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Posted (edited)

Black Syren - When you get a chance to breath and do updates and such.

M' Ship be The Salty Kiss; m' name be Captain Emerald Shaunassey. More information can be had to hand by visiting http://www.TheLadiesoftheSaltyKiss.com/; http://www.myspace.com/tlotsk or http://www.myspace.com/theladiesofthesaltykiss, and last but not least, look for us on Facebook at: The Ladies of the Salty Kiss page.

Thanks luv!


Edited by Captain Emerald Shaunassey

Captain Emerald Shaunassey O' The Salty Kiss


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I'm the Vice-President of Pirates of Treasure Cove.

Any one interested in reading books to kids or demonstrations on stage let me know. We are on the west coast, S. Calif.


  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


So far there are only two of my crew even on these forums (those being myself and my quartermaster, Malachai Armstrong), however I'd like to encourage more of our ranks to join, and it might behoove us to have a dedicated forum.

We are the Pirates of Ill Repute, hailing from the ever-so-landlocked port of Denver, CO, with members scattered across the Front Range. We've been sailin' the High Plains since 2007! (www.piratesofillrepute.org)

The dreaded prairie schooner Ill Repute is commanded by myself, Sean Michael MacCumhaill, better known as Captain Jack McCool.

We're always looking for folks around Colorado who are obsessed *ahem* enthusiastic about the Golden Age of Piracy. We are not sticklers for historical authenticity, but I personally respect it emensly, and I always encourage our crew to be, at the very least, historically mindful.

If you're interested in a drinking group with pirate overtones, we're not for you. But if your idea of having fun is dressing up like a buccaneer and going out in public to do any variety of activities for no other reason than to make people on the street go "huh?" then you may very well have found your long-lost pirate family!

Edited by Captain McCool

Captain Jack McCool, landlocked pirate extraordinaire, Captain of the dreaded prairie schooner Ill Repute, etc. etc.


"That’s what a ship is, you know. It’s not just a keel, and a hull, and a deck, and sails. That’s what a ship needs. But what a ship is… what the Black Pearl really is… is freedom."

-Captain Jack Sparrow



We too would like to be listed if you please.

We are the Rhode Island Pirate Players www.RIPiratePlayers.org . Our captain be John Atwood. Our primary focus is pirates originating and those making a home in our home state. We have been in existence since 2006 and offer a host of activities that we participate in. Anyone looking to sign our articles please drop us a line.

Thank You



  • 8 months later...

I be known as Devious Di, captain of the good (????) ship Nefarious Enterprise on Lake of the Woods (NW Ontario) and I be lookin fer them of strong back and questionable ethics fer pyracy upon the lake next year. I've quarry picked out and the right people bribed to provide good plunder but still shy on souls.

If'n ye be looking fer REAL adventure on the high seas, ya know were I kin be found.

Captain of Enterprise out of Rheault Bay


Good day to you fine folk of hte sea. I am Captain Charity Ann Rackham and I was pointed in this direction from a friend. In all reality I do not know how often I will be able to come by (photo shoots, gigs, sword practice, the rest of life, promos, etc...) but as it was sugeste dthat I come by here, by a person I do respect.. Here I am.

My ship is The Jade Dragon. We were created for the BC Renaissance Festival storyline and have since then blossomed into outside gigs and many adventures. With previous crew mates trying to shut us down (I did read some of the 'should we have a crew photo album' posts and noticed the concern about pics staying up if crew have left - makes sense) it has been a long struggle but over the last 6 years we still remain in existence. It is a shame I had not come here until now.

Ed (Firstmate Cobbs) and I have been working more and more with our blades and have done the most travelling. The crew has changed a bit but the core group stays loyal. We are keeping the core group small and having others sort of 'in and out' as we need them....

Not sure what else to tell you.






I've been editting video for the last week from our last gig so there should be more going up soon....

Umm.. Yeah... Let me know if there is anything in particular and so on..

Gotta dash. Have to actually get a few hours sleep tonight.

May our ships pass peacefully in the night. Note I say nothing of the day.

Charity Ann Rackham

Captain of the Jade Dragon

Admiral of the Rackham Fleet

British Columbia, Canada

FaceBook (Christina Carr AKA Charity Ann Rackham - as well as a Jade Dragon Pirates page)

Myspace (carrhunger is the personal one and Jadedragonpirates is the other)

BCRF page is: http://www.bcrenfest.com

Jade Dragon: http://www.jadedragonpirates.com

May our ships pass peacefully in the night. Note I say nothing of the day.


