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Posted (edited)

Hi there everyone!

First off, I'd like to introduce myself, I'm Audrey (and somewhere around here is Brian, my hubby) we live in Fort Myers, and had the chance to meet some amazing folks the other night at the Pirate Festival down by the beach here, which lead us here to you guys! (Poor fools!)

Any how, we learned of PiP while there and because of the helpfulness and over all kindness of the men and woman at the festival here, we both decided that we would give PiP a go this year. (Any excuse to get down to Key West is a good one; I took my first steps there and plan to take my last!)

With that said I had a few questions. (Hold onto your bootstraps)

I was wondering if anyone had any images of PC sites at the Fort so I can get a better idea of what we will need for it. I think I've read every article here and looked at every picture I could find, but still want to be crystal clear about what to bring and how to properly set up. I know a few had mentioned Mayan Hammocks so we planned on bringing a couple of those already. I was just wondering about our luggage and what not, surely throwing canvas over it isn't enough, or is it?

And of course I've already figured out freshwater showers are out, but what does everyone do for restrooms?

Also, is anyone else taking the Key West Express from Fort Myers? That's what we had planned on doing instead of driving, with the way gas is going it may just be cheaper to take the boat down on the 3rd. I'm hoping to stay until the 8th, but that all depends on his work schedule and how much time he can get off for it.

Alrighty, I do believe that may be it…I'm sure I will have another 50 questions before the dates up.

We're both working on our outfits and combing through millions of sites to get those just right, I think the only snag is the lingo and the voice, I've already whined and said I may just be a mute =/

Any way, thank you all and hope to meet some of you soon!

Edited by Abigail Roughnight

Most of us just throw canvas over our non-period items, such as coolers, suitcases and bags. During hours we try to look as authentic as possible, but we're not an excluding bunch.

There is a beach shower there - cold, but a shower. It's near the restrooms, which are encampment side. There is a second restroom near the fort. We don't bother showering - we have a case of wet wipes our own crewe uses during the days we're there. It's good enough.

Hammock space is up to the folks out at the encampment and how they arrange things. I believe that in William Red Wake's stead, you'll be wanting to coordinate with Captain Jim as to space. My understanding is that Harry (of the fort) is assembling an encampment diagram so everyone knows where they will be before they arrive.

Ask away -- we're all here to help you. And be sure to stop by the Catt & Fiddle Tavern or Tea & Tings fronting it during your visit. You'll find our crewe encamped inside the fort at the far end under the cannon.

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com


HUZZAH - so glad we lead you here..... as well as PIP. Nice to have you on the Pub! - Please go to the PIP sight and get in touch with Harry at Fort Zach there are re-enactor registration forms you can fill out on the sight and let him know who you are..what you have and how much room you'll need and he'll find some space for ye. And regarding period correct... Hurricane is right we camouflaged our non period items during the day and it was fine, we all do our best but sometimes when your camping that long comfort is important - no one needs to know there's an inflatable mattress under that burlap bag. :blink:

If you decide to travel light and take the Ferry down for the Fest? Or are you bring the whole kit and kaboodle?

so glad you got our invite... look forward to seeing you there!

Rusty Nell Riley

Bone Island Buccaneers


“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

  Abigail Roughnight said:

We're both working on our outfits and combing through millions of sites to get those just right, I think the only snag is the lingo and the voice, I've already whined and said I may just be a mute =/

Any way, thank you all and hope to meet some of you soon!

The mute quote made Chrispy (my hubby) laugh, he said "Damn, if only....." ---MEN!! I'll work with ye on it aye?? If we lets im git a word in they only manage to gets us in trouble aye?

I'm in Fort Myers meself right now? feel free to send me your number in a message and we'll chat.



“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

Posted (edited)

Thank you Hurricane!

We're going to give it our best effort and are thoroughly researching everything so we at least have a good start, of course we cant wait to get there and soak it all in though.

We for sure will stop by, thank you again!

RustyNell: I'm on it! I have the forms ready to go, just trying to finalize how we will be camping. And ha, exactly, you've got my hubby interested in smuggling an air mattress, I read you plug yours in to fill it, so there are outlets near or do you have an adaptor for the car?

And ugh, we're trying to iron out those details, I can pack everything we own into my car like some sort of tetris champion, granted I don't want to play camel and haul it to the Fort, so we'll see.

