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Where be me grog?!

Capn Bob

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:bangs cutlass on table and shouts, "Me grog, wench?! Where be me grog?!":

Well, since it seems I'm not doing anythin' here til I get me drink...I be Mad Capn Bob, the Official Pyrate of Cuyahoga Falls Library, currently livin'...marooned, more like...in Akron OH. If it be that any of you lubbers readin' this be residing in NE Ohio, fire me a shot cross me bows (all right, drop me an email)

I work in a library, which I suppose makes me a librarian (that be just me cover), and an educator (what, *me*?!). I'm also a flintknapper (and that be a whole different topic, if you be wantin' to know about that...), and two of me favorite toys are me atlatl and me sling (well, I can't properly be firing off me flintlocks in the city, now can I?) I grew up in the US Army, me ol' dad being thru WW2, Korea, and Vietnam, and me lving in places what include Fort Sam Houston, Fort Knox, and Illesheim Germany. Oh yeah...I've also done a fair share of scrimshaw in the past.

I also fancy trips to Walt Disney World, wherein I re-pyratize meself at the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. In fact, I have plans to be returning to WDW at the end of the year, barring any family emergency.

I first entered the wonderful world of pyracy way back when I was 5 or 6, whenever *that* was. One of the first books I can remember reading was a kiddie book about pirates, even had that well known engraving of Black Bart Roberts hisself on the back cover, you know the one...him at Whydah, in Africa.

And here's me grog...so silence tween decks while I drink...

Damn, thats sharp!

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Well Captain Bob, if you're coming to FL at the end of the year forget about WDW and come to Pirates in Paradise instead. Why just ride the ride for 20 minutes when you can live the life for the weekend?

And welcome aboard, mate.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

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ye grog, be where ye left it.........next ta yer shirt.

welcome aboard lad. Since ye are a landlocked book pyrate....what grand yarns an tales hae ye ta share? Salty settles doun wit a mug o rum and the rest o the lads an lasses

Mud Slinging Pyromanic , Errrrrr Ship's Potter at ye service

Vagabond's Rogue Potter Wench

First Mate of the Fairge Iolaire

Me weapons o choice be lots o mud, sharp pointy sticks, an string

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Well...thar be the one about the pirate what tried to get into the Gold Depository at Fort Knox but couldn't read the sign...but that be a short story, altho it does end wi' a bang.

I grew up in the Army, and when we finally retired from the forces and moved up to NE Ohio and Civilian-Land, I was amazed to learn there were people what thought Fort Knox was just something in a James Bond movie. Bloody civilians.

We (me folks an' me, that is) lived in Fort Knox from 1968-1969. Saw the Gold Depository and the Patton Armor Museum both, and of the two places in the fort, the Patton Museum was much more interesting. Also more welcoming.

The Gold Depository is sort of a squat wedding cake shaped building with a decided perimeter around it with signs printed in large and very unfriendly letters proclaiming if you are stupid enough to go beyond that point, the MPs will fire *one* warning shot over yer head. The next shot fired will be aimed just a little lower.

MPs are known for firing first and asking questions never, and also for their lack of humor.

The fact that I can relate this proves that, whatever people might say about me, I was never *that* stupid.

Okay, not much of a pirate story, and if you want one, you'll have to wait for me to make one up...errr...for me to get sober enuff to remember...

ye grog, be where ye left it.........next ta yer shirt.

welcome aboard lad. Since ye are a landlocked book pyrate....what grand yarns an tales hae ye ta share? Salty settles doun wit a mug o rum and the rest o the lads an lasses

Damn, thats sharp!

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Welcome to th' Pub, Bob! Glad t' have another Midwesterner! I'm firin' off a shout to ye from th' not so tropical waters of Iowa. From the flooded city actually. :::grumbles about the place:::

How's 'bout some sweet red wine, mate. :lol:

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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The cap'n doffs his hat to a lady (he knows his manners, he does...), buys her the sticky sweet stuff requested, and sez: "Why, thankee most kind for the welcome...and since ye be a discernin' lass...I got me right here a couple o' tickets for the newest smash hit, called "Beggar's Opera", now showin' at the French Carriage Drive In..."

Welcome to th' Pub, Bob! Glad t' have another Midwesterner! I'm firin' off a shout to ye from th' not so tropical waters of Iowa. From the flooded city actually. :::grumbles about the place:::

How's 'bout some sweet red wine, mate. :P

~Lady B

Damn, thats sharp!

