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Shanty Camp


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As I said I would I would like to throw this out there for anybody that might be interested.

The weekend before Thanksgiving this year myself and Slo Gin will be attending a 4 day musical workshop that is strictly focused on sea shanties.....

The camp is put on by Hank Cramer along with whats looks to be an excellent staff....Hank has been the Shantyman on the Lady Washington and other tall ships he also has a group called "Constellations Crew" that does concerts for the preservation on the USS Constellation that is in Baltimores inner harbor.

While it might be a little late to get registered for this one, this is the 3rd camp in 2 years.....so one should be coming up in the spring.....

As I was reading the forums there are any number of questions, period shanties, sheet music etc.....

There are several historians that are gonna get a workout on those questions.

I realize alot of people will be doing preperations and be getting ready to go to pip....but if you are interested in checking out more about this here is the link


Check it out and if your in the PNW and might be interested...give them a shout.....I am sure there is still room!

When camp is over of course I will write a full report on the goings on.

dark Rose

The Enigmatic Rogue...and may always be<br />

<br />

"I kissed her... once with passion... once with love... and told her good bye"

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Man, Diosa and I are so in on that! We have the mileage and a trip to the old homeland would be fun, especially Port Townsend (we had so much fun there). I have a banjo that Rick gave me when he was in Mt. Dora. Would like to see him again.

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
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  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

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Dang! I'll be just missing that. I'll be in the Seattle area the week before, but leaving on the 20th. Oh well, maybe next time...


She was bigger and faster when under full sail

With a gale on the beam and the seas o'er the rail


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I will keep all informed as to the scheduled events of this sort....

And if anybody knows of other things like this going on...let me know... We'll get it posted and maybe stir some interest....


The Enigmatic Rogue...and may always be<br />

<br />

"I kissed her... once with passion... once with love... and told her good bye"

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Ye have until November 1st to register fer the last one. I would love to be going, but me treasure has run dry. ;)

I met Hank when he performed here at the Cape Disappointment state park with the Constellation Crew. I fell in love with his voice and the songs. What a pleasure it be to talk to him. He is funny and witty and such a great singer, songwriter. I bought all his CD's. This camp is something I am saving for, for next summer. I won't be miss'n this again!

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Not so good news................

I received a communique from Hank this afternoon telling us that the November camp has had to be postponed....just not enough people signed up this go-round. There will be another planned soon but will be in the new year....

I will keep everybody up on when it is so if you are of a mind to make the trip you will have plenty of time.

In the mean time if anybody is in Seattle on the last Sunday of any given month let me know.....The Last Sunday Shanty Singers would love to have you join us for good song, conversation, RUM (yes this is an adult sing) and just plain alot of fun...next one is this coming Sunday. I will be hosting so if you are going to be around let me know and I will get you directions.....


The Enigmatic Rogue...and may always be<br />

<br />

"I kissed her... once with passion... once with love... and told her good bye"

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Not so good news................

I received a communique from Hank this afternoon telling us that the November camp has had to be postponed....just not enough people signed up this go-round. There will be another planned soon but will be in the new year....

I will keep everybody up on when it is so if you are of a mind to make the trip you will have plenty of time.

In the mean time if anybody is in Seattle on the last Sunday of any given month let me know.....The Last Sunday Shanty Singers would love to have you join us for good song, conversation, RUM (yes this is an adult sing) and just plain alot of fun...next one is this coming Sunday. I will be hosting so if you are going to be around let me know and I will get you directions.....


Avast!  That be terrible news!  Be'in it is so close to Xmas may have had somethin' to do with it.  Thanks for keep'n us informed anyway.

BTW, I went to a Sea Shanty class here at Fort Columbia last Saturday.  It was so much fun!  Our instructors were: David LoVine (Shantyman for the Lady Washington.  He is awesome!), Bert and Di Meyer(Budd Bay Buccaneers), Matthew Moeller(The Whateverly Brothers), Phillip Morgan(the Cutters), and Dan Roberts(The Whateverly Brothers).  Also the songwriter, Mary Garvey.  She is a member of the original Seattle Song Circle.  

Here in our area, they have a sea shanty sing the last Monday of every month (except Nov. and Dec.) in Astoria, OR. at the Rogue.  

One more thing, please keep Di Meyer in your prayers.  She has breast cancer and though is doing well, is going through cemo right now.  She is such a wonderful singer and actor and I just want her to get all the mojo that she can.

Fair winds to all!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Not so good news................

I received a communique from Hank this afternoon telling us that the November camp has had to be postponed....just not enough people signed up this go-round. There will be another planned soon but will be in the new year....

I will keep everybody up on when it is so if you are of a mind to make the trip you will have plenty of time.

In the mean time if anybody is in Seattle on the last Sunday of any given month let me know.....The Last Sunday Shanty Singers would love to have you join us for good song, conversation, RUM (yes this is an adult sing) and just plain alot of fun...next one is this coming Sunday. I will be hosting so if you are going to be around let me know and I will get you directions.....


OH wish i'd known would have been one more on the list!! Might have saved it from being canceled maybe not. Please let me know next time. i am so busy sometimes I miss these things.


“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

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