I told Brian (hubby) that we'll most likely be so exhausted we would be fine sleeping face down in the dirt, when he mentioned being uncomfy in a hammock. But who knows, of course the tad bit of privacy from a tent is nice.

Ha! My husband gave me an odd face when I suggested being a mute to! The jerks.

Edited by Abigail Roughnight

Aye luv - your husband is around (now that the 4th try to get an email validation finally came through and let me prove who I was!)

I can't wait to get everything together and get involved. I, too, am a little worried about my ability to pick up the lingo and an acceptable accent, but I will start trying to get the feel for it here on the forums - after this post of course. First thing is to figure out where and how we are going to sleep - and if it is even possible to take all that we need on the "express" or if we should just plan to drive.

On a side not - much thanks to Nygel (I am positive that was his name - but not at all sure how to spell it) for all his advise at the Ft Myers festival this weekend - and for the wonderful "peace offering" he offered our little girl - who he could tell by her face wasn't too sure yet what to make of pirates. She'll come around when she's a bit older.


Damnation Nell is Nigel scaring the wee ones again? Tell him Sterling said to get it right, tis the big ones that need the scaring!

As to yer first time out at PiP, do what ye can, but no sense in killing yerself over it. Come out and have some fun, the rest will come with time... we all had to start some where...

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



  Capt. Sterling said:
Damnation Nell is Nigel scaring the wee ones again? Tell him Sterling said to get it right, tis the big ones that need the scaring!

As to yer first time out at PiP, do what ye can, but no sense in killing yerself over it. Come out and have some fun, the rest will come with time... we all had to start some where...

Ha, little Raigen gave him a good glare. I need to upload the picture of it.

  Abigail Roughnight said:
  Capt. Sterling said:
Damnation Nell is Nigel scaring the wee ones again? Tell him Sterling said to get it right, tis the big ones that need the scaring!

As to yer first time out at PiP, do what ye can, but no sense in killing yerself over it. Come out and have some fun, the rest will come with time... we all had to start some where...

Ha, little Raigen gave him a good glare. I need to upload the picture of it.

I bet she scared the livin daylights out of him...

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




That little lady definitely has daggers for eyes when she wants to....

On the topic of PiP - where would be some good additional places to look for period correct camp sites? The miss's has been searching the whole internet it seems..... and out of curiousity what would one expect to spend for a decent "starting out" PC tent or covering? I've seen low up to quite high - just trying to get an idea of how to put the whole package together....

  William Blackehart said:
That little lady definitely has daggers for eyes when she wants to....

On the topic of PiP - where would be some good additional places to look for period correct camp sites? The miss's has been searching the whole internet it seems..... and out of curiousity what would one expect to spend for a decent "starting out" PC tent or covering? I've seen low up to quite high - just trying to get an idea of how to put the whole package together....

Well there are a number of debates regarding pc camps in PiP and Twill. As pirates had no reason to carry tents on board, I would suggest a wedge/lean to style tent that, if you really stretch your imagination MIGHT pass for a sail... :blink: if that would suit yer needs, but then again, perchance there be more than ye, the missus and the young mistress...?

Panther Primitives and Tentsmiths are the ones I have dealt with and was happy with both. I think Callenish used another vendor... and if you are handy with needle and thread, Mickey Souris made himself a very nice little shelter, he could give you pointers.

I have seen wedge tents go any where from 150 per tent to 300 (and in many cases poles, ropes and stakes are an additional cost). My wall, which sleeps a goodly number of the crewe when necessary is 12 X 16 and cost about 1500 when I purchased it about seven years ago... Honestly the larger wall was great for Wild West but is a total nusiance for GAoP. Except that Silkie can possibly use it for part of the ordinary some times, I would trade it for three wedges/lean -tos any day...

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



Posted (edited)
  William Blackehart said:
That little lady definitely has daggers for eyes when she wants to....

On the topic of PiP - where would be some good additional places to look for period correct camp sites? The miss's has been searching the whole internet it seems..... and out of curiousity what would one expect to spend for a decent "starting out" PC tent or covering? I've seen low up to quite high - just trying to get an idea of how to put the whole package together....

I did find this and may attempt to re-create one from that sheet. If anyone has any tips pass em along, I'm hoping of course to pick a design out and find the right kind of tree there to do it, if all else fails there is Home Depot =/

Luckily the lil lady will be staying with Grandparents, this is Mum and Pops chance to have some fun!