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Well, sadly, I got no pix of me scrimshaw. I had been doing that back in the 1980's, long before the Age of Digital Photography. Most of my work I sold off to some shops up in Vermillion OH. I might have one or two pieces, done on plastic slabs, laying around someplace.

I'll have to see if I can run up some pix of my flintknappery...I have a bin full of my projectile points, of varying quality and material (everything from Flint Ridge flint to obsidian, fiber optic glass, and beer bottle bottoms)

I *have* been playing around, in me mind, wi' the idea of taking up scrimshaw again. Found an online source of working material (read: fossil ivory) that is more or less affordable. But won't be starting anything up again til next year.

Most of my work back then was Great Lakes ships, and I'll likely still be focusing on that should I start back with the scrimshanding...

As a side note, I found a small ivory scrap among some of my father's papers. I suspect he picked it up in Vietnam. I'm in the process of cleaning it up, but I don't know if I'll work it...its got a nasty scratch across the face. If I can't get rid of the scratch, I'll just polish it up, drill a small hole, and use it in a dangle, making up a good lie about how I obtained it. ("Last week, I shot an elephant in my pyjamas. What he was doing in them, I'll never know...")

Welcome Bob, set a spell, have a drink, show us pictures of your wares!

Damn, thats sharp!

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  • 1 month later...

A few posts back, someone asked about some pix of my work. I suspect they were talking about my scrimshaw, but what they're getting instead is flintknapping.

First pix is of a stemmed obsidian pointed hafted onto a deer bone and bound with sinew.

Second is a fantail Flint Ridge flint pointed hafted onto a deer bone stained with walnut juice (which does not make for good drinking, in case you be wonderin'...)

Oh, and aye...them hairy hands be mine...flintknappin' ain't always pretty...



Damn, thats sharp!

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  • 1 month later...

that is really impresive work sir! and as it would turn happen be from tiffin though not currently resideing there.

if you ever make it over that ways there are a number of areas tha were formerly nstive reservations at one point and my step father and i have a decent small collection of flints tools and tools made of stone knives drill bits pesltes and axes are some any way greaat to see that some are so close by!


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Thanks for the info and the complement! Flintknapping is a very useful skill for any pirate, in case of shipwreck or the like.

I first discovered projectile points and the like way way back when living in Tulsa...altho I'm sure I must have encountered them even further back, living in Fort Sam Houston. I've been attempting knapping, with very limited success (actually, mnore like no success) from the age of 13...altho recently, as you can see, I've had better luck at it.

The Obsidian Spirit must like me now.

that is really impresive work sir! and as it would turn happen be from tiffin though not currently resideing there.

if you ever make it over that ways there are a number of areas tha were formerly nstive reservations at one point and my step father and i have a decent small collection of flints tools and tools made of stone knives drill bits pesltes and axes are some any way greaat to see that some are so close by!

Damn, thats sharp!

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Welcome aboard good sir and as you were buying drinks may i be so bold as to request a Plunder Me Cherry...extra cherries o' course. And we do hope you enjoy your stay here....


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png

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Wuz I buyin' drinks? I don't remember!

Well, as ye be askin' nicely, I reckon I can spring for yer drink...and such an interesting name for it, too...shall we go over into that nice dark corner and...errr...talk about it?

And I been enjoyin' me stay here immensely!

Welcome aboard good sir and as you were buying drinks may i be so bold as to request a Plunder Me Cherry...extra cherries o' course. And we do hope you enjoy your stay here....

Damn, thats sharp!

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But...I don't wear purses...

And if yer dagger has *that* problem, consult yer doctor about Detrol...that'll dry that excess wee right up, and save the dagger much embarressment...

*Grins and nods to the corner in question* Sure if'n ye do not mind losin yer purse to my wee dagger...

Glad you are enjoying your stay!

Damn, thats sharp!

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Why, thank'ee...I do what I can. But there's flintknapping work out there that enters into the area of Art (note the capitalization...)...I've seen Danish daggers made by DC Waldorf that are just...stunning.

Anyway, I, like any knapper, have certainly bled for the Art...bandaids and cornstarch are excellent things...

Wonderful work you did there, Sir!

Damn, thats sharp!

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