Posted (edited)

I don't know why you find it necessary to say that previous crew are trying to shut you down, when in fact it is (or should be) a private court matter stemming from an unpaid personal loan.

Please don't bring that nonsense here.

Edited by Gunpowder Gertie
Posted (edited)

Previous crew can be one or more of a number of people and the ones you refer to are not concerned with the personal loan and do appear to be trying to shut us down. They aren't the first and since a number of other pirate performers and business types have been (and a few presently are) in court cases or have had folks try to shut them down I simply felt that it was a bit of a blanket statement.

I have made no mention of the personal loan (which BTW, we offered to pay back but the offer was turned down - we have a book of proof coming with us to the court case for the invested BCRF money now being claimed as being a loan - not an investment - they claim it is a business loan - BTW not personal which is why it wasn't mentioned in my post.). The post was in relation to the other posts re: past members and having control over including or deleting images. That's been a tough one for us as there are about 3 different sets of previous members of crew (who are in images we use for promo) and actors who have come and gone with the cast (who are also in images we still use for promo) and it is a constant concern with our group as to how to balance the personal emotions with the professional image. Some have peacefully and gracefully left and others have not. This is a common thing and I was relating. For all you know I could be referring to two others who were part of the crew MUCH longer back and the ones you just referred to were never Jade Dragon crew anyway.. They were BCRF cast NOT crew. So... Yeah... Besides... That private court matter became less private when a mis quote on FaceBook was brought into the police by them, and two members of my team were called and told that they were threatening their lives. One now can not renew his security license until it is over with. His income is now affected and all he did was post his frustrations with society NOT the person in question.

Really.. I had no intention of publicising what is going on but I find plenty of sympathy for those trying to decided how to handle images of previous crew on a public form. AND... I have never done anything along the lines of what is being accussed of me. I really would appreciate it if next time, you write me a personal note asking if my post is what you think it is and ask me one on one, if it was possible to reword it in order to make it clearer. I've been in this industry for 34 years. I could be referring to anyone or anything.

Thank you.

  On 8/29/2010 at 9:19 AM, Gunpowder Gertie said:

I don't know why you find it necessary to say that previous crew are trying to shut you down, when in fact it is (or should be) a private court matter stemming from an unpaid personal loan.

Please don't bring that nonsense here.

Edited by CharityRackham

Charity Ann Rackham

Captain of the Jade Dragon

Admiral of the Rackham Fleet

British Columbia, Canada

FaceBook (Christina Carr AKA Charity Ann Rackham - as well as a Jade Dragon Pirates page)

Myspace (carrhunger is the personal one and Jadedragonpirates is the other)

BCRF page is: http://www.bcrenfest.com

Jade Dragon: http://www.jadedragonpirates.com

May our ships pass peacefully in the night. Note I say nothing of the day.


Posted (edited)

Not sure if our crew is listed here or not. This here be Lucretia Lacey, Ships Boson of "Ye Pyrate Brotherhood" and the brigantine "Scorpion". We are located on the "Island of Long" (Long Island, NY). We be up for all things piratical, though aim toward lecturing, sharing of treasure for "wee one" (treasure hunts) and charitble works.

Ye Pyrate Brotherhood-Captain James Bartholomew Hawke

visit our website @ www.yepyratebrotherhood.org

Thank you,


Edited by lucretia lacey
  On 9/6/2010 at 9:31 PM, lucretia lacey said:

Not sure if our crew is listed here or not. This here be Lucretia Lacey, Ships Boson of "Ye Pyrate Brotherhood" and the brigantine "Scorpion". We are located on the "Island of Long" (Long Island, NY). We be up for all things piratical, though aim toward lecturing, sharing of treasure for "wee one" (treasure hunts) and charitble works.

Ye Pyrate Brotherhood-Captain James Bartholomew Hawke

visit our website @ www.yepyratebrotherhood.org

Thank you,


Fer many the year I dwelt near by t' thee. A mere twenty mile east o' Montauk. That Isle "of the Little God", Mannasee. Though named for himself, the Dutchman Adrein Block. T'is true, on a clear night, from Mohegan Bluffs we could see the fires of the sentinals of the point of Montauk. Aye! And ye the same. Be ye asured, t'was in the cold o' winter or in the dry days of mid summer that it being clear enough t' see! Fore as well ye knows, thence is where we make the fog! Dutch.

  On 9/13/2010 at 7:57 AM, Sir Beachem Quick said:

Quick Question, exactly how many doth a crew make me wonders?