So obviously we're (I say we meaning me) arent to picky as far as it all goes, but of course would like to get the most bang for our buck and effort.

I've been digging and digging and have yet to find a lean for less then $230 range, minus polls and what not, point me in the right direction?

I was also concerned with us taking the boat down to the island, of course I didnt want to have to lug polls, I read around here that the Fort has some, but didnt want to have to depend on those fully, just incase we get there and they are already in use.

I was going to attempt one with out ropes, but honestly how crafty do I think I am :blink:

Edited by Abigail Roughnight
  Abigail Roughnight said:
I did find this and may attempt to re-create one from that sheet. If anyone has any tips pass em along, I'm hoping of course to pick a design out and find the right kind of tree there to do it, if all else fails there is Home Depot =/

Yes there is a Home Depot within driving distance... some of the guys just slept in hammocks with a tarp over head... at least last year there were quite a few number of trees that made that possible.

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Depending on exactly how period correct you'd like to be there are many options but one concern you might want consider is the weather and the protection offered by a tent that can give you certain safety in case of a storm. If you're traveling with family this can be of an even greater concern. As to showers, we are bringing along a propane water heater for after hours hygiene with an enclosure for privacy.

Here is a link to the maker I have used; their work is first rate and they offer a good product at a fair price.

Red Hawk Traders

this model offers a wide latitude of useful configurations.

Posted (edited)

For me the basic, basic tent set up is this: one 11'x11' tarp, four stakes, one 12' 1x4 cedar plank and two oars. The result is known as the Oar House. The tarp is a 12 oz drop cloth from Home Depot, washed. The stakes are rebar, not wood, as KW is made of coral. A few feet of natural fiber rope and there ye have it, a tent made o' spare sailcloth, just like a careening pyrate might have had. Total cost about $40. All of this can be purchased at PiP Home Depot.

This year I'm adding another bit o' sailcloth to the front fer a little privacy and weatherproofness and adding two more oilcloths, in addition to the one ground cloth I had last year, to improve weather resiliency. Mind you that oilcloth cannot be made at PiP as it needs to "cure" a bit before use. I'll see if I can find a picture of the Oar House.

Ah, here's one:


Photo courtesy of William Red Wake, aka Captain Brand.

The one ground cloth that I had last year is under my knees in this picture. I had a few more tarps to simulate more spare sailcloth that I used to cover coolers and such and to serve as bedding. A sleeping bag (never used) was in the truck just in case of cold weather. The corners of the tarp were simply tied in overhand knots and the stakes driven through the knots. The soul of simplicity. This year I plan to "mirror" the tarp to close off the front of the tent, making it fully enclosed. Entry will be by parting the overlap in the center of one side or by unhooking one corner of the top tarp at the center. Since one tarp will still be staked down, opening one side of the topmost tarp should not cause the whole thing to collapse. That's the theory, anyway. I'll test it betore I come down.

Eventually I intend to resew this into a small tops'l or sprits'l, but life keeps getting in the way. .

Edited by Captain Jim


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

Posted (edited)

Aye. What I did was decide that I couldn't afford a "real" tent and then set about thinking about what a real pirate would do for cover while careening. Patrick was thinking along the same lines and so the idea of a "careening camp" was born as an excuse for us Pyrates to be ashore in the first place. The next step for me was to get a chunk of canvas and go outside and play with it, keeping in mind what sailors would have on board: spikes, wood, line, canvas or old sails. I threw in the oars just because I had 'em on hand (spares, not the ones from the longboat, I swear Captain!) I took about an hour to come up with the design and I find it quite roomy and steady as well. For the central "ridge" a small sapling could be substituted, something that could have been cut on site, and the same could be said for the support poles. Or use "spare planking" for both.

Something I forgot: I had to cut the tarp square. Most dropcloths are rectangles so you will have to shorten the long side to get this to work. At lest that's what I did. You may find some way to make a rectangle work, but I went the easy route.

Edited by Captain Jim


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


We picked up our tent from Track of the Wolf - it's a Baker Lean To plus we go the fly addition. I think it was $450, including the stakes and ground cloth. We will be using it initially at St. Arrrrgustine in mid November before heading to PiP with it. There, it will be our Tea shoppe. We still sleep in the fort. There's 12 of us and that's just a lot of tentage to deal with. Plus, it does rain there periodically... coverage is good.

