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Dead Man's Chest 2009

Captain Jim

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Hey I just had a thought of starting a bundle of "love letters".. original poetry..and artwork...kind of like the pirate sketchbooks that are going around, bundle them together with a silk ribbon...if a bunch of people each contributed a letter, or poem from a lover, or mother or brother or father to a young man at sea this would be a great little collection of things to have, a piece of the PIP family to read and re-read over the years...

Anyone intersted in contributing and adding this to the chest? I have a few poems i want to "send" to the sailor already.

Edited by RustyNell


“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

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Something to keep in mind when auctioning off a large wodge of stuff in one box. Most people are paying cash for this stuff (in fact, I don't see how you could feasibly do it any other way) and thus if something is too complex, it may not fetch a very high price. Only bidders with a bid wad of cash will be able to bid on them. I suspect you will fetch more money by auctioning things off piece by piece.

The letter idea is kinda' interesting - I suspect it will either be really cool and get a lot of interest or fail spectacularly. The idea of letters to one particular sailor (who now needs a name - you can't write to "Dear Sailor" :lol: ) containing slices of life and news from home would be really neat - although it you want to do it right, you need to put some research into it. (In fact, posting such letters in the Literature forum might allow everyone to learn about period events and news. Letters from the past are often full of notes about what people were doing and how different community members were getting on, who died, who had a baby and so forth. See there was no internet or national news media in those days...of course, not a lot of sailors could read or write either. :lol: )

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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Ok we should name him then, of course, Dear Son, or My Love, or My Dearest Cousin or Brother work too... each family member its only a matter of deciding relationship. I think a thread where we make a choice as to how we are related to him and what part of the world we're in... ie his sister in America, his mother and father in England, his fathers parents in Ireland, maybe his brother at sea on another vessel...etc, etc...

I don't want to post the letters on here. I think the special part will be that only the person who buys them has them exclusively, they are the first to read them and the only one to have them. Whats beautiful to me about the idea is that yes you can do your research and tell a bit about life back then and home, but whats special to me is that personal feelings and local gossip can make it really personal and an interesting thing from someone in the PIP family... even more interesting its somewhat anonymous, if your write it from a friend, you could be anyone to him.

So I guess we need to decide on a name and an age...and where he's from... did he migrate from another town prior to going to sea...etc... I'll think about it and start a thread about him that we can all contribute to, once we know who he is people can decide who they are to him and then write away. I think it would be a really neat keepsake. Hey every little bit of money counts and this project certainly has little overhead. More like in-your-head :rolleyes:


“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

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  • 4 weeks later...

Where do things stand for the dead-mans chest this year? I have another rework in the making, so I thought I'd ask to see if anyone else was going ahead with a sea-chest. I have started reworking a box I found and if this years chest is covered for PiP, I am going to use this for the Santa Maria auction instead. But if there is no other for PiP, then I will do something else. Here is what I have so far;



I think I am going to change the rope handles to something metal. I put cotter pin hinges on the lid, some extra runners on top and bottom for support and to keep the box outta the mud, made a copper wire hasp with cotter-pin hardware, and found these cool locks for $10 at the militaria swap meet. Anyway, if Pip is covered, this one will go to Santa Maria in may.


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Regarding bidders, can you get the event listed on the advertisments for PIP. Think if people know that an auction is happening and some of the items or their contributors listed you might inspire people to bring more cash with them.

Just an thought.

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...

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  • 6 months later...
Table Guards (Need 12 slots):

What are the shifts for this? I may be able to do a later afternoon (post battle) shift or two... And work in "Living History" into my shift as well as I can guard the items and talk to interested passers by about the items (if that is what draws their attention), or talk about soldiers, if that is what draws their curiousity, or both if said spectator is very patient and has lots of time on their hands.

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  • 1 month later...

I couldn't find anything about an auction again this year, so I figured this would be the best place to ask if we are having one.....

