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so ok...this started over at the Tavern ...under "pyrates help fight cancer" posts.....(tanxs Syreen)


....but i thought i would also post here too for maximum exposure....

for those who havnt been keepin up...

many of ours freinds,loved ones and fellow pyrates have in one fashion or another been touched by cancer...and many of us have generously donated time, money, effort or support for many worthwhile orginizations to help "fight cancer"...

Diosa has a wonderful idea of "stuffin the chests"....tehehehe.....

So Haunting Lily and Me-self were jabberin on'bout how to help....and mentioned that we have both have in the past ....cut our hair...to be donated to certain groups such as St. Judes Children Reasearch Hospital....Lock of Love....and various other groups...that take your hair and fashion wigs for children who are going thru treatment.....

so ....one thing turned into another....pretty sure i got called out....

So....sometime durring the PiP event....we shall make a public spectacle.....And have our hair chopped to be donated.....

it was discussed that maybe we could have monitary donations for the deed....per inch...etc.......but then...in the mean spirit of...one up-idnes....and to up the anty....and to cause me as much un-comfort as possible.....

we are now having an auction....for the honour of ....WHO....will cut me Hair!??!

i know i know...wot the hell was i thinkin!?!?...and before i could figure out the edit tool....damn if Lily and Diosa jumped on the oppurtunity to cause great mischief.....and since i'm not one to back down...(damn it).....


rules.....this bidding is for the "Honour" of being the ...."Demon Barbour of PiP Street"

1. cut off a managable length to be donated

2. with "Cutting Instrument" choice of the "Deamon Barbour".....(just remeber the donated hair must still be usable)...so NO BLOW TORCH....or RIPPING OUT OF HEAD 1 AT a TIME..... :rolleyes:

3....Least amount of Blood as Possible.......no really!!!!

4.....Barbour must be present....but you can bid for someone else to be the Barbour.....

5.....payment must be present on or before end of PiP event....no credit...(heard that one before!!!)

6.....the winner shall be determined by majority rules vote.....all in favor says aye...and so forth.....

details are still bein worked out....still need to talk to the PiP folks....abulance...and possible support....

so...in the meanwhile.....the bidding started over in the Tavern....

so thus far.....

1. Hauning LilY.....I'll start the opening bid at $5.00 *evil grin*

2.Diosa de Cancion.....I've got a machete and an obsidian knife i was hoping to try out... I'll up that to $10 muahahaha :P

3. Haunting Lily....My dearest Edward says, He's got a boarding axe and $15 dollars.

4. the Black Syreen.....I have a cutlass and $30.00....

bids shall be taken from both the Pub as well as from the Tavern.....

lookin' for others who would like to Bid on Barbour...just donate...or also donate Hair.....

yur brethern

Methusala Aluitious d'Dogge.....(de'-Doh-shay)



Ahhh, my dearest Mad Dogge, you are a fine pirate gentleman indeed.

As you so aptly put it, I will also be donating my naturally curly red hair to "Locks of Love". To also follow your lead, I will allow the highest bidder to lop off me locks. Oh Dam. I'm gonna need a lot of rum.

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!


Posted (edited)
Ahhh, my dearest Mad Dogge, you are a fine pirate gentleman indeed.

As you so aptly put it, I will also be donating my naturally curly red hair to "Locks of Love". To also follow your lead, I will allow the highest bidder to lop off me locks. Oh Dam. I'm gonna need a lot of rum.

Here's me chance..... Me boarding axe and me have another $5 ( and a bottle of Pirates Choice ) for the naturally curly red hair. :blink:

Edited by Edward O'Keeffe
Posted (edited)

Aww Patrick, it won't be so bad. Besides we'll be among friends. :D I think :blink:

In case anyone else is interested in donating their hair and are unsure about the requirements, I pulled this off the Locks of Love website.



Please Note: Anyone can cut your hair as long as the guidelines listed below are followed. We encourage all of our donors to go to a salon they are already familiar with to ensure their comfort when donating.


* Hair that is colored or permed is acceptable.

* Hair cut years ago is usable if it has been stored in a ponytail or braid.

* Hair that has been bleached (usually this refers to highlighted hair) is not usable. If unsure, ask your stylist.

