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Searle's Raid updated info

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Searle's Raid will be on March 6-8 2009 at the Fountain of Youth park in St Augustine Florida. Please excuse the old info on the web site. The webmaster has been under the weather, this will be corrected shortly.

The website http://searlesbuccaneers.org/ still has a wealth of information pertaining to the Raid. You can find a history of the raid compiled from various sources from our event coordinator Mr. Davis Walker. There are also links for Rules and guide lines for the event. http://searlesbuccaneers.org/Searles_Rules.htm.

If anyone is looking for period correct clothing please check out Sykes Sutlery.They carry really nice Monmouth caps. http://sykesutler.home.att.net/.

If anyone has any further questions please feel free to drop me an email. If you received a flyer at PIP from either Captain William Kunze, or Doug, my email address is there to. The good Captain sends his regrets for not getting this info out sooner but he is having computer "issues" at this time.

For the stories and rumored stories that may or may not have been told and are more than likely true , or not, I can neither confirm nor deny the validity , or lack thereof of anything that I did or did not witness in a sober or a druken state.

"For God and the King"

Sgt. Jeff Johnson

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