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The hanging of Capt Sterling

Diosa De Cancion

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do they have a line attached to the back of the noose, from a harness, in order to insure non choke-age?

Since yer an adult, ye'll need to come and see... ;) but no matter what, NEVER, EVER put ANYTHING around yer neck

Oh I'd already planned on doin' so sir.

Jus' th' actor in me that gets curious when I see well done stunts like this.

Well thank ye...hope some day ye can see it up close...

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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Additionally, I hate you all for looking so damn good and making start to work on making PC clothing…

Just ask, I'd be happy to help...pm me

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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Sterling your a tall drink of water, certainly no waif... Madd Dogge held you up there for a LONG TIME!! WOW he is freakishly strong...

Nell: oooooh Madd Dogge help me!--- (starts to faint at the sight of the hanging - MD drops the rope to save her)

Opps sorry Sterling what can I say....a girl has to dream, and besides you were already dead (strains a cheesy grin)

ahem... like I said, Maddogge is VERY, VERY strong... he's even done it when I am dressed in full kit... my coat alone weighs a LOT....

You know Captain...actually... I was only trying to save you. I thought if I could get him to drop the rope...


Can he do it if your in his Armor?? (Nell confused with the math tries to measure up how much Sterling in full kit with armor must weigh --- fans herself impressed with the Dogg's strength -- suddenly her fantasy is invaded by the picture of Madd Dogge sweeping Nigel off his feel) ROFL


“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

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Additionally, I hate you all for looking so damn good and making start to work on making PC clothing…

Just ask, I'd be happy to help...pm me

DIOSA you TRICKSTER - getting Sterling to offer the PM.....I'll......

(faints again - fallings HARD on the floor -- Sterling watches her go down right in front of him) OUCH ... thanks Captain next time... well... I'll cheer louder.


“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

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Sorry Nell, ye mustn't faint on me blind side...

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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I have seen the hanging twice.

Once as a spectator. I was amazed. I didn't know what was going on at all. I was trying to get photographs but one of the guards was blocking a good shot. I didn't know that he was blocking what was going on on purpose. lol When it came to the actual hanging ...wow. I shot photos but as Diosa said ...watching the crowds was amazing.

This time I was part of the crew and was focused as a performer trying to make a good show of it. I hope I wouldn't have been so eager to hang the captain if I hadn't known how many times M.A.d'Dogge checks and rechecks the equipment. It was odd cheering to have a good friend (both in reality and as a character) hanged.

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My responses to everything

1. Harry - Do you think if we had a 'non death' hanging we could get away with it? I know it's not you in charge of this, yet you are the poor guy stuck in the middle dealing with the higher ups as well as a bunch of grumbling pirates. I would never want us to do anything or even think of anything that would get you in trouble. But if you can think of anything we can do to work on softening them up, just let me know and I'm on it.

2. If nothing else, perhaps we could do what Harry is talking about and do a demonstration on video one year to show the history of it and have the actor there talking to the public to 'soften' the blow and maybe work up to being able to do this over the next few years.

3. Sadly Florida is an overly sensitive state... As some of you may recall we changed our state song last year because it referred to blacks as 'darkies' and everyone was up in arms... (It was written in 1835). I so wish it was more progressive than it is. I agree with you Sterling, we're not the best role models by rewriting history to be more politically correct. Shh.... Ignore it...don't look at it..... it will go away...

4. Sterling is not as heavy as you think once you remove that damn coat, vest and the other layers. Heck, I think those weight more than he does when I was carrying his clothes one night :) But holding anything up in that full kit of yours... WOW, that's impressive!

5. Nell --Nyah Nyah!! I got a Dogge Kiss and Sterling PM and Sterling out of his clothes...twice....And yes, if we made Sterling Calico, he would be Bawdy's and Mine for a day! :P

Edited by Goddess in the Bodice

Diosa De Cancion

aka Mary Read


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5. Nell --Nyah Nyah!! I got a Dogge Kiss and Sterling PM and Sterling out of his clothes...twice....And yes, if we made Sterling Calico, he would be Bawdy's and Mine for a day! :P

I will ...... kill you ....you....you..... Dastardly Diosa!! GRRRRRR!! I will have my day!


