one for a few years at least or better, until he retires (IF he retires).

So, aye. Most definitely feel yo'r pain. It's so topsy turvy.

Yeah, talking to someone does help lots. Just someone to listen to our troubles and not put us on the defensive or make us feel bad for our failures. Especially when all ye need is just an ear to hear yo'r troubles, not someone telling you what to do and what not to do. That just belittles ye and makes you feel like a child and unable to make decisions for yo'rself. (One of my biggest pet peeve. I've told people this many times and yet some still do it, but when I want someone's advice on what to do and what not to do, I will ask for it. Otherwise, I just need this crap out of me and I just want someone there to treat me there like a human adult, someone to give me comfort. I can bloody well make those decisions for myself after I clear my head.) Not there to burden someone else with troubles. Telling someone problems is not suppose to be a burden. If someone places something upon you and asks you something that you know you can't handle, then yes that's a burden.

All in all, lots of changes. Lots of troubles.

:::hugs RedJessi again:::: Good t' have ye back on th' Pub again though. ;)

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


If you need hugs we're here for you. These people are great for support. Everybody here listens and understands and will offer what advice we can. We are here for you.

We look at a time away from the pub as going out to sea. When you come back to shore everyone has a story to tell.

Git up of your asses, set up those glasses I'm drinking this place dry.


Too bad you are so far away. I could use your services at the present, and someone who has a background in this crazy hobby would be most appreciated. But after a session or two with me, you'd probably reconsider your choice of professions. Hang in there girl, it will only make you tougher.


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