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'Bloody 'eck!..Sailin' South!

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"Screw it!!!...Winter really sucks in the northern extremes on a square-rigger!!..Alla the commercial boys, (Chieftain, L.W., etc) went south in late fall, next year this 'ole Pyrate Ship's gonna do the same!!..Sea Battles down the coast, hang in So.Cal. for a bit, then Mexico till spring!!..Best be bookin' a leg early if'n ye be interested!!..This'll serve as me one and only New Year's Resolution, by Neptune's Trident!!"... :)



"Naw, if'n it works out, I'd like to be on the Central Coast about the time of Ojai in late Sept...And the Toshiba Tallships Fest..I declined this year, due to surgery issues..O.K. by next year, hopefully!"....



Pyrate swimwear, 'eh? Wuld that be a patch appropriately placed somwhar's? :rolleyes::D

  the Royaliste said:
:D Aye!!..One 'patch' fits all!!! :D


Ye mebbe....but....*looks at self*


Um...ah....me donna think so. :D


  Sassy said:
  the Royaliste said:
:D Aye!!..One 'patch' fits all!!! :D


Ye mebbe....but....*looks at self*


Um...ah....me donna think so. :D


"Aw, 'eck!!..Aye ain't a' goin' there, not e'en close!!..But, we sailors know that offshore, one size WILL suffice for all!!!..(As long as the sunblock holds out!) :D



Har's te be'n nauty 'n natycal. :rolleyes:

Yo ho, yo ho...'tis a pyrate's life fer me! :rolleyes:


*Rolls keg down gangplank, hogshead does a spin, and comes to rest, standing*.. :o

"Ere, might as well do some serious drinkin'!!" B)


Just got wind of a reenactment in 2005 on Lake Champlain, a' wantin' the 'ROYALISTE' back again!..Might turn into something!!



O.K. my brother reenactors, here's the skinny:

The Bougainville Voyage: Summer 2005

An historical voyage for 18th Century longboats in the Summer of 2005 under oar and sail from Isle-aux-Noix National Historic Site in Canada to Ticonderoga (Carillon), New York, reflecting aspects of the career of French Seven Years' War officer Louis-Antoine de Bougainville. Bougainville, later a celebrated Pacific navigator, commanded the French garrison at Isle-aux-Noix, and served at Carillon during the defeat of Abercromby in 1758. The longboat flotilla is meant to represent a French reinforcing force voyaging to Carillon. Crews will be required to be in correct dress of 1758, and the flotilla hopes to secure the escort of the replica 18th Century French Bomb Ketch "Royaliste". Over the one-week period of the voyage the flotilla will stop at key points on the lake and present demonstrations and presentations meant to draw attention to the 18th Century historical heritage of the lake and its ongoing environmental fragility. Intended stops for the Flotilla are now seen as Isle-aux-Noix (departure); Isle La Motte; Valcour Island; Shelburne, Vermont; Crown Point, New York; and Fort Ticonderoga (arrival).

For preliminary information and expressions of interest contact: Victor Suthren, Event Organizer, The Bougainville Voyage, 2581 Flannery Drive,Ottawa, Ontario,

CanadaK1V 8M4Tel: 613 730-3243Fax: 613 730-2224

E-mail: suthren@magma.ca



The Bougainville Voyage: Summer 2005.... this be an adventure fer sure. :)


:rolleyes: Indeed!!..Would be quite the adventure, she's done the 'Raid on Ticonderoga' during the Grand Encampment 1997, 10,000 participants...This would be one hella fine 'homecoming'!!...

'A Pirates Life for Me, for sure!'



Pyratical encounters o' all kinds. Me thinks be a wonderous thing te be a part of.

Congratulations te ye Royaliste. :rolleyes:



A long 'n treacherous trip te be sure. Prolly me thinks worth it te be part o'such a reenactment but not iffen it be strain'n her timbers 'n damaging te the ship.


I just contacted the sponsors again..With a year and a half lead time, something may develop!..And, we've got bigger guns than the last time!!...(Checks list of eastern gunpowder suppliers)... :rolleyes:


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