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SINCE we have had trouble getting a thread of our own (dang it!!) on the crew section, I'll put this in here..

We are the Pirates of the Plains, the Corsairs of the Cornfields. The only pirate ship of pyrite, we are The Fool's Gold!


Left behind after a major typhoon, we are now based in

the Midwest. We are from Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Minnesota. You will find us marauding at movies, kidnapping kids, plundering picnics, and fooling around at fests.

Capn Merrydeath (acting)

Quartermaster Red Bess

her spouse the Sturgeon and First Mate SeaRover

Navigator Pete Straw aka Evil Peaches

powder monkeys Andre and Daniel

Sean and Sahara Shelle Kill-Patrick

sometime Bone Collector Long Shot Scott

Black Anne of the North

and other that make it to the ship on time to sail.

associate Lady Barbossa

Ambassador Marcon Reighney


Fools Gold Pirates- Pirates of the Plains Unite!

from Iowa to Indiana and parts inbetween, join the crew for fests and feasts. We are mainly in Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa, but we are willing to add crew if they just want to join for a day. We have a touch of re-anactor about us, but with a pinch of fantasy to add fun. If you want to join us for the re-anactor fest in February, and possibly the Port Washinton WI fest in June, email me at yorkrose7@yahoo.com, heading Join The Crew.

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


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