If we are.... (well this wouldn't work so well in the Dead Mans Chest...) But I'm thinking of donating the Original copy of the Pyrate Comic https://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=13374 (that's not including the Cannibal Crispy candi bar cover.... that was done in Photoshop..)But all of the original 32 pages done in pen and ink....

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Hmmm good question... don't seem to see anyone taking "charge" of it yet..

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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Weeeell; I have another of the small chests I was gonna send off to dutch for the Luna project, but I can find another if ya'll want to use this one. Got some stuff I can put in but not as much as before, kinda cleaned house and don't have much left. I've a bras coffee set, the small side handled job with a sugar n creamer, a brass soap box that oughta make a good fire starter box, and some other shtuff i collected. Gettin less & less interested in playin at all these days, so it will be slim pickins from here this time. Willin to send what I have tho. Let me know. I should be abed right now, but my damn knee is killin me! I'll be around a bit and keep checkin in. Class tomorrow or I'd be in my cups fer certain.


Edited by Capt. Bo of the WTF co.
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As of now I can't go, so someone else will have to step up and take charge of the auction this year. You've still got a whole month so it's still doable. I didn't find out I was in charge last year until the day after I got to PiP! Once the idea of the auction got circulated within the camps the donations just poured in.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


Fayma and I spoke today regarding the auction ~ it would be great if we could still pull it off, even if it is a smaller scale than originally devised. All proceeds benefit the Friends of Fort Taylor

There have been many volunteers (Thank You!), but somewhat less in the way of items to auction (Thank you to Capt. Bo, Rusty Nell and Patrick Hand for their kind offers). I am hoping that as word spreads, more items will come in to be donated. As this appears to have become a somewhat smaller event than originally anticipated, we may be able to handle this more informally ~ our thoughts are to have only one Auction, Live, Saturday at the Sacred Heart Dinner at Silkie's Hide on the beach. It was originally intended that this appear in the general public program ~ given the change in scope, this will appear in the re-enactors program only. And, yes, the Key West Holiday Parade is supposed to start at 7pm ~ not sure when else to squeeze this in, though.

Volunteers ~ Crispy, can we still count on you to act as auctioneer? Diosa, Rusty Nell, Sheila and Capt. Sterling ~ are you still available to help given the time and location change?

All thoughts and suggestions are welcomed ~ please keep in mind I am leaving in 30 hours, and will not have computer access after that. I can be reached at 847-312-3409 on my cell. You can also contact Fayma directly at 812-290-6056.

Items for Auction can be brought to Fayma or myself, at the Hide, Saturday evening, before 5pm, please. Please be sure to give your name so we can note the item and who donated it.

Thank you!


Oooh, shiny!

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Volunteers ~ Crispy, can we still count on you to act as auctioneer? Diosa, Rusty Nell, Sheila and Capt. Sterling ~ are you still available to help given the time and location change?

I WILL be around and available Saturday to help! Additionally, let me see what I can pull together to add to the auction!!


Diosa De Cancion

aka Mary Read


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As long as it is saturday night instead of sunday I will be happy to serve as auctioneer! but Rusty and I have to catch the ferry home sunday around four and wont be able to attend the sunday pig roast this year. As for the parade I dont mind forgoing it myself, but later is better for any auction, the more they drink, the more they'll bid!

Edited by Captain Cannibal Chrispy

Illustration courtesy of Patrick Hand, and his Pyrate Comix. To see comic in it's entirety, click below

http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=13374 All rights reserved.

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SO I better go dig up alla the pages fer the Pyrate Comix......

I don't think tourist would care for it.... but there are some Pub members that might be interested.....

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My appologies folks. I was not able to get stuff ready in time to send, and cannot afford to overnight express this time. This is the week before finals, which is of course next week, and I just did not have time, with the horses and firewood, and school, to get it done. Guess I'll just rat-hole stuff for next year. sorry.


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