“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

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once again...the corpse gits all the hooplah.....not the guy doin all the work.....shheeeesh....always a bridesmaid never a bride.

ok....seems like everytime we do the "hangin"...we go thru the same converstaions.....My Brother Billie , damn neer brother Andy and I developed this scenario some 10 years ago now durring some Wild West Re-actments.

we've pretty much done them every way possible....humourous, serious, neer;hangin...multiple hangins...for familys...for adults only...daylight...nighttime....gallows....horses...trees...breaskaway limbs...escapes....so on so on


Now what i find interesting....is that the same reservations of the THOUGht of seeing a hanging....are neerly the same...before they actually see it.....but noone in 10 years you has actually see us perform the HANGIN....as ever complained.....

now...Everytime we do this for a PUBLIC AUDIENECE...there are some guidlines that WE demand.....

1. only 1 of the three of us who developed this stunt...are in charge of the "rope"...


2. we only "hang" someone who we have worked with..and can trust that will follow our saftey rules....

3. Never is anything actually round the neck....we might have a "dummy" peice...but is not actully attached to the "rope"

4. everything is checked nd re-checked...and checked again....by one of the 3.....

5. we always ask ...."permision"...from the crowd before we proceed.....in 10 years they have NEVER stopped us!!!!

6. if we are performing for families....We first announce what we are about to do....then we MUST give an IMMEDIATE DEMONSTRATION on how we do it...for saftey...show the MOVIE MAGIC...to the kids up close and personal...show the Hung isnt hurt...and nevernevernever try this at home.....

7. we always solicit impressions of the "show"...as to make the illusion more seemless.

8. ????

so....from all of us...thank you so much for the kudos....this hangin feels like our baby....we have always strove to show it in a realistic light....to show what would have really happend...from the gang mentality....to the suddden silence of the crowd right after the jump.

we dont feel that in front of kids...it should be too light.....tooo funny...we would hate for them not to think a hanging would be dangerous....but at the same time...we dont want it too grotesque either.....more of a middle ground...just a taste....

i always find it interesting the reactions of the audience....when they go from...i dont think i want to see this...to...well if everyone else wants to...to hang the bastard....to ....damn...they actually hung him??

and just think...many of our realitives made a picnic of this??

so please...continue with your impressions.....i'm taking notes on them all.....

and remember......

wherever there is injustice....i'll be there with the rope!!

the Hangman


Edited by M.A.d'Dogge
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The first time I saw Captain Sterling hang, I was shocked and speechless ~ it was such a horror, even when I knew essentially what was happening. I feel this display truly shows the years of practice and effort that has gone into developing such an amazing spectacle, and am proud to be mates with such crewe as these.


Oooh, shiny!

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Last time we hung him at Beaufort... he spat on me ;(

ANd that wasn't even part of the show........ was it?!!

and that was a very nice little addition... thank ye Rats... next time ye make such a grand suggestion, perhaps though, ye might want to suggest someone else's face, not yer own... :P

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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My responses to everything

1. Harry - Do you think if we had a 'non death' hanging we could get away with it? I know it's not you in charge of this, yet you are the poor guy stuck in the middle dealing with the higher ups as well as a bunch of grumbling pirates. I would never want us to do anything or even think of anything that would get you in trouble. But if you can think of anything we can do to work on softening them up, just let me know and I'm on it.

2. If nothing else, perhaps we could do what Harry is talking about and do a demonstration on video one year to show the history of it and have the actor there talking to the public to 'soften' the blow and maybe work up to being able to do this over the next few years.

1. We could certainly try for this at the park. I don't know who our next manager will be, but I can tell you they will be a bobble head because that's what this organization wants to see down here. We (former park manager and myself) apparently have made too many waves for the higher-ups to be comfortable. I know what happened to the park manager. They can't do that to me because of my classification--at least not without mountains of paperwork added to my file. But, I would be happy to argue the case to perform it at the park.

