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I voted so I have a right to say as I please... :P

Telling thing as the elections results were coming in, I noted that on one channel a Democrat with Obama campaign was stating that it was common for electors not to keep promises as election promises are just that promises and that reality is really different. :P yada yada yada.... :P

So, will it be different this time? Don't know, it is just a wait and see situation.

Also it is telling that only a couple of cities (my state included) actually forced the election. If you look at election results of a map of Ohio, you will see that only Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland went Democrat while the rest...majority of the state ...went republican. Same with several other states. and I kept hearing that there were areas that had more registered voters then there were adults in the respective states. So, was it a fair election, don't know and we will probably never know.

All we can do is hope and pray for the best.

Lady Cassandra Seahawke



For she, her captains and their crews are....

...Amazon by Blood...

...... Warrior by Nature......

............Pirate by Trade............

If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...


If you want to see change, don't wait for it to come down from on high...


Call/email your congressman, your senator, etc...


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



All I can say is that I will not miss the political advertisements and the mud slinging. Hope I don't miss something more important ...not that ONE candidate can make a difference alone. Just as it has been noted earlier ...vigilance is needed ...always.


I have been deeply concerned for this country for a long time...that concern continues..aye..I voted..

But the pickings were undesirable all around.

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

  hurricane said:
If god had wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates. Voting only encourages them.

Actually Hurricane, I think the saying is something more like, "If voting did anything, they would make it illegal." But I think that complaint was referring to the Electoral College not voting at large.

  Captain Jim said:
. . . if you didn't vote you don't get to complain, either about the one you voted against or for. You didn't participate. . .

Well people will complain anyway, but I agree - you don't have room to talk or at least your complaints aren't going to hold much water if you didn't bother to participate.

Earlier in the week I could have motored up to Los Angeles - they had an early voters station, but it was little far to drive.

About an hour + each way depending on the parking lot, I mean traffic.

So yesterday I went in about 11:ish. All the booths were full, but no real line to speak of. I'm probably one of the few people that scribbled my vote on a paper ballot instead of using a machine.

. . . kind of funny since my background is software and hardware.


I took the opportunity last week to vote early ~ it took a bit longer than getting a flu shot, but was less painful. Which is not to say that I didn't wake up with my usual post-election day jitters ~ I do so hope this is the change I have been waiting for.

I find it reassuring how the world is celebrating this election ~ perhaps good things are in store.


Oooh, shiny!

  Stynky Tudor said:
  hurricane said:
If god had wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates. Voting only encourages them.

Actually Hurricane, I think the saying is something more like, "If voting did anything, they would make it illegal." But I think that complaint was referring to the Electoral College not voting at large.

  Captain Jim said:
. . . if you didn't vote you don't get to complain, either about the one you voted against or for. You didn't participate. . .

Well people will complain anyway, but I agree - you don't have room to talk or at least your complaints aren't going to hold much water if you didn't bother to participate.

Actually I realize that folks will always complain, I just don't have to listen if they didn't participate.

And if someone complains about the quality of the candidates I can only suggest that they stand for election themselves, being such supernatural beings and all.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


Sea Rover and I went at about 7:30 am. We stood in line for about 15 minutes to get our receipt and another 10 minutes or so, waiting for a voting booth. It was a long ballot (lots of local elections in addition to state and national races) so it was taking people a while to look everything over. Plain old paper fill-in-the-dot ballots. I don't think I saw an election judge under the age of 80. But it all went very smoothly.

Really pretty painless. And I loved being able to wear my "I voted" sticker all day.



they have 'election judges' now?!!?

....uh, so like who won th' category o' Best Dressed Voter?

(I'd give a '10' t' th' cute young wench who stood in line befer me!!)

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


All I have to say about the outcome of the election is, "It's the end of the world as we know it, but I feel fine". LOL! :huh:


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