Although it would indicate a group with a common goal usually with separate leaders I think of the Greatest Mariner of All. Joshua Slocum. The first man to Solo Circumnavigate. In his Book, "Sailing Alone Around the World", he continually refers to the calm or statisfaction in the foc's'l. Meaning all was peaceful among the Crew. Yet he was alone. That would make this clear as mud. Dutch

  On 9/6/2010 at 9:34 PM, lucretia lacey said:

almost forgot to put in who's the captain...sorry... had to go back and edit it.

Cap'n Hawke?????

But, but, but, but Monty always said that HE was captain. :unsure:;) ;)

Jas. Hook

"Born on an island, live on an island... the sea has always been in my blood." Jas. Hook

"You can't direct the wind . . . but . . . you can adjust the sails."

"Don't eat the chickens with writing on their beaks." Governor Sawney

  • 1 month later...

alas Miss Syreen...could ya find it inna yur soul to put upon tha paper our Mark of...

the Forsaken

and since we have no captain per say...put me mark down as Capitan "pro tempe"

thank ye kindly,

the M.A.d'Dogge

  On 9/13/2010 at 7:57 AM, Sir Beachem Quick said:

Quick Question, exactly how many doth a crew make me wonders?

I think, any souls able and willin' to attend events. Many can state they sign up, but really boils down to who shows up at events. Could be 2, or could be 200.

A Captain-less group, Dogge? My goodness. Well, perhaps Fate be sayin' ye don't need a Captain. Perhaps ye be just a Society of Scoundrels. Former Pirate crew without a vessel to work and a Captain to command thee.

Tis lonely th' been sailin' th' seas without a crew, but at least ye be a pirate of your proper rite and tis somethin' t' be proud of!

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

Posted (edited)

I have a small crew on each of the two Age of Sail boards where Sol Picador is the pirate captain. Always needing more, of course... And "Before the Mast" has won two awards already (RPG Directory's 24-th Forum of the Fortnight and RPG Underground's 3-th Forum of the Month award), so it means I am still doing something well!

The Vikings - they were pirates too - game is barely starting, so Sigurd has a beautiful ship here, but no crew yet...

Edited by Elena

-A swashbuckling adventures RPG, set in 1720 in West Indies; winner of Distant Fantasies& RPG-D Member's Choice Award; RPG Conference's Originality Award; 2011 & 2012 Simming Prizes-

  • 3 weeks later...

Take Notice!

Aye, t'was best to use that seeing as the website for the Resurrection crew (that I've been attempting to get going) has changed. The URL for th' new site is: http://resurrectionpirates.webs.com

If ye have that anywhere's on yo'r sites, make the change if ye please. And help spread th' word. Aye? Would be most grateful.

It will be under construction for a while, so please be patient. Also, don't forget t' check th' site from time t' time.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

  • 2 years later...

I wouldn't mind joining a crewe of some sort. My time be limited with the wee ones but some sort of online knock about crewe would be fun. I really don't know what I'm looking for maybe just a crewe to call a crew I guess but, I would make a good crewe mate as any be'n a bit of a ship wright. I'm no master by any means but I do know me jibs from me mizzens and sharp enough to not mix up the sheet's between the two. If there be a crewe in need of a mate let me know I'd be glad to join.

It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... is freedom. - Captain Jack Sparrow


  • 6 months later...

Captain Jay Tucci would like to recruit for his crew the Northeast Buccaneers. We sail out o' the coastal waters of Maine and New Hampshire. Seeking more members to join us, as well as pirates to plunder with!

  • 4 months later...

I was recently reviewing some old posts about crew searches and existing groups and thought I'd start an ongoing list of all active crews around the world. If you have an active pirate crew that attends events both public and private, please tell us about them here and we'll add them to the list. Please list any pertinent website or contact information, as well as what events you might attend. New pirates are always looking for local crews to join and/or associate with around the globe. Sound off and let us know about regular updates to your crew, and invite other crews that you know of to make themselves known here.

Brotherhood of the Crossed Bones

Catalog of Crews

82nds REVENGE (MISSOURI) A work renaissance performance group traveling the Midwest performing at ren faires. Our main focus is live steel and living history. We have and are looking for individuals for our group that are skilled in the peaceful arts, including but not limited to cooking, wood crafting, sewing , black smithing, armoring, brewing, and painting/drawing.

ANCIENT CITY PRIVATEERS (FLORIDA) They provide fun, educational, and historical activities in a safe, clean, and family oriented environment for people of all ages. Their mission is to help people learn about maritime history of St. Augustine, Florida.