2. I think this is most viable option. Perform the stunt at the Hanging Tree or at Mallory Square. If people can watch cats jump thru hoops and some clown get out a straight jacket, they'll certainly flock to watch a hanging.



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and remember......

wherever there is injustice....i'll be there with the rope!!

the Hangman


I don't know if it was the authority in your tone in this post but this is the first photo of you where you DON'T look like a teddy bear. (salutes the Dogge' - sir yes sir)

It is a marvelous piece of theater, as well as a lesson about our past. It's definitely something to leave people thinking about who we are as human beings. I think exploring the social impact in an open dialogue with the crowd afterward is a great educational tool. I mean to start a dialogue about the psychology of mob mentality and the reasons these things were performed publicly..WOW!!!

I have to agree my only thoughts afterward concerning performing it in front of a public audience of adults and children was that the humor in some instances may be considered in bad taste. I know we're a bunch of artists who are fascinated by the whole thing so the humor is amusing to us, I have to admit I really enjoyed it! .... but my first thought would be that in broad daylight in the middle of a festival more people would be offended by the HUMOR than they would by actual hanging. Historically it is a heavy part of our past especially in these parts and to make a joke of it concerned me more than the thing itself. I think that would be more likely to get people on our backs.

Also I still think Harry's suggestion of doing it in Mallory is a great idea, might save a lot of State Park hoops and paperwork, not that we wouldn't have some with the city. It would draw attention to the even as well.

Edited by RustyNell


“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

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in an odd twist- at beaufort people actually were more repulsed by the flogging- you could have heard a pin drop out of a crowd about 300 strong- than the hanging. the flogging was used as a distractor for setting up the hanging and got more of a shock factor. it took the crowd a second to adjust from the flogging to the hanging, but then cheered the hanging on.

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Diosa, I like the idea of pulling out the Clear Channel card. However, it won't phase the park service/state. They're bending over on the issue of the Class 1 invasive exotics sitting in the picnic area. And, nobody is being taken to dinner. Again--no hangy down things.

I think a possible solution to presenting this to general public is to hold the event at the Hanging Tree near Mallory Square. Those involved would essentially talk to the public about what actually happened at that tree (yes, they did do hangings there) and then demonstrate it--on video. The public, I believe, can easier separate what it sees on the ion bombardment tube as "show" versus "real life," save for those idiotic reality programs. Once the public is able to see the person who was hanged in the video is actually talking to them, it (the hanging) then becomes more palatable. Then, we move on to an actual demonstration. Just a thought...

Harry, another thought is that we are licensed Mallory Square Sunset performers. Perhaps a Sunset performance? With explanation, education and Busker Jar? We could explain first and turn it into a "march" with the prisoners to the tune, Hoist the Colors. After the hanging, another education/explanation section? This might work. Even if it creates waves with the Sunset Board, we will plead pyracy and promise never to hand Sterling again (at least at Sunset in Mallory.)

Of course, it also does make for a nice Holiday tradition at the closed Cast & Crewe party if it is decided that a "public" hangin may not be apporpriate. I tell ya what, we had Gwar in the streets performing at a Ghost Tours party. Perhaps we involve them in some way?.

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and remember......

wherever there is injustice....i'll be there with the rope!!

the Hangman


I don't know if it was the authority in your tone in this post but this is the first photo of you where you DON'T look like a teddy bear. (salutes the Dogge' - sir yes sir)

It is a marvelous piece of theater, as well as a lesson about our past. It's definitely something to leave people thinking about who we are as human beings. I think exploring the social impact in an open dialogue with the crowd afterward is a great educational tool. I mean to start a dialogue about the psychology of mob mentality and the reasons these things were performed publicly..WOW!!!

