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I just came home with a lovely hide of 3-4 oz leather that I am looking forward to making into a baldric or two. I hav a slew of reference photos that I am going to use (and I am sorry to say Captain Sterling and Mickey S. that I have pilfered these images from Hollywood!).

However, I am a little vague on the dimensions of the 3 components that I am to make.

Has anyone made their own (I am sure that you all have) and do you have a pattern that you would be willing to share?

I am also looking for a non Acme Brand (Hollywood) alternative for a buckle if any of you have a suggestion. I am thinking to make the baldric about 2.25 inches wide...

Thanks for any suggestions....

Mickey Flint

First Mate o' the Harbinger

Me Website...



I can't help you with patterns...

But I do usually use 8 to 10 oz. leather for belts/straps/baldrics, I find the 3-4 oz. a bit light for that sort of application. However, you could do it in two layers so you will have the smooth side out on both the outside and underside of the baldric, which would wear a lot nicer than single sided baldrics.

There are some decent images of baldrics in the book "Swords and Blades of the American Revolution", my copy is currently loaned out or I could scan and sen you the images from that... Or maybe someone else here has their copy on hand, or perhaps your local library has a copy.


I can't help you with patterns...

But I do usually use 8 to 10 oz. leather for belts/straps/baldrics, I find the 3-4 oz. a bit light for that sort of application. However, you could do it in two layers so you will have the smooth side out on both the outside and underside of the baldric, which would wear a lot nicer than single sided baldrics.

There are some decent images of baldrics in the book "Swords and Blades of the American Revolution", my copy is currently loaned out or I could scan and sen you the images from that... Or maybe someone else here has their copy on hand, or perhaps your local library has a copy.


Most excellent advice! I was thinking of making it double layered. I am lucky to have an old school shoe repair just around the corner with 3 leather sewing machines (I know that's cheating but, well) and I was going to have them stitch the sides together.

I can figure out the dimensions on the straight pieces, its just how big to make the "Y" section that is the frog that I am fretting over. I am planning on making it out of cardboard tomorrow and seeing what it looks like.

Thanks Mickey. You are a treasure trove!!!!!!!!!!!

Mickey Flint

First Mate o' the Harbinger

Me Website...


I can't help you with patterns...

But I do usually use 8 to 10 oz. leather for belts/straps/baldrics, I find the 3-4 oz. a bit light for that sort of application. However, you could do it in two layers so you will have the smooth side out on both the outside and underside of the baldric, which would wear a lot nicer than single sided baldrics.

There are some decent images of baldrics in the book "Swords and Blades of the American Revolution", my copy is currently loaned out or I could scan and sen you the images from that... Or maybe someone else here has their copy on hand, or perhaps your local library has a copy.


Hmmm, I actually checked the hide again, and its a 6-7 oz shoulder hide. I did a test and doubling it is REALLY stiff. I may just have to go a bit lite...

I am also trying to track down "Swords and Blades of the American Revolution", thanks for the tip.

Mickey Flint

First Mate o' the Harbinger

Me Website...


Hmmm, I actually checked the hide again, and its a 6-7 oz shoulder hide. I did a test and doubling it is REALLY stiff. I may just have to go a bit lite...

I am also trying to track down "Swords and Blades of the American Revolution", thanks for the tip.

6-7 oz. should be more than fine, I tend to prefer my belts to be rather stout as I carrie a lot of accessories on it. 6-7 oz. should be more than good enough to support a sword and a few accessories, but I would strongly recommend against overdoing it.

Alternatively, you could back the leather with some stout fabric to make up for the difference... Ot if you have a nice looking fabric, cover the front with it to make it more decorative. I've seen images of what look like fabric sashes/baldrics, there is no saying the fabric didn't cover leather for strength underneath. Albeit the fabric sashes/baldrics tend to be a more upper class thing judging from the images I have seen.


Bugger it all! I know there be another pirate forum out there what has a wonderful thread go'n on all about baldrics....but I can not find me way on this computer (at work right now...'er so th' boss thinks :rolleyes: )

They have a wonderful description o' a belt design I want t' make some day too.

But I want t' keep abreast o' what ye find for Buckle Resources, try'n t' find a good buckle connection for baldric or belt (in the 2-inch and up size) is quite hard t' come by! aye I know o' many for common round, square, and saddle-type; but try'n t' find GOOD and cleaver - 'original' - buckles t' fit th' GAoP is HARD (unless ye just want t' be a commoner and go with masses).

We could use a good blacksmitty who would make some fine large buckles with straight latch but fancy frames, like shell or scroll or ????

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

Bugger it all! I know there be another pirate forum out there what has a wonderful thread go'n on all about baldrics....but I can not find me way on this computer (at work right now...'er so th' boss thinks :P )

They have a wonderful description o' a belt design I want t' make some day too.

But I want t' keep abreast o' what ye find for Buckle Resources, try'n t' find a good buckle connection for baldric or belt (in the 2-inch and up size) is quite hard t' come by! aye I know o' many for common round, square, and saddle-type; but try'n t' find GOOD and cleaver - 'original' - buckles t' fit th' GAoP is HARD (unless ye just want t' be a commoner and go with masses).

