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Thanks for that. I wish we had known sooner, it might be difficult to get everyone together but it sounds like fun.

Thanks for posting!!!

Cook and Seamstress to the Half Moon Marauders

Lady Brower's Treasures, Clothing and other treasures

Hell Hath No Fury like the Wrath of a Woman... No that's it. She doesn't need a reason.




I just got more information for you...

"Not only would pirates in costume be allowable, it would be welcome as it would add a little flavor to the festivities. However, everybody coming has to pay the $20 donation to Mystic Seaport because this is a fundraiser. There are no freebies. Even our volunteers have to pay this time around. If a few of you do plan to come please give me their names so I can put them on the list. We are taking advance reservations so we know how much food and seating to put out."

So, no "freebies"... Quel Damage! Oh well, Profit to Mystic is its raison d'être, no?

Boniface "Boncoeurs" Coeurloupe

"Le Coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point"

  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick reminder to all who are perusing this thread that we are indeed still looking for a few good pirates to join us in our new adventures. So if you are in the Hudson Valley area feel free to go to http://www.meetup.com/halfmoonmarauders and sign up, or talk to one of the crew if you have any questions. I am back now after a little hiatus so I will be available as well...Fair Winds and Fair Sailing!!


Half Moon Marauders

Irish Diplomacy... is the ability to tell a man to go to hell so that he looks forward to making the trip.

  • 10 months later...


The contact info for the Half Moon Marauders has changed... If you are interested in our crew for any reason, please contact myself, Lady (Ashley) Brower at ashley.brower@yahoo.com, www.myspace.com/halfmoonmarauders or visit us on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Half-Moon-Marauders/253034272861


Cook and Seamstress to the Half Moon Marauders

Lady Brower's Treasures, Clothing and other treasures

Hell Hath No Fury like the Wrath of a Woman... No that's it. She doesn't need a reason.



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