* Hair that is swept off of the floor is not usable.

* Hair that is shaved off and not in a ponytail or braid is not usable.

* We cannot accept dreadlocks. Our manufacturer is not able to use them in our children’s hairpieces. We also cannot accept wigs, falls, hair extensions or synthetic hair.

* Layered hair is acceptable if the longest layer is 10 inches.

* Layered hair may be divided into multiple ponytails.

* Curly hair may be pulled straight to measure the minimum 10 inches.

* 10 inches measured tip to tip is the minimum length needed for a hairpiece.

* Please Note: Shorter hair will be separated from the ponytails and sold to offset the manufacturing costs. Although the shorter hair cannot be used in the hairpieces, it still greatly helps to reduce costs.

* Gray hair will be accepted and sold to offset the manufacturing costs.


* 10 inches measured tip to tip is the minimum length needed for a hairpiece.

* Hair must be in a ponytail or braid before it is cut.

* Hair must be clean and completely dry before it is mailed in.

* Place the ponytail or braid inside of a plastic bag, and then inside of a padded envelope.

* Fill out the hair donation form, or write your name and address on a separate sheet of paper and include inside the envelope.

* All hair donations must be mailed to Locks of Love at: 234 Southern Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL 33405

Edited by Haunting Lily

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!


I'm thinking of cutting my hair after PiP... Not sure if I'd want someone ter butcher it AT PiP tho.....

thats was my plan...until Lily called me out on it.....damn it :blink:

so...its just cuttin off a ponytail....can always git it fixed after...thats me plan...until then where a hat


That brings Edward up to $20.00 am I still the highest bidder??? Lily m'Luv if I win would you do the honours of scalping..err..........*Coughs and looks about innocently* I do mean trimming the D'Dogge's hair???


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png


So who gets the bottle of Pyrates Choice ...the cutter or the cutee? lol ...$15.00 on Lilly's locks ...and I get the rhum, can't donate the rhum to charity ...think about it.


damn it man...dont think we'r goinna do this sober...do ya?!?!?!

and Silkie....the high bids thus far are.....

Black Syreen...$30 to cut M.A.d'Dogge hair ....with a sabre....ooohhhh

and Edward is offerin $5...plus Pyrates Choice Rum to cut Lilys hair...she goinna need it so she can forgive him for giving such a bad hair cut!!!

o' course i was expectin some of ya to go in on it...and really copme up wit somethin ...creative....

speakin creative...got to git wit the Bone Island Buccos....got a wonderful scenario idea to go with this!!!!!...kinda like a pyrate trivia contest...like a truth or consequence...type o' thing....


I will be sober before I cut anyone's hair. Additionally I did not say how I would amputate the tail from the lady's head.

As to you M.A.d'Dogge ...if Syren wins ...she will not be at PiP ...Syren is a good friend of mine, Who do you think Syren will have wielding that sabre?

As to creativity ...I'm thinking ...I'm thinking.

When does the bidding end?


not sure when the bidding should end...i'm thinkin to leave it open for "last minute" bids once we all git down there...i also think it should be on sunday...the last day....would need to clear some time on the scvhedule...anyone know how to git a hold of those Bone Island folks??

anyone have a guillatine???



Funny, that same thought went through my mind but I like Lilly too much to make it that close of a chop and I don't have the time to make a special one for just hair. Hmmm ...I have however recently acquired a sizable meat cleaver ....hmmmm


Yah know... a hair cut wit a cutlass don't sound too bad.... hey... that's how I cut me birfday cake this year.....

But th' problem be..... how do I know that their cutlass will be sharp...... Heck... I don't want alla me hair(s) pulled out by th' roots by some dull ill-prepared shoddy hackster..... given nough rum I might not notice..... but wit a lack O rum, I will pull out me cutlass... and then we have 'nother donation a' hair......

Wonderin, if this should only be a Pyrate/Pub thing... or if we can get more money making it a little more public.....not that they would care... but maybe....?

(Note to self.... sharpen up th' cutlass, so it will cut hair.....hey.... just use mine.. it's at least sharp...)

Posted (edited)

Hmmm ...I bought a new pair of what I call my "sharp & oilies" ....well that is what the box said ...never been used. That could work well.

Edited by Silkie McDonough

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