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Posted (edited)

Ok folks, as many of you know I have a great love for WWII russian

reenacting. This is greatly due to the 95th Rifles of which I am proud

to call home. I have just seen a trailer for a new Daniel Craig movie

of which he is apparently a Polish or Russian resistance fighter.

This is seriously ironic since I have been trying to get the

resistance efforts to a respectable level... Just for the record and

for folks whom are not familiar with WWII reenacting... It tends to be

a common opinion that the reenactors portraying resistance fighters

are less than equal, when compared to the rest or the reenacting

community... I have always hoped to change that!! Unfortunately, it's

hard to change minds when you're already swamped with committments to

other efforts and scenarios/battles and such.

Hopefully if this movie is as great as it looks, it will bring a

greater interest around for not only Russian reenacting, but also

partisan impressions...


Just thought I'd pass the word, since they say Daniel Craig gives the performance of a lifetime!!

Maybe it's just the Polish blood in me!!!

Edited by Rats


No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!


I saw that Trailer the other day, (OK I was inna Bar, I don't have a T.V. at home) but when I asked if anyone knew what it was about , no one knew.... The Trailer does look good...

I wanted to get into WWII reenacting, but from what I can find out, everyone is SS or American Airborne.... (OK... I heard a rumor that there was a British unit...) And most units close to me are in Southern California....

I wanted to put together a reenactment of Bill Maudlin cartoons (Willie and Joe) I figured that way, I wouldn't offend some people, and the guys that really were there would understand it.... (sorry, that's the very short version of something much longer....)

Posted (edited)

According to on line information this is a Jewish Partisan group in the forest. Russian Partisans are a secondary story line involved via one of the brothers splitting away from the group that is the focus of the movie. Regardless, it looks to be a very good movie.

Did anybody see Valkyrie?

I did and just loved it, but I have a high interest in the subject matter so probably liked it better than somebody who did not share an interest.

Along the same subject matter area, but a way different aspect is Reader. A good art film (code words for boring, but I really liked it) that does get one to think about group think and attitudes in Germany or elsewhere, provided they can get beyond two items 1- Kate Winslet is naked for 30 mins in the movie in a pure gratuitous fashion that I had to view three times just to verify that it was indeed gratuitious and 2- Kate Winslet is naked for 30 mins in the movie.

Edited by Graydog

Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!


I've been hearing trailers for Defiance for days now on my trip into work. I've been meaning to delve deeper but haven't had the opportunity, so thanks for the links. I have to say it stirs my Polish blood too...

As for WWII reenacting. Done that. Though I have to say not nearly enough. I was in a Scottish recon unit with lots of cool vehicles. There's something awesome about riding shotgun in a universal carrier. Well... it was actually a Boys anti-tank rifle, but you get the idea. I'm not sure what the state of things is in Cali, but here on the East Coast it's pretty big, with lots of groups reenacting lots of different impressions. And I agree with you 100% Patrick, reenacting Willie and Joe would be my primary goal.

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The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

It tends to be

a common opinion that the reenactors portraying resistance fighters

are less than equal, when compared to the rest or the reenacting

community... I have always hoped to change that!! Unfortunately, it's

hard to change minds when you're already swamped with committments to

other efforts and scenarios/battles and such.

Funny, but many of my friends who have done WWII did so as resistance. In fact, that's how I met Bob and Kass. I was a Tommie, and they were French resistance. We gave all the cute resistance chicks a lift back to camp on the universal carrier. What fun!

The guys I know who still do WWII (other than the ones I know who did 15th Recce) seem to have all migrated to a GI unit doing MPs. There was once a group of them who were trying to do Jedburgh in conjunction with the resistance, but I haven't heard a peep from them in a couple years so I'm guessing that one fell through.

Also... if I was in California I know exactly what I'd do. I'd hook up with the Long Range Desert Group reenactors out there. They've got the truck and everything. Sweet!

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The Pirate Brethren Gallery

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