We could use a good blacksmitty who would make some fine large buckles with straight latch but fancy frames, like shell or scroll or ????

Well make sure you let me know what the other forum is! Till then, here are some of the buckles I am considering





Mickey Flint

First Mate o' the Harbinger

Me Website...



I have the peices cut and I grooved the edges. I am not tooling a section of the belts and the frog.

Tonight I should be dying the leather. I'll post some more images of the work in progress tonight.

Mickey Flint

First Mate o' the Harbinger

Me Website...



Watch some o' them 'replica' buckles now; when I first got started I was look'n at some on Ebay but then began t' read some complaint's that th' cheap Taiwan made ones where naught solid 'n fall'n apart on folk!! There was a forum somewhere where people began post'n photos they took o' their broken buckle, seems th' center post be just tack soldered, 'n very poorly at that! If ye can solder ye can fix it but depend'n on th' quality o' alloy used it could be a touchy business!

Aye, I like th' one on th' bottom!

The Jack Sparrow (third movie I think) replica I got was had from Barbosa Leather 'n he got one in England (I think) t' make it special so it be Solid Cast, naught soldered. T'would be nice if everyone did th' same, we so sorely NEED a buckle maker!

Blast it all! Can naught recall that other forum! It be a pirate forum, I found it from a link in this very forum, a conversation about baldrics it was!!

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


the first and forth buckles would be period ...i m'self just got the forth one for a new sword rig.


Agreed on the PC. I think that I am going to use screws instead of rivets on the buckle binding. That way I can use it PC and also dress it up for my more "Hollywood" functions.

I have the brown baldric dyed and sealed. I only need to assemble it. I am beginning to work on the black dye now for the 2nd baldric. Images soon.

Mickey Flint

First Mate o' the Harbinger

Me Website...



Here is what I came up with on the brown... I am having some trouble with it though. The front strap (the short one with the buckle is attached with the 2 conchs. (I know, not PC), but it is pulling away from the "frog" section. I think I will need to either A) use contact cement or B0 take it to a shoe repair shop and have them stitch it. What do you all think?





Mickey Flint

First Mate o' the Harbinger

Me Website...



Very well done!!!! I think I would either stitch it my self or have it stitched. If you did it your self, you can take more pride in "I did it my self, all by hand".


Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!

Very well done!!!! I think I would either stitch it my self or have it stitched. If you did it your self, you can take more pride in "I did it my self, all by hand".


Well that be true and it be a fact, but I have never done that me one self. Any suggestions on how to do that?

Mickey Flint

First Mate o' the Harbinger

Me Website...



Your going to need a leather awl to punch the holes, going through 2 layers of leather. I would get several needles, straight & curved. I would get some sinew and do the stitching in a straight stitch, the same as Kass explains in the handstitching:



Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!

Posted (edited)

Ok, I think I understand the posting. I have the awl and the stitching, I guess I can learn more for watching. I know some of you are borderline genius for being able to figure it out on your own self. That is SO cool and a fantastic gift. My gift seems to come from finding someone else who is an expert in the field to help me finish. I'm gonna go with that.

In the meantime, the black is dyed and drying. PICS in the morning.

Edited by Captain Mickey

Mickey Flint

First Mate o' the Harbinger

Me Website...


OK this page is how to make a buncha Cowboy Action shooting leather gear.... Not Pyratical, but a lot of really good information..........


Article 1: Cuff
.... he describes all the steps... cutting grooving....finishing ......and stitching (he pokes his holes through the thick leather with a dremel.....)



That is a wondrous resource! Thank you for that. Those are great directions. I will be giving it a try on a holster I am working on form my flintlock!

Mickey Flint

First Mate o' the Harbinger

Me Website...


  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

My friend and I have been making our own modified English Civil War style baldrics for about a year now. Ours are 3 part baldrics. We've sold some but mostly given them away at our events. We're looking at having a jeweler make some PC buckles but they'll be pretty expensive.

We do it this way.

1) Make your frog. Figure out the angle of your sword-from straight back to steep angle. This will determine where the front strap will be mounted.

2) Measure(w/seamstress tape) from left belt line-over the right shoulder- back down to left belt line.(base length) Add however many inches till it sits at the hight you want.( this is the overall length). *if you are NOT using a buckle ie:single strap-skip steps 3 + 4.

3) Figure out where you want your buckle. This will give you the length from frog front to buckle. Add 2 inches, 1" for mounting buckle, 1" for mounting to frog. Mount your buckle onto the front strap.

4) Figure out how much of the tongue you want past the buckle, add that to the length from the frog top.(back strap). Add how ever many inches you will need to attach to top of frog. (back strap).

5) Attach straps to frog.

This is a VERY basic way to do it, there are a few adjustments here and there. I suggest doing a test run on cardboard/construction paper. I hope this helps and stirs the creativity. I am open to any suggestions.

Edited by Shortshanks

Any chance you can post images of those baldrics Shortshanks? I'd like to create a new baldric ECW style. I have a new buckle from Gibbet Jones and it needs a home.

Posted (edited)

Tried to post pic. Don't know if it went through.



Edited by Shortshanks

Checked out your gallery Shortshanks but saw naught of a baldric (some other great stuff however!).

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