ARIZONA CORSAIRS (ARIZONA) Incorporating the theme of pirates and piracy in all forms for our enjoyment and the the enjoyment of the public.

ATLANTA PIRATE & WENCHES (GEORGIA) Drinkin', pillagin' and other acts of debauchery




CHARLES TOWNE FEW (EAST COAST/CAROLINAS) To increase knowledge of our period (1690-1820), acquire authentic period dress, living history and the sweet trade from Georgia to North Carolina.

CREWE OF THE ARCHANGEL (EAST COAST) Living Historians dedicated to accurately portraying early Colonial Maritime History and the Golden Age of Pyracy.

CREW OF THE SCAVENGER (South West Florida) Living History group.

CREW OF THE THUNDERKISS (LOUISIANA) We're a social group of Pirate Wenches, Pirates and like minded folk out of New Orleans.

CURSED FEW (GEORGIA) Working together with other pirates in the area to support different events, such as 'The Southern Pirate Festival' and the 'Tybee Island Pirate Festival'.

DEVIL'S BROOD PYRATES (CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES) We do anything from re-enactments to performing, with a required certain level of historical authenticity

FERNANDINA PIRATES CLUB (FLORIDA) Promoting our annual 'Isle of Eight Flags Shrimp Festival' and the community at large and try to do our part to better life in our charming little seaport town.

FORSAKEN PYRATES (GREAT LAKES) Pyrates, Privateers, Pyrate Hunters and presently gathering supplies and allies round the Great Inland Seas....we are whatever pays the better.

GREAT LAKES RIVER PIRATES (GREAT LAKES) To educate in Matters regarding River Piracy as it was practiced inland on the Lakes and Rivers of the 18th and early 19th C.

HALF MOON MARAUDERS () We are a living history group dedicated to the golden age of piracy. We aim for historical accuracey, but we aim for fun first and foremost.

JADE DRAGON PIRATES (CANADA) Performers, entertainers, characters, fighters

MERCURY (NORTH AMERICA) Portraying late 17th and early 18th century pirates and medicine

PIRATES OF THE DARK ROSE (EAST COAST) Pirates fer Hire, specializing in Cannons, Blades, and Birds




PIRATES OF THE TREASURE COAST (FLORIDA) Pirate themed festival, parties and corporate events


PORT ROYAL BUCCANEERS (FLORIDA) Theatrical & historical re-enactors showcasing the Golden Age of Piracy, as experienced in Port Royal Jamaica.


PRESENTING THE PAST (FLORIDA) Interactive historic character presentations and courses

PYRATES OF THE COAST (WASHINGTON) Pirates and a pirate band ready to take your guests on a rollicking nautical adventure of a lifetime


RESURRECTION (UPPER MIDWEST) Historical fiction pirates, buccaneers and smugglers utilizing historical realism between 1660 to 1770 mixed with pirate lore, sea myths, Hollywood legend & novel fiction.

ROVING FLEET (CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES) A chapter of the Devil's Brood Pyrates with emphasis on travel through the U.S. as vendors and Performers

SAN DIEGO PIRATE COALITION (CALIFORNIA) Gambling, sword fighting, pillaging, or simple things like dressing in Renaissance Fair themed outfits and/or talking like a pirate.

SEARLE'S BUCCANEERS (FLORIDA) Historic English & Spanish re-enactments from 1513 to 1702

TALES OF THE SEVEN SEAS (CALIFORNIA) Pirate re-enactments, fairs, promotional events charitable benefits, festivals, and much more

VIGILANT CREW (MARYLAND) The Vigilant Crew is based out of Baltimore, Maryland and focuses on naval life during the 17th and 18th centuries.

WEST COAST MUTINEERS (FLORIDA) Pirate crew out of Tampa, Florida.

YE PYRATE BROTHERHOOD (NEW YORK) To provide realistic portrayals of pirates and other sailors to the public






Crew of the Mercury

Back in 2007, regular attendees at the Fort Taylor Pirate Invasion formed a careening camp crew called the Mercury, so that participants traveling from all parts of North America would have a crew to encamp with when attending the festival in Florida. Since that time our numbers have grown and we have attended as a crew at other events across North America and Europe. We still meet every year at Fort Taylor, as well at regular events in Ohio, Illinois, Florida, and elsewhere. You can find more information about us here on the Pub - https://pyracy.com/index.php/forum/101-mercury-crew/ - and on Facebook under the heading "Crew of the Mercury". Our crew is spread out all over North America and we regularly re-enact the early 1700s.





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