I have to agree my only thoughts afterward concerning performing it in front of a public audience of adults and children was that the humor in some instances may be considered in bad taste. I know we're a bunch of artists who are fascinated by the whole thing so the humor is amusing to us, I have to admit I really enjoyed it! .... but my first thought would be that in broad daylight in the middle of a festival more people would be offended by the HUMOR than they would by actual hanging. Historically it is a heavy part of our past especially in these parts and to make a joke of it concerned me more than the thing itself. I think that would be more likely to get people on our backs.

this paticular show was performed with ONLY the fellow pyrates in mind.......our shows for the general public differ greatly in that we always try and teach an aspect of history as well as keep our humour appropriate for the situation with our audience in mind....first rule of theatre. we tailor our scenarios to the goals of each event as well as to the public audience. if for a family show...we're not as scarry....if for adults...a few blue jokes....etcetc....we try and have a new sc ript for evry performance.

this one was for PiP in paticular....with the jibe at Capt Spike(bastard)....Not-Nigel and Not-Maddogge...etcetc.....and like i think it was stated earlier...this was just a taste...a sample....we usually have an ALL DAY SCEENARIO that leads up to the hanging.....where many of the public get involved...to the point we actuially have the audience mebers themselves vote and decide the fate of the poor victim....they have NEVER disappointed.

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If folks are concerned with the public's response, instead of doing a full hanging such as Rackham to start.. we might want to consider doing a skit with our regular characters and a hanging with a happy ending... I have an idea, but I need to run it past Maddogge, Spike and Harry first....

I am open to ALL ideas from the Arch Angel crewe. You black dogs outdid yerselves agin this year. Not only taken the gold, but havin a right mutiny, with the crewe hangin the captain and turning Pyrat. Now can ye see why yer crewe be our role models? We are Sunset performers and I think we can perform both types of hangins at the pier. Aye, let's have a sit down, be a blue moon yet?

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and remember......

wherever there is injustice....i'll be there with the rope!!

the Hangman


I don't know if it was the authority in your tone in this post but this is the first photo of you where you DON'T look like a teddy bear. (salutes the Dogge' - sir yes sir)

It is a marvelous piece of theater, as well as a lesson about our past. It's definitely something to leave people thinking about who we are as human beings. I think exploring the social impact in an open dialogue with the crowd afterward is a great educational tool. I mean to start a dialogue about the psychology of mob mentality and the reasons these things were performed publicly..WOW!!!

I have to agree my only thoughts afterward concerning performing it in front of a public audience of adults and children was that the humor in some instances may be considered in bad taste. I know we're a bunch of artists who are fascinated by the whole thing so the humor is amusing to us, I have to admit I really enjoyed it! .... but my first thought would be that in broad daylight in the middle of a festival more people would be offended by the HUMOR than they would by actual hanging. Historically it is a heavy part of our past especially in these parts and to make a joke of it concerned me more than the thing itself. I think that would be more likely to get people on our backs.

this paticular show was performed with ONLY the fellow pyrates in mind.......our shows for the general public differ greatly in that we always try and teach an aspect of history as well as keep our humour appropriate for the situation with our audience in mind....first rule of theatre. we tailor our scenarios to the goals of each event as well as to the public audience. if for a family show...we're not as scarry....if for adults...a few blue jokes....etcetc....we try and have a new sc ript for evry performance.

this one was for PiP in paticular....with the jibe at Capt Spike(bastard)....Not-Nigel and Not-Maddogge...etcetc.....and like i think it was stated earlier...this was just a taste...a sample....we usually have an ALL DAY SCEENARIO that leads up to the hanging.....where many of the public get involved...to the point we actuially have the audience mebers themselves vote and decide the fate of the poor victim....they have NEVER disappointed.

Oi, I hope there ain't no damned vote on stretchin me neck. I don't think I would like the outcome! Aye, think about tailorin one for the sunset, black socks and sandals, hawain shirt, buffet listenin tourista for next year at Mallory!

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I still liked it best when Sterling started laughing...... :angry:

If I hadn't, Maddogge would have left me there all night, gone out to the pubs, and forgot the damn combination to the fence again, only this time when he climbed over he would have caught his 13th button on the barb wire and been stuck there until the next day...

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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