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International Scurvy Awareness Day

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International Scurvy Awareness Day

May 2nd, 2009

Many a sailor or pirate had to struggle with the symptoms of scurvy. Sad to say, scurvy still exists. The humble goal of LimeStrong is to wipe out what may possibly be the most easily preventable disease in human history, Scurvy. They hope to achieve this by bringing awareness to the fact that Scurvy still exists in the modern world, even though we have had a documented and cost effective cure for almost 400 years. Plus, it’s a great excuse to have some grog (rum punch with lime juice), or margaritas, with yer shipmates in the name of a good cause. Visit the website for some great ideas to promote the awareness of this day and the problem of scurvy. And EAT A LIME! (or lots of other fruits).

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