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What things are a must?


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This be me first post here, but I've been watchin fer a while t' get a hang on things. Currently, I am workin on finally gettin me some garb together. However, I don't know what is needed. I have a shirt, and pants, belt, and boots. Anything else I be needin or should be looking for? Money is tight right now.

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Well you have clothes so you won't be showin' up nekked. Despite what some pirates would say, this is a good thing. =)

To be honest, you are pretty much set to start. Perhaps either a hat or head scarf will do you right. If money is tight then I would say go slow and pick up a little here and a little there as you go from faire to faire (I really hate it when I rhyme but I hate retyping more, ha!).

You have the basics covered so at this point it's just your own personal flavor that will come in to play. This takes time and can't exactly be rushed. You could buy everything now but you may not like some pieces later on or they just don't fit.

Depending on what you are trying to accomplish you have an infinite amount of choices. For instance, say you like the adventuring/trav type of pirate, then pick up some shrunken heads or items from "distant" lands. Once you are not nekked anymore, it's all in the accessories which takes time and money.

Yaaaar! and welcome to the pub by the way.

Edited by Thequartermaster
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This be me first post here, but I've been watchin fer a while t' get a hang on things. Currently, I am workin on finally gettin me some garb together. However, I don't know what is needed. I have a shirt, and pants, belt, and boots. Anything else I be needin or should be looking for? Money is tight right now.

Hey McRae, welcome to the pub... This question does come up fairly regularily, but it is one of those questions that really can't be answered well until we know what it is you are trying to accomplish? Are you aiming for a strictly historical look? A more pirate entertainer look (inspired by movies and fiction)? OR something in between? There are plenty here that will have all kind of friendly advice, we just need to know what it is your looking for before directing you... I don't want to be suggestion all kinds of historical nonsense if you be looking for a more fun and fancy free approach, and likewise the more lavish here probably don't want to share their visions until they know you be not looking for strict history...


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This be me first post here, but I've been watchin fer a while t' get a hang on things. Currently, I am workin on finally gettin me some garb together. However, I don't know what is needed. I have a shirt, and pants, belt, and boots. Anything else I be needin or should be looking for? Money is tight right now.

Hey McRae, welcome to the pub... This question does come up fairly regularily, but it is one of those questions that really can't be answered well until we know what it is you are trying to accomplish? Are you aiming for a strictly historical look? A more pirate entertainer look (inspired by movies and fiction)? OR something in between? There are plenty here that will have all kind of friendly advice, we just need to know what it is your looking for before directing you... I don't want to be suggestion all kinds of historical nonsense if you be looking for a more fun and fancy free approach, and likewise the more lavish here probably don't want to share their visions until they know you be not looking for strict history...


I agree. I am new m'self, an I found that the quartermaster's post that lists all the sites to be helpful. For me I am picking an choosing, as I want to be historical, or at least as much as I can be.

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And a period bone saw. (Well, that's what I want.)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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If you check out my website (pardon the selfish plug) I have a list of the top eight things for pirates. As Michael B says though, it kind of depends on what you are aiming at...


Good luck


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Yaaar this many posts and it has yet to be mentioned (i forgot as well).

Rum. You need rum and lots of it. If I may take a quote from another pirate.

"Rum gives pirates super powers.. to use against... the dutch."

In my case the Spanish but hey, to each their own. :blink:

Edited by Thequartermaster
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It would be a good investment to get a decent drinking vessel.

If you're klutsy like me, stay away from pottery and anything with glass.

The best investment I made was purchasing a wooden mug with a lid ($65.00) from a vendor at the Escondido Faire last year) and a hanger of some type to hang it off a belt when not in use.

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It would be a good investment to get a decent drinking vessel.

If you're klutsy like me, stay away from pottery and anything with glass.

The best investment I made was purchasing a wooden mug with a lid ($65.00) from a vendor at the Escondido Faire last year) and a hanger of some type to hang it off a belt when not in use.

If I may, Rumba, I believe it's pirate code to use a tankard large enough to kill another pirate. Not that you would but most certainly could. Yaaaaar! :blink:

Agreed non the less because you don't want to be caught drinking out of a red plastic cup. Hehe. Some vendors call the hanger a mug frog (or something to that affect) if you browse the webz and can't see a picture.

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And a period bone saw. (Well, that's what I want.)

Mission, I may have found a couple of those here in a local flea market. they won't be 17th or early 18th, but rather late 18th or early 19th century. But they are both kinda ornate as saws go, and are for butchers rather than surgeons,(if there's any real difference! :blink: heeheehee ) One of them had a fancy design on the "knees" kinda like what you showed awhile back, and if I remember right, it was around $20. Sorry to hijack but I had forgotten you were looking for one and this thread reminded me.

McRae, welcome and good luck. Again sorry for the hi-jacking.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Yaaar this many posts and it has yet to be mentioned (i forgot as well).

Rum. You need rum and lots of it. If I may take a quote from another pirate.

"Rum gives pirates super powers.. to use against... the dutch."

In my case the Spanish but hey, to each their own. ;)

aw i was gonna say that! :unsure:


"Life's pretty good. And why wouldn't it be? I'm a pirate, after all."

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