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com


As far as lingo goes...it all depends. I had several conversations with people about trying to "sound" period correct - or at least pirate correct. (There's a big difference.) Basically it came down to - do whatever you feel comfortable doing. I tried to adopt an English accent at times (which surely would have made most Brits wince, if not slyly reach for their cudgels), but most of the time I just spoke as I normally do. As Mary Diamond told me last year before my first trip to PiP, any effort you make is appreciated (and it turned out to be perfectly true).

My favorite site was Boo's camp. It was actually quite simple. You can see pics of it at the top of one of my '07 PiP webpages:


(Which, in all fairness, were also taken by William Redwake. Thanks William! I am going to miss your camera this year! :D )

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


  Capt. Sterling said:
Damnation Nell is Nigel scaring the wee ones again? Tell him Sterling said to get it right, tis the big ones that need the scaring!

As to yer first time out at PiP, do what ye can, but no sense in killing yerself over it. Come out and have some fun, the rest will come with time... we all had to start some where...

Captain Sterling.... I must admit, since joinin the crew o the Bloodlust, I be seein' more wee ones burst inta tears at the mere sight o' me than 'er before. They be a right bad influence on ol' Rusty :D and i loves em' fer it.



“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

  Capt. Sterling said:
  Abigail Roughnight said:
  Capt. Sterling said:
Damnation Nell is Nigel scaring the wee ones again? Tell him Sterling said to get it right, tis the big ones that need the scaring!

As to yer first time out at PiP, do what ye can, but no sense in killing yerself over it. Come out and have some fun, the rest will come with time... we all had to start some where...

Ha, little Raigen gave him a good glare. I need to upload the picture of it.

I bet she scared the livin daylights out of him...

LOL .. tis true, had she cried he's have turned tail and run :D


“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

  callenish gunner said:
As to showers, we are bringing along a propane water heater for after hours hygiene with an enclosure for privacy.

Red Hawk Traders

this model offers a wide latitude of useful configurations.

ahhh.... you could make a right killing charging by the minute for a shower Callenish. Last year was so chilly at night I was tempted to bathe wrapped in a wool blanket.


“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

  Mission said:
As far as lingo goes...it all depends. I had several conversations with people about trying to "sound" period correct - or at least pirate correct. (There's a big difference.) Basically it came down to - do whatever you feel comfortable doing. I tried to adopt an English accent at times (which surely would have made most Brits wince, if not slyly reach for their cudgels), but most of the time I just spoke as I normally do. As Mary Diamond told me last year before my first trip to PiP, any effort you make is appreciated (and it turned out to be perfectly true).

My favorite site was Boo's camp. It was actually quite simple. You can see pics of it at the top of one of my '07 PiP webpages:


(Which, in all fairness, were also taken by William Redwake. Thanks William! I am going to miss your camera this year! :D )

The first few years I hardly had any accent at all, and no one seemed to mind - I did try to throw in some nautical terminology into my speech as would be natural of a sailor (that was fairly easy for me having been in the Navy) here are a few glossaries if you really want to do some home work - still I promise you by the end of the weekend you'll find the lingo creeping into your everyday speech... before long your co-workers and neighbors are going to wonder what your up to LOL

read this a few times and you'll find ways to work these terms into everyday conversation:


this is a good one has more of the "pirate" specific slang:


Oh and should you really want to work on an accent I found reading this helpful: though eventually I chose to go more Cornish with my character -- t a lot of sailor were from Bristol it was a really large port.. reading this dictionsry a tongue twister at first..


and if you want to listen to different accents I googled - British Regional Accents Audio Sample, here's one of the many:


And don't kill yourself getting ready - getting there is half the fun.. come play with us and you'll find the hang of it in no time.



“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce


We just secured our tent from Panther Primitives. They were a joy to work with, and had lots of helpful advice. We will be using a wall tent for me and the Captain, and our son will be in a wedge with drop cloth. The most important thing about being at PiP, is the being there part. All of the other stuff will just come together for you all. You'll fall in love with the PiP family, as you can already tell by meeting the host crewe The Bone Island Buccaneers!



Aye, just be there. All else is fungible.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

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