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Ventura Harbor Village - Pirate's Days

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Pirates Invade Venture Harbor Village

Anyone notice this one, it say it be th' 3rd Annual one it does?

It says there be pirates about so keep a weather eye out on yer

wenches, yer gold, and, most of all, yer rum! - - hmm, how did they know I might be there??

It also says "featuring professional pirate live-action shows, pirate themed activities and visitor participation" - - hmm, so this 'visitor participation' mean I can wear me breeches 'n cutlass do it??

It says "Watch World Champion knife and ax thrower, Pirate Jack Dagger" - - If Jack can have he's ax 'n blade then I should be able t' bring mine too...but I will not throw mine, I LIKE mine! :ph34r:

They e'en says Tiger Lee gona be there, so it Must Be a dress up event...how else Tiger gonna take our picture as a pirate if'n we aint pirates??

:ph34r: It e'en says:

"Adult pirates will be delighted with the newly added Rum Tasting at Margarita Villa and live belly-dancers outside of The Greek by the Harbor."


May be a bit far for the San Diego scoundrels, but it be just a stone skip from me....'n they got rum tasting margarita drink'n Belly-dancers!!



~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


I dunno bout garb but I plan t' wear me breeches, shirt, vest, boots, 'n blades...oh, 'n a hat, would be nekkid without me hat!

figure th' worse can happen be they turn me around at th' gate say'n I look too funny :rolleyes:

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

  • 2 weeks later...

I did naught see any familiar faces there...? But I went.

Tiny lit'le show but for free entrance 'n free park'n (once ye found one!!), it sure had quite a lit'le crowd...could'a use'd some pirate music however, they had a blues band 'n a couple douettes wonder'n round, but no Real pirate band...but they had a CUTE belly dancer! :unsure:


Chum Bucket..'er PhotoBucket


My Space on MySpace

I will have some footage o' "Pirates For Hire" up once I get it together, they did a couple REALLY nice shows, drew quite th' crowd they did!

(check out th' one photo o' 'The Pyrate With No Pants' - naught part o' th' show, but a show in it'self